forked from nalc/homedecor_modpack
This commit performs both lossless and lossy compression on every .obj and .png in homedecor. The .png files were all 100% losslessly compressed using ect.exe and optipng.exe (more details below) at maximum settings. The .obj files were lossy-compressed so that comments were removed, trailing 000's were removed and all numbers rounded to 3 decimal places max. Blender exports at 6 decimal places but for minetest, 3 decimal places is the absolute maximum a person with anything under a 256K screen will ever need. ## Results ``` Original entire modpack size: 6343.5 KB New entire modpack size: 5312.2 KB Total Reduction: 1031.3 KB (16.3% less) ``` Please note that actual media size is likely more like 4,500 KB so media reduction is more around 20-25%. ## Details / What actions were actually performed Used these programs: Ran this command on every .obj: (fast) ``` luajit.exe compress.lua -f <file> -precision 3 ``` Ran these commands on every .png: (slow) ``` ect.exe -9 -strip --allfilters-b <file> optipng.exe -o7 -strip all -clobber <file> ``` Note that for future compression, I recommend only using optipng.exe instead of both. ECT can get better results but it takes a LOT longer and only ever saves another 1-2% of the file size. Not worth an extra 10-20 seconds per texture file in my opinion. ## Time spent Roughly 2 Hours from start to finish + commit + PR
Decorative Computers Mod for Minetest by Diego Martínez <> How to install: Unzip the archive an place it in minetest-base-directory/mods/minetest/ if you have a windows client or a linux run-in-place client. If you have a linux system-wide instalation place it in ~/.minetest/mods/minetest/. If you want to install this mod only in one world create the folder worldmods/ in your worlddirectory. For further information or help see: How to use the mod: For now just use creative mode or the `/give' or `/giveme' chat commands to get the items. These are the items currently defined by this mod: computer:printer (printer scanner combo) computer:server (rack server) computer:tower (modern type) computer:monitor (LCD with keyboard) computer:router (wifi type) computer:babytower computer:shefriendSOO computer:slaystation computer:vanio computer:spectre computer:slaystation2 computer:admiral64 computer:admiral128 There's also a `computer:computer' alias to `computer:babytower'. Thanks to all the people in the forums and the #minetest IRC channel for their support and suggestions; in no particular order: OldCoder, Josh, tonyka, VanessaE, davidpace, Jordach, and all the other sirs/madammes that I forgot to mention (sorry, please remind me if it was you ;) ). See also: