forked from nalc/nalc_game
Biomes: Add 'sandstone desert', 'cold desert', 'snowy grassland'. Rename 'glacier' biome to 'icesheet' biome. Rename non-swamp 'swamp' biomes to 'shore' biomes. Remove 'sandstone grassland' biome. Rename 'stone grassland' biome to 'grassland' biome. Edit biome points for improved similarity to Whittaker classification. Change 'tundra' to bare stone with snowblocks. Make dirt 'swamp' / 'shore' less deep. Ores: Make dirt blob ore biome-specific, limit to dirt biomes. Decorations: Make mushroom noise spread match that of appletrees as originally intended, to have mushrooms spawn in darker thicker forest areas. Add coral reefs in warm oceans. Add bushes and acacia bushes. Jungletrees in deeper water for larger swamps. Register flower mod decorations in singlenode mapgen for use by minetest.generate_registered_decorations, as in default/mapgen.lua.
Minetest Game mod: flowers ========================== See license.txt for license information. Authors of source code ---------------------- Originally by Ironzorg (MIT) and VanessaE (MIT) Various Minetest developers and contributors (MIT) Authors of media (textures) --------------------------- RHRhino (CC BY-SA 3.0): flowers_dandelion_white.png flowers_dandelion_yellow.png flowers_geranium.png flowers_rose.png flowers_tulip.png flowers_viola.png Gambit (CC BY-SA 3.0): flowers_mushroom_brown.png flowers_mushroom_red.png flowers_waterlily.png yyt16384 (CC BY-SA 3.0): flowers_waterlily_bottom.png, derived from Gambit's texture