2019-05-26 20:02:29 -04:00
-- this component contains all of the random types of seating previously
-- scattered among homedecor's other mods
local dc_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 1 }
homedecor.register("deckchair", {
mesh = "homedecor_deckchair.obj",
tiles = {"homedecor_deckchair.png"},
description = "Deck Chair",
groups = { snappy = 3 },
expand = { forward="placeholder" },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
selection_box = dc_cbox,
collision_box = dc_cbox,
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:deckchair_foot", "homedecor:deckchair")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:deckchair_head", "air")
homedecor.register("deckchair_striped_blue", {
mesh = "homedecor_deckchair.obj",
tiles = {"homedecor_deckchair_striped_blue.png"},
description = "Deck Chair (blue striped)",
groups = { snappy = 3 },
expand = { forward="placeholder" },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
selection_box = dc_cbox,
collision_box = dc_cbox,
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow
homedecor.register("simple_bench", {
tiles = { "homedecor_generic_wood_old.png" },
description = "Simple Bench",
groups = {snappy=3},
node_box = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5, -0.15, 0, 0.5, -0.05, 0.4},
{-0.4, -0.5, 0.1, -0.3, -0.15, 0.3},
{ 0.3, -0.5, 0.1, 0.4, -0.15, 0.3},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
local bl1_sbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
local bl1_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 1.5, 0, 0.5 },
{-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 },
homedecor.register("bench_large_1", {
mesh = "homedecor_bench_large_1.obj",
tiles = {
description = "Garden Bench (style 1)",
inventory_image = "homedecor_bench_large_1_inv.png",
groups = { snappy = 3 },
expand = { right="placeholder" },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
selection_box = bl1_sbox,
node_box = bl1_cbox,
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:bench_large_1_left", "homedecor:bench_large_1")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:bench_large_1_right", "air")
local bl2_sbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
local bl2_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5, -0.5, -0.25, 1.5, 0, 0.5 },
{-0.5, -0.5, 0.45, 1.5, 0.5, 0.5 },
homedecor.register("bench_large_2", {
description = "Garden Bench (style 2)",
mesh = "homedecor_bench_large_2.obj",
tiles = { "homedecor_generic_wood_old.png" },
inventory_image = "homedecor_bench_large_2_inv.png",
groups = {snappy=3},
selection_box = bl2_sbox,
node_box = bl2_cbox,
expand = { right="placeholder" },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
on_rotate = screwdriver.disallow
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:bench_large_2_left", "homedecor:bench_large_2")
minetest.register_alias("homedecor:bench_large_2_right", "air")
local kc_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -0.3125, -0.3125, -0.5, 0.3125, 0.3125, 0.5 },
homedecor.register("kitchen_chair_wood", {
description = "Kitchen chair",
mesh = "homedecor_kitchen_chair.obj",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "homedecor_chair_wood_inv.png",
paramtype2 = "wallmounted",
selection_box = kc_cbox,
collision_box = kc_cbox,
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
after_place_node = unifieddyes.fix_rotation_nsew,
on_rotate = unifieddyes.fix_after_screwdriver_nsew,
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
pos.y = pos.y+0 -- where do I put my ass ?
homedecor.sit(pos, node, clicker)
return itemstack
homedecor.register("kitchen_chair_padded", {
description = "Kitchen chair",
mesh = "homedecor_kitchen_chair.obj",
tiles = {
inventory_image = "homedecor_chair_padded_inv.png",
paramtype2 = "colorwallmounted",
palette = "unifieddyes_palette_colorwallmounted.png",
selection_box = kc_cbox,
collision_box = kc_cbox,
groups = {snappy=2,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2, ud_param2_colorable = 1},
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
unifieddyes.fix_rotation_nsew(pos, placer, itemstack, pointed_thing)
2019-07-18 02:16:46 -04:00
on_dig = unifieddyes.on_dig,
2019-05-26 20:02:29 -04:00
on_rotate = unifieddyes.fix_after_screwdriver_nsew,
on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack, pointed_thing)
pos.y = pos.y+0 -- where do I put my ass ?
