h2omes = {} h2omes.homes = {} -- table players home h2omes.path = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/h2omes/" minetest.mkdir(h2omes.path) h2omes.time_home = 2 * 60 --MFF 04/05/2016 2 minutes plus 20 minutes h2omes.time_spawn = 5*60 h2omes.time_from_player = 5*60 h2omes.time_to_player = 5