forked from nalc/nalc-server
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@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ And this little bird has intention to go forward and improve.
* Générateur de terrain : Valleys
* Générateur de terrain : Valleys
* Graine du monde : 1681440164076556961
* Graine du monde : 1681440164076556961
* Liste des mods : (la pluspart sont corrigés où modifiés pour les besoins du serveur)
* Liste des mods : (la pluspart sont corrigés où modifiés pour les besoins du serveur)
3d_armor, 3d_armor_classes, action_timers, areas, armor_monoid, arrow_signs, bakedclay, banners, biome_lib, bitchange, bobblocks, bonemeal, boost_cart, broomstick, camera, cherry_tree, chesttools, christmas_craft, claycrafter, colddb, coloredwood, colouredstonebricks, columnia, connected_chests, cozy, craftguide, creeper, darkage, death_messages, diet, digilines, email, enchanting, exchange_shop, factions, fail, farming, fishing, food, food_sweet, framedglass, gauges, global_exchange, glow, h2omes, hazmat_suit, hbarmor, hbhunger, hbsprint, homedecor_modpack, hudbars, interact, inventorycheck, inventory_icon, invtweak, irc, irc_commands, item_drop, jumping, kpgmobs, lantern, lavatemple, lightning, locks, maidroid, mana, mapfix, maptools, markers, maze, mesecons, metatools, minercantile, mob_horse, mobs, mobs_animal, mobs_monster, mobs_water, moognu, moreblocks, more_chests, morefarming, moreflowers, moremesecons, moreores, moreplants, moretrees, mtfoods, multitest, nalc, name_restrictions, names_per_ip, nether, news, notice, paintings, pdisc, pipeworks, plantlife_modpack, playeranim, playereffects, player_inactive, player_monoids, pmobs, quartz, random_messages, report, returnmirror, riesenpilz, runes, sea, serverguide, shutdown, signs_lib, slimes, snow, spears, sponge, stained_glass, technic, technic_armor, throwing, toolranks, treasurer, tsm_chests_dungeon, tsm_mines, tsm_pyramids, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, unified_inventory, unifiedwool, u_skins, vector_extras, warps, weather_pack, whoison, witchcraft, worldedge, WorldEdit, xban2, zombie
3d_armor, 3d_armor_classes, action_timers, areas, armor_monoid, arrow_signs, awards, bakedclay, banners, biome_lib, bitchange, bobblocks, bonemeal, boost_cart, broomstick, camera, cherry_tree, chesttools, christmas_craft, claycrafter, colddb, coloredwood, colouredstonebricks, columnia, connected_chests, cozy, craftguide, creeper, darkage, death_messages, diet, digilines, email, enchanting, exchange_shop, factions, fail, farming, fishing, food, food_sweet, framedglass, gauges, global_exchange, glow, h2omes, hazmat_suit, hbarmor, hbhunger, hbsprint, homedecor_modpack, hudbars, interact, inventorycheck, inventory_icon, invtweak, irc, irc_commands, item_drop, jumping, kpgmobs, lantern, lavatemple, lightning, locks, maidroid, mana, mapfix, maptools, markers, maze, mesecons, metatools, minercantile, mob_horse, mobs, mobs_animal, mobs_monster, mobs_water, moognu, moreblocks, more_chests, morefarming, moreflowers, moremesecons, moreores, moreplants, moretrees, mtfoods, multitest, nalc, name_restrictions, names_per_ip, nether, news, notice, paintings, pdisc, pipeworks, plantlife_modpack, playeranim, playereffects, player_inactive, player_monoids, pmobs, quartz, random_messages, report, returnmirror, riesenpilz, runes, sea, serverguide, shutdown, signs_lib, slimes, snow, spears, sponge, stained_glass, technic, technic_armor, throwing, toolranks, treasurer, tsm_chests_dungeon, tsm_mines, tsm_pyramids, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, unified_inventory, unifiedwool, u_skins, vector_extras, warps, weather_pack, whoison, witchcraft, worldedge, WorldEdit, xban2, zombie
@ -87,4 +87,4 @@ And this little bird has intention to go forward and improve.
* Mapgen : Valleys
* Mapgen : Valleys
* Mapgen seed : 1681440164076556961
* Mapgen seed : 1681440164076556961
* Mods list: (almost are fixed or modified for server needs)
* Mods list: (almost are fixed or modified for server needs)
3d_armor, 3d_armor_classes, action_timers, areas, armor_monoid, arrow_signs, bakedclay, banners, biome_lib, bitchange, bobblocks, bonemeal, boost_cart, broomstick, camera, cherry_tree, chesttools, christmas_craft, claycrafter, colddb, coloredwood, colouredstonebricks, columnia, connected_chests, cozy, craftguide, creeper, darkage, death_messages, diet, digilines, email, enchanting, exchange_shop, factions, fail, farming, fishing, food, food_sweet, framedglass, gauges, global_exchange, glow, h2omes, hazmat_suit, hbarmor, hbhunger, hbsprint, homedecor_modpack, hudbars, interact, inventorycheck, inventory_icon, invtweak, irc, irc_commands, item_drop, jumping, kpgmobs, lantern, lavatemple, lightning, locks, maidroid, mana, mapfix, maptools, markers, maze, mesecons, metatools, minercantile, mob_horse, mobs, mobs_animal, mobs_monster, mobs_water, moognu, moreblocks, more_chests, morefarming, moreflowers, moremesecons, moreores, moreplants, moretrees, mtfoods, multitest, nalc, name_restrictions, names_per_ip, nether, news, notice, paintings, pdisc, pipeworks, plantlife_modpack, playeranim, playereffects, player_inactive, player_monoids, pmobs, quartz, random_messages, report, returnmirror, riesenpilz, runes, sea, serverguide, shutdown, signs_lib, slimes, snow, spears, sponge, stained_glass, technic, technic_armor, throwing, toolranks, treasurer, tsm_chests_dungeon, tsm_mines, tsm_pyramids, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, unified_inventory, unifiedwool, u_skins, vector_extras, warps, weather_pack, whoison, witchcraft, worldedge, WorldEdit, xban2, zombie
3d_armor, 3d_armor_classes, action_timers, areas, armor_monoid, arrow_signs, awards, bakedclay, banners, biome_lib, bitchange, bobblocks, bonemeal, boost_cart, broomstick, camera, cherry_tree, chesttools, christmas_craft, claycrafter, colddb, coloredwood, colouredstonebricks, columnia, connected_chests, cozy, craftguide, creeper, darkage, death_messages, diet, digilines, email, enchanting, exchange_shop, factions, fail, farming, fishing, food, food_sweet, framedglass, gauges, global_exchange, glow, h2omes, hazmat_suit, hbarmor, hbhunger, hbsprint, homedecor_modpack, hudbars, interact, inventorycheck, inventory_icon, invtweak, irc, irc_commands, item_drop, jumping, kpgmobs, lantern, lavatemple, lightning, locks, maidroid, mana, mapfix, maptools, markers, maze, mesecons, metatools, minercantile, mob_horse, mobs, mobs_animal, mobs_monster, mobs_water, moognu, moreblocks, more_chests, morefarming, moreflowers, moremesecons, moreores, moreplants, moretrees, mtfoods, multitest, nalc, name_restrictions, names_per_ip, nether, news, notice, paintings, pdisc, pipeworks, plantlife_modpack, playeranim, playereffects, player_inactive, player_monoids, pmobs, quartz, random_messages, report, returnmirror, riesenpilz, runes, sea, serverguide, shutdown, signs_lib, slimes, snow, spears, sponge, stained_glass, technic, technic_armor, throwing, toolranks, treasurer, tsm_chests_dungeon, tsm_mines, tsm_pyramids, unifiedbricks, unifieddyes, unified_inventory, unifiedwool, u_skins, vector_extras, warps, weather_pack, whoison, witchcraft, worldedge, WorldEdit, xban2, zombie
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
Astuce : Pour pouvoir crafter des quarry qui sont limités sur le serveur, vous devrez faire preuve d'expérience dans le minage. Jetez un œuil dans la liste des awards. / To be able to crafter quarry that are limited on the server, you will need to have experience in mining. Take a look at the awards list.
Astuce : Vous pouvez sprinter en restant appuyé sur la touche "E", attention cela augmentera votre faim considérablement. / Tip: You can sprint while holding down the "E" key, be careful this will increase your hunger considerably.
Astuce : Vous pouvez sprinter en restant appuyé sur la touche "E", attention cela augmentera votre faim considérablement. / Tip: You can sprint while holding down the "E" key, be careful this will increase your hunger considerably.
Conseil : Si vous ne voulez pas voir votre maison volée ou griefée, pensez aux areas ! / Advice: If you don't want to see your house stolen or grieffed then think of the areas!
Conseil : Si vous ne voulez pas voir votre maison volée ou griefée, pensez aux areas ! / Advice: If you don't want to see your house stolen or grieffed then think of the areas!
Astuce : Vous pouvez parler avec les autres joueurs depuis le canal IRC sécurisé #NALC de ce serveur. URL : / Tip: You can speak with other players from a secure IRC channel #NALC of this server. URL:
Astuce : Vous pouvez parler avec les autres joueurs depuis le canal IRC sécurisé #NALC de ce serveur. URL : / Tip: You can speak with other players from a secure IRC channel #NALC of this server. URL:
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