local S = homedecor_i18n.gettext local function building_blocks_stairs(nodename, def) minetest.register_node(nodename, def) if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") or minetest.get_modpath("stairs") then local mod, name = nodename:match("(.*):(.*)") minetest.register_alias(mod .. ":slab_" .. name, "stairs:slab_" .. name) minetest.register_alias(mod .. ":stair_" .. name, "stairs:stair_" .. name) for groupname,value in pairs(def.groups) do if groupname ~= "cracky" and groupname ~= "choppy" and groupname ~="flammable" and groupname ~="crumbly" and groupname ~="snappy" then def.groups.groupname = nil end end if minetest.get_modpath("moreblocks") then stairsplus:register_all( mod, name, nodename, { description = def.description, tiles = def.tiles, groups = def.groups, sounds = def.sounds, } ) else stairs.register_stair_and_slab(name,nodename, def.groups, def.tiles, ("%s Stair"):format(def.description), ("%s Slab"):format(def.description), def.sounds ) end end end building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:Adobe", { tiles = {"building_blocks_Adobe.png"}, description = S("Adobe"), is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:fakegrass", { tiles = {"default_grass.png", "default_dirt.png", "default_dirt.png^default_grass_side.png"}, description = S("Fake Grass"), is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({ footstep = {name="default_grass_footstep", gain=0.4}, }), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:grate", { drawtype = "glasslike", description = S("Grate"), tiles = {"building_blocks_grate.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_metal_defaults(), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:hardwood", { tiles = {"building_blocks_hardwood.png"}, is_ground_content = true, description = S("Hardwood"), groups = {choppy=1,flammable=1}, sounds = default.node_sound_wood_defaults(), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:Roofing", { tiles = {"building_blocks_Roofing.png"}, is_ground_content = true, description = S("Roof block"), groups = {snappy=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:Tar", { description = S("Tar"), tiles = {"building_blocks_tar.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=1, tar_block = 1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) building_blocks_stairs("building_blocks:Marble", { description = S("Marble"), tiles = {"building_blocks_marble.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3, marble = 1}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:smoothglass", { drawtype = "glasslike", description = S("Streak Free Glass"), tiles = {"building_blocks_sglass.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=3,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:woodglass", { drawtype = "glasslike", description = S("Wood Framed Glass"), tiles = {"building_blocks_wglass.png"}, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {snappy=3,cracky=3,oddly_breakable_by_hand=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_glass_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:brobble_spread", { drawtype = "raillike", -- Translators: "Brobble" is a portmanteau of "Brick" and "Cobble". -- Translate however you see fit. description = S("Brobble Spread"), tiles = {"building_blocks_brobble.png"}, inventory_image = "building_blocks_brobble_spread_inv.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", -- but how to specify the dimensions for curved and sideways rails? fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2}, }, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3}, }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:gravel_spread", { drawtype = "raillike", description = S("Gravel Spread"), tiles = {"default_gravel.png"}, inventory_image = "building_blocks_gravel_spread_inv.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", -- but how to specify the dimensions for curved and sideways rails? fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2}, }, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults({ footstep = {name="default_gravel_footstep", gain=0.5}, dug = {name="default_gravel_footstep", gain=1.0}, }), }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:Tarmac_spread", { drawtype = "raillike", description = S("Tarmac Spread"), tiles = {"building_blocks_tar.png"}, inventory_image = "building_blocks_tar_spread_inv.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", -- but how to specify the dimensions for curved and sideways rails? fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2}, }, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=3}, sounds = default.node_sound_dirt_defaults(), }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:terrycloth_towel", { drawtype = "raillike", description = S("Terrycloth towel"), tiles = {"building_blocks_towel.png"}, inventory_image = "building_blocks_towel_inv.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", -- but how to specify the dimensions for curved and sideways rails? fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2}, }, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3}, }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:BWtile", { drawtype = "nodebox", description = S("Chess board tiling"), tiles = { "building_blocks_BWtile.png", "building_blocks_BWtile.png^[transformR90", "building_blocks_BWtile.png^[transformR90", "building_blocks_BWtile.png^[transformR90", "building_blocks_BWtile.png", "building_blocks_BWtile.png" }, inventory_image = "building_blocks_bwtile_inv.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-1/2, -1/2, -1/2, 1/2, -1/2+1/16, 1/2}, }, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {crumbly=3}, }) minetest.register_node("building_blocks:Fireplace", { description = S("Fireplace"), tiles = { "building_blocks_cast_iron.png", "building_blocks_cast_iron.png", "building_blocks_cast_iron.png", "building_blocks_cast_iron_fireplace.png" }, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", light_source = default.LIGHT_MAX, sunlight_propagates = true, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), })