homedecor.sit(pos, node, clicker)
return itemstack
local ac_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{-0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0.5, 0, 0.5 },
{-0.5, -0.5, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 }
local ofchairs_sbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = { -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, 29/32, 8/16 }
local ofchairs_cbox = {
type = "fixed",
fixed = {
{ -5/16, 1/16, -7/16, 5/16, 4/16, 7/16 }, -- seat
{ -5/16, 4/16, 4/16, 5/16, 29/32, 15/32 }, -- seatback
{ -1/16, -11/32, -1/16, 1/16, 1/16, 1/16 }, -- cylinder
{ -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -11/32, 8/16 } -- legs/wheels
local chairs = {
{ "basic", "Basic office chair" },
{ "upscale", "Upscale office chair" },
for _, c in pairs(chairs) do
local name, desc = unpack(c)
homedecor.register("office_chair_"..name, {
description = desc,
drawtype = "mesh",
tiles = { "homedecor_office_chair_"..name..".png" },
mesh = "homedecor_office_chair_"..name..".obj",
groups = { snappy = 3 },
sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(),
selection_box = ofchairs_sbox,
collision_box = ofchairs_cbox,
expand = { top = "placeholder" },
on_rotate = screwdriver.rotate_simple
-- crafts!
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "homedecor:bench_large_1",
recipe = {
{ "group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood" },
{ "group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood" },
2020-02-28 11:39:35 -05:00
{ "basic_materials:steel_bar", "", "basic_materials:steel_bar" }
2019-05-26 20:02:29 -04:00
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "homedecor:bench_large_2_left",
recipe = {
{ "homedecor:shutter_oak", "homedecor:shutter_oak", "homedecor:shutter_oak" },
{ "group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood" },
{ "stairs:slab_wood", "", "stairs:slab_wood" }
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "homedecor:bench_large_2_left",
recipe = {
{ "homedecor:shutter_oak", "homedecor:shutter_oak", "homedecor:shutter_oak" },
{ "group:wood", "group:wood", "group:wood" },
{ "moreblocks:slab_wood", "", "moreblocks:slab_wood" }
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "homedecor:simple_bench",
recipe = {
{ "stairs:slab_wood", "stairs:slab_wood", "stairs:slab_wood" },
{ "stairs:slab_wood", "", "stairs:slab_wood" }
minetest.register_craft( {
output = "homedecor:simple_bench",
recipe = {
{ "moreblocks:slab_wood", "moreblocks:slab_wood", "moreblocks:slab_wood" },
{ "moreblocks:slab_wood", "", "moreblocks:slab_wood" }
output = "homedecor:deckchair",
recipe = {
{ "group:stick", "building_blocks:terrycloth_towel", "group:stick" },
{ "group:stick", "building_blocks:terrycloth_towel", "group:stick" },
{ "group:stick", "building_blocks:terrycloth_towel", "group:stick" }
output = "homedecor:deckchair_striped_blue",
type = "shapeless",
recipe = {
output = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_wood 2",
recipe = {
{ "group:stick",""},
{ "group:wood","group:wood" },
{ "group:stick","group:stick" },
type = "shapeless",
output = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_padded",
recipe = {
output = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_padded",
palette = "wallmounted",
type = "shapeless",
neutral_node = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_padded",
recipe = {
type = "fuel",
recipe = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_wood",
burntime = 15,
type = "fuel",
recipe = "homedecor:kitchen_chair_padded",
burntime = 15,
output = "homedecor:office_chair_basic",
recipe = {
{ "", "", "wool:black" },
{ "", "wool:black", "default:steel_ingot" },
2020-02-28 11:39:35 -05:00
{ "group:stick", "basic_materials:steel_bar", "group:stick" }
2019-05-26 20:02:29 -04:00
output = "homedecor:office_chair_upscale",
recipe = {
{ "dye:black", "building_blocks:sticks", "group:wool" },
{ "basic_materials:plastic_sheet", "group:wool", "default:steel_ingot" },
2020-02-28 11:39:35 -05:00
{ "building_blocks:sticks", "basic_materials:steel_bar", "building_blocks:sticks" }
2019-05-26 20:02:29 -04:00
-- aliases
minetest.register_alias("3dforniture:chair", "homedecor:chair")
minetest.register_alias('chair', 'homedecor:chair')