forked from nalc/homedecor_modpack
This commit performs both lossless and lossy compression on every .obj and .png in homedecor. The .png files were all 100% losslessly compressed using ect.exe and optipng.exe (more details below) at maximum settings. The .obj files were lossy-compressed so that comments were removed, trailing 000's were removed and all numbers rounded to 3 decimal places max. Blender exports at 6 decimal places but for minetest, 3 decimal places is the absolute maximum a person with anything under a 256K screen will ever need. ## Results ``` Original entire modpack size: 6343.5 KB New entire modpack size: 5312.2 KB Total Reduction: 1031.3 KB (16.3% less) ``` Please note that actual media size is likely more like 4,500 KB so media reduction is more around 20-25%. ## Details / What actions were actually performed Used these programs: Ran this command on every .obj: (fast) ``` luajit.exe compress.lua -f <file> -precision 3 ``` Ran these commands on every .png: (slow) ``` ect.exe -9 -strip --allfilters-b <file> optipng.exe -o7 -strip all -clobber <file> ``` Note that for future compression, I recommend only using optipng.exe instead of both. ECT can get better results but it takes a LOT longer and only ever saves another 1-2% of the file size. Not worth an extra 10-20 seconds per texture file in my opinion. ## Time spent Roughly 2 Hours from start to finish + commit + PR
133 lines
2.3 KiB
133 lines
2.3 KiB
v -1.5 -0.312 0.5
v -1.5 -0.312 0.375
v 1.5 -0.312 0.375
v 1.5 -0.312 0.5
v -1.5 1.5 0.5
v -1.5 1.5 0.375
v 1.5 1.5 0.375
v 1.5 1.5 0.5
v -1.312 -0.125 0.438
v 1.375 1.375 0.375
v -1.312 1.313 0.438
v 1.375 -0.187 0.375
v -1.375 1.375 0.375
v 1.313 -0.125 0.438
v -1.375 -0.187 0.375
v 1.313 1.313 0.438
v 1.5 1.375 0.375
v 1.5 -0.187 0.375
v -1.5 1.375 0.375
v -1.5 -0.187 0.375
v -1.312 -0.187 0.375
v -1.312 1.375 0.375
v 1.313 -0.187 0.375
v 1.313 1.375 0.375
v -1.375 -0.125 0.375
v -1.375 1.313 0.375
v 1.375 -0.125 0.375
v 1.375 1.313 0.375
v -1.313 -0.125 0.438
v -1.313 1.313 0.438
v 1.313 -0.125 0.438
v 1.313 1.313 0.438
vt 0.953 0.984
vt 0.922 0.984
vt 0.922 0.531
vt 0.953 0.531
vt 0.906 0.984
vt 0.875 0.984
vt 0.875 0.531
vt 0.906 0.531
vt 0.813 0.984
vt 0.781 0.984
vt 0.781 0.594
vt 0.813 0.594
vt 0.016 0.953
vt 0.766 0.953
vt 0.766 0.984
vt 0.016 0.984
vt 0.016 0.813
vt 0.766 0.813
vt 0.766 0.844
vt 0.016 0.844
vt 0.766 0.797
vt 0.016 0.797
vt 0.016 0.344
vt 0.766 0.344
vt 0.828 0.594
vt 0.859 0.594
vt 0.859 0.984
vt 0.828 0.984
vt 0.016 0.891
vt 0.016 0.859
vt 0.766 0.859
vt 0.766 0.891
vt 0.016 0.938
vt 0.016 0.906
vt 0.766 0.906
vt 0.766 0.938
vt 0.031 0.297
vt 0.031 0.281
vt 0.688 0.281
vt 0.688 0.297
vt 0.688 0.313
vt 0.688 0.328
vt 0.031 0.328
vt 0.031 0.313
vt 0.375 0.25
vt 0.375 0.266
vt 0.016 0.266
vt 0.016 0.25
vt 0.703 0.297
vt 0.703 0.281
vt 0.016 0.234
vt 0.016 0.219
vt 0.375 0.219
vt 0.375 0.234
vt 0.703 0.328
vt 0.703 0.313
vt 0.016 0.328
vt 0.016 0.313
vt 0.016 0.281
vt 0.016 0.297
vt 1 1
vt 0 1
vt 0 0
vt 1 0
vn -1 0 0
vn 1 0 0
vn 0 0 -1
vn 0 1 0
vn 0 -1 0
vn 0 0 1
vn 0 0.707 -0.707
vn 0 -0.707 -0.707
vn -0.707 0 -0.707
vn 0.707 0 -0.707
vn 0 -0.707 0.707
g 1
s off
f 5/1/1 6/2/1 2/3/1 1/4/1
f 7/5/2 8/6/2 4/7/2 3/8/2
f 10/9/3 17/10/3 18/11/3 12/12/3
f 5/13/4 8/14/4 7/15/4 6/16/4
f 2/17/5 3/18/5 4/19/5 1/20/5
f 8/21/6 5/22/6 1/23/6 4/24/6
f 15/25/3 20/26/3 19/27/3 13/28/3
f 18/29/3 3/30/3 2/31/3 20/32/3
f 7/33/3 17/34/3 19/35/3 6/36/3
f 14/37/7 23/38/7 21/39/7 9/40/7
f 11/41/8 22/42/8 24/43/8 16/44/8
f 16/45/9 28/46/9 27/47/9 14/48/9
f 25/49/10 9/40/10 15/50/10
f 15/50/7 9/40/7 21/39/7
f 9/51/10 25/52/10 26/53/10 11/54/10
f 13/55/10 11/41/10 26/56/10
f 22/42/8 11/41/8 13/55/8
f 10/57/8 16/44/8 24/43/8
f 28/58/9 16/44/9 10/57/9
f 12/59/9 14/37/9 27/60/9
f 23/38/11 12/59/11 14/37/11
g 2
f 30/61/3 32/62/3 31/63/3 29/64/3