function areas:player_exists(name) return minetest.auth_table[name] ~= nil end -- Save the areas table to a file function areas:save() file, err =, "w") if err then return err end file:write(minetest.serialize(self.areas)) file:close() end -- Load the areas table from the save file function areas:load() file, err =, "r") if err then self.areas = self.areas or {} return err end self.areas = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*a")) if type(self.areas) ~= "table" then self.areas = {} end file:close() end -- Shorter than the table function function areas:add(owner, name, pos1, pos2, parent) table.insert(areas.areas, {id=table.maxn(self.areas)+1, name=name, pos1=pos1, pos2=pos2, owner=owner, parent=parent}) end -- Remove a area, and optionally it's children recursively. -- If a area is deleted non-recursively the children will -- have the removed area's parent as their new parent. function areas:remove(id, recurse) if recurse then -- Recursively find child entries and remove them local cids = self:getChildren(id) for _, cid in pairs(cids) do self:remove(cid, true) end else -- Update parents local parent = self:getAreaById(id).parent local children = self:getChildren(id) for _, child in pairs(children) do -- The subarea parent will be niled out if the -- removed area does not have a parent areas.areas[self:getIndexById(child)].parent = parent end end -- Remove main entry table.remove(self.areas, self:getIndexById(id)) end -- Checks if a area between two points is entirely contained by another area function areas:isSubarea(pos1, pos2, id) local area = areas:getAreaById(id) if not area then return false end p1, p2 = area.pos1, area.pos2 if (pos1.x >= p1.x and pos1.x <= p2.x) and (pos2.x >= p1.x and pos2.x <= p2.x) and (pos1.y >= p1.y and pos1.y <= p2.y) and (pos2.y >= p1.y and pos2.y <= p2.y) and (pos1.z >= p1.z and pos1.z <= p2.z) and (pos2.z >= p1.z and pos2.z <= p2.z) then return true end end -- Returns a table (list) of children of an area given it's identifier function areas:getChildren(id) local children = {} for _, area in pairs(self.areas) do if area.parent and area.parent == id then table.insert(children, end end return children end -- Checks if the user has sufficient privileges. -- If the player is not a administrator it also checks -- if the area intersects other areas that they do not own. -- Also checks the size of the area and if the user already -- has more than max_areas. function areas:canPlayerAddArea(pos1, pos2, name) if minetest.check_player_privs(name, {areas=true}) then return true end -- Check self protection privilege, if it is enabled, -- and if the area is too big. if (not self.self_protection) or (not minetest.check_player_privs(name, {[areas.self_protection_privilege]=true})) then return false, "Self protection is disabled or you do not have" .." the necessary privilege." end if (pos2.x - pos1.x) > self.self_protection_max_size.x or (pos2.y - pos1.y) > self.self_protection_max_size.y or (pos2.z - pos1.z) > self.self_protection_max_size.z then return false, "Area is too big." end -- Check number of areas the user has and make sure it not above the max if self.self_protection then local count = 0 for _, area in pairs(self.areas) do if area.owner == name then count = count + 1 end end if count > self.self_protection_max_areas then return false, "You have reached the maximum amount" .." of areas that you are allowed to" .." protect." end end -- Check intersecting areas for _, area in pairs(self.areas) do if (area.pos1.x <= pos2.x and area.pos2.x >= pos1.x) and (area.pos1.y <= pos2.y and area.pos2.y >= pos1.y) and (area.pos1.z <= pos2.z and area.pos2.z >= pos1.z) then --Found an area intersecting with the suplied area if area.owner ~= name then return false, "The area intersects with an" .." area that you do not own." end end end return true, "" end -- Given a area returns a string in the format: -- "name [id]: owner (x1, y1, z1) (x2, y2, z2) -> children" function areas:toString(area) local message = " [""]: "..area.owner.." ".. minetest.pos_to_string(area.pos1).." ".. minetest.pos_to_string(area.pos2) local children = areas:getChildren(id) if #children > 0 then message = message.. " -> "..table.concat(children, ", ") end return message end -- Returns a area given it's identifier function areas:getAreaById(id) for _, area in pairs(self.areas) do if == id then return area end end end -- Returns a table index for an area given it's identifier function areas:getIndexById(id) for i, area in pairs(self.areas) do if == id then return i end end end -- Re-order areas in table by their identifiers function areas:sort() for k, area in pairs(self.areas) do if ~= k then for _, subarea in pairs(self.areas) do if subarea.parent == then subarea.parent = k end end = k end end end -- Checks if a player owns an area or a parent of it function areas:isAreaOwner(id, name) local cur = self:getAreaById(id) if cur and minetest.check_player_privs(name, {areas=true}) then return true end while cur do if cur.owner == name then return true elseif cur.parent then cur = self:getAreaById(cur.parent) else return false end end return false end