Players can enter unlimited text into the field, causing lag and
potentially locking up clients. I have not found any negative effects
server side, other than the large storage needed to store the long
Alter 'large cactus' schematic to place another force-placed cactus node,
to replace the cactus seedling on growth.
Make schematic 5x7x5 to solve rotation, placement and protection check
Add a y-slice probability for height variation.
Growth time is tuned to not make this a faster way to obtain cactus nodes
compared to normal cactus farming.
Seedling texture by Extex101.
Use sapling/seedling description in protection intersection message in
'sapling_on_place' function.
Fixes most z-fighting caused by underwater nodeboxes.
Special tiles were for 'new style water' (lowered water level) which was
removed a few years ago.
Move license information to create the missing license.txt file.
Make README consistent with other Minetest Game mods.
Add missing texture and sound credits to README.
Update and add extra license information.
Remove credit for 'player_damage.ogg' sound.
Move chests code out of nodes.lua and into a new file.
Credit torch code, and chest and torch models in README.txt.
Remove 'torches' mod text from torch.lua.
Minor cleanups in README.txt.
Apples only regrow where they first appear on trees, either on mapgen or when grown from saplings (meaning apples that were placed by players won't regrow).
Once the tree is cut down in full (leaves removed), regrowth will stop.
New apples only grow in daylight, and take the same time as a sapling to grow.
Iron at y = 0 was far too easy to find.
Adjust gold lower region to be twice the depth of highest level, like
all other ores.
Diamond at y = -500 was too easy to progress to.
Make diamond and mese block deeper to create a depth progression from
mese crystal to diamond, to reflect tool progression.
This all creates a satisfying 2^n depth progression, with lower regions
being at twice the depth of highest levels.
Use noises to create a varying mix in coniferous forest biomes:
Areas of large pines only, areas of small pines only, mixed areas.
While also having areas of high and low tree densities.
Saplings grow into large or small pines with equal chance.
Acacia bush: Create a unique form different to normal bush, with more
leaf nodes at top than at base.
Acacia tree: Maximum height increased by 1 node. 2 extra nodes of
height variation.
Jungle tree: Add an extra node of height variation. Y-slices moved
downwards to be more balanced between trunk and branches, makes
branches more common.
Pine tree: Increase maximum height by 1 node. Add an extra node of
height variation.
Update sapling 'on place' protection checks for acacia and pine trees.
Original recording by Ryding.
Found by Anth0rx, edited by paramat.
Add and use 'default.node_sound_snow_defaults()' function.
Some files or editors may use \r instand of \n like notepad++. If you copy
text written in notepad++ and pasted into the book. The book will only have
one page.
Make deeper, to compensate for ease of travel using 3D noise tunnels.
Make depth more progressive with value:
Ore, upper limit
Coal 64 no change
Iron 0 no change
Tin -32 > -64
Copper -16 > -128
Gold -64 > -256
Diamond -128 > -512
Mese crystal -64 > -512
Mese block -1024 no change
Make y of 1st density increase deeper but following a similar logic to before:
Ore, upper limit
Coal 0 no change
Iron -64 no change
Tin -128 no change
Copper -64 > -256
Gold -256 > -1024
Diamond -256 > -1024
Mese crystal -256 > -1024
Mese block -2048 new
Add second, denser layer of mese blocks with a decrease of separation and
increase in density equal to mese ore layers.
Liquids that are 'igniters', such as lava, will drop the torch without
a flame-extinguish sound, as the torch item will burn up after a few
seconds with a sound and smoke particles.
All other liquids cause a flame-extinguish sound.
Only register floatland biomes if mgv7 'biomerepeat' flag is false.
Simplify floatland biomes to coniferous forest and ocean.
Make 'mgv7_floatland_level' and 'mgv7_shadow_limit' parameters global
values for mods to use to register their own floatland biomes.
Previous times were chosen using statistical maths, but reports suggested
this was too long.
I tested by timing an ABM acting on 100 nodes, with interval and chance equal
to the old sapling ABM.
50 at 4m59s.
99 at 24m58s.
100 at 26m58s.
So choose a grow time between 5 and 25 min for tree and bush saplings.
If 'can grow' is false at grow time the timer is reset to 5 min.
This allows us to preserve mgv6 ore distribution while giving us the freedom
to alter ore distribution for other mapgens.
Other mapgens are larger scale and have 3D noise tunnels which make vertical
travel easier, so ores can be deeper.
Other mapgens have registered biomes which allows us to limit ores to certain
Really large books just waste hard drive space and the engine is not designed to
handle that much data in item metadata, this can cause strange things to happen.
This keeps the filenames the same, but adds a new "inside" double texture
for the open chest.
Use regular drawtype for closed chest and delete the "cube.obj" model.
X-flip the right-side texture for the closed chest.
Revert the new 'default:game' inventory back to the old 'main' and use the
lbm to restore the contents of the chest.
Change the name of the conversion LBM to ensure it is run again on already
converted chests.
Adds a mesh model that appears when a chest is opened. The chest
stays visibly open as long as the player keeps it open. When the
player closes the formspec, the chest returns back to the closed
shape. While opening and closing, a sound plays.
A second person inspecting the chest will trigger a second sound
open. However, only after the last player closes the chest, does the
chest actually visually close and is the sound close played. This
keeps mesh updates to a minimum.
While it's possible that a server shutting down may cause chests
to remain open, this does not affect the chests' working matter,
and opening or closing them should fix them.
Old chests are converted to the new style by LBM. I previously
had them converted on open but this was unreliable, and LBMs
don't have that problem.
Open chests cannot be dug up. This prevents people from keeping
a chest open and digging it out as well, since closing a chest
would place a chest back (swap) at the spot. We could protect
against this, but it still messes up the client and causes a lot
of "missing node inventory" error messages otherwise. It's
unlikely but possible that a player lagging out causes a chest
to stay "open" and thus unremovable by digging, but there are
other ways of dealing with that - a server restart fixes that
If the lid of the chest is obstructed, the sounds continue to play,
but the lid isn't opened. Obstructed means that a node is present
above the chest lid, however, we ignore several node types like signs,
torches (not 3d) and wallmounted nodeboxes (typically signs) since
they don't pose any major obstruction in almost any case, and are
typically found above chests. Additionally, the selection box of the
opened chest does not include the lid, and so one can still interact
with e.g. a sign behind an open lid.
Due to the fact that chests now have 7+ textures, we can no longer
use materials (limit: 6) to texture the chest, and so there is now
a single UV mapped image that applies both to open and closed chests.
While this does mean texture pack makers need to create it, this
is extremely simple and consists of a simple cut'n'paste over the
template and should be really easy to do. Only one texture file is
now then used for both open and closed chests.
Previously i had matched ore density to moreores, but this density was
too high and out of balance with MTGame, reduce density to be similar
to copper ore.
The 2 levels of underground ore were overlapping, fix.
Textures are actually by kilbith, update credits.
Also credit kilbith for bronze, copper, gold and steel blocks, credits
had not been updated at the time.
Use Calinou's textures from moreores mod.
Craft bronze from tin and copper instead of steel and copper.
Match ore density to the moreores mod but start ore at a depth of
y = -32 to be part of the depth progression of other ores.
Allow skeleton keys to be stacked by converting them to craftitems and
adding a few lines of code to add a new itemstack to the inventory with
the new key or drop it at the player position if the inventory is full.
Bush saplings grow in half the time of tree saplings.
Bushes do not need 'from sapling' schematic variants because only the
stem node is force-placed in the mapgen schematic, so only the sapling
is force-replaced.
Bush leaves drop saplings with a rarity that ensures at least 1 sapling
per bush on average.
Use the soil group more instead of checking for multiple node names.
Remove 'neighbors' from ABM.
Turn any flora to dry shrub if on a non-soil, except when on default:sand
to avoid dune grasses being replaced.
Search for "group:soil" when searching for a position for the new flora
node, instead of searching for multiple node names, however do not spread
flora onto desert sand, which is in the soil group.
Remove default:dirt_with_snow from the soil group as it would be frozen
soil. It can be dug and placed to turn it into dirt (consider this some
extra work needed to make it cultivatable).
Commit c68b8274fe prevented books from
being copied in the crafting grid, and made it so that old books, though
seemingly successfully transferred to the new format, could not be written
to as the old data still persisted.
Previously you could place junglegrass on dirt to convert that dirt to
dirt_with_grass, but this is unsuitable now that rainforest has a
surface of dirt_with_rainforest_litter.
Remove junglegrass from the 'grass' group.
Since meta secret field is blank on any keys (default:key) obtained using
/give, the game will crash if you attempt to use one of these. This follows
along the principle that the game should never have any reason to crash.
A simple set of biomes for now: Ocean, coniferous forest, grassland,
sandstone desert.
Update biome lists for blob ores and decorations.
Make sandstone desert filler 1 node deeper to match other deserts.
Instead of right click, the skeleton key is now a true `tool`
in the sense that it's default left-click action is to create
a key for the locked object.
This is far better than the outcome of the patches we've done
where the only way to create a key for a locked item was to
use sneak+rightclick. Now keys are perhaps a bit more sensible,
left for making keys, right for opening stuff with keys.
Currently jungletrees and junglegrass use sidelen 80 for simplicity,
but this results in a more uneven distribution of decorations. A more
even distribution helps keep rainforest darker with a more unbroken
This is also more consistent. 80 is based on the default mapchunk
size, all other decorations use sidelen 16 or smaller to divide into
any mapchunk size.
Denser jungletree for darker rainforest:
Highest 'jungletree' nodes now prob 255.
Add a 5th lower branch layer.
Increase lower branch layer y-slice prob to 191.
Extend trunk upwards by 1 node to reduce leafdecay radius to 2.
Make lower trunk 1 node longer so that lowest branches are more often
higher off the ground, also to make pines taller.
Make 2 opposite branches prob 255, the other 2 prob 127, to avoid
trees with 1 or 0 branches. Therefore also add random rotation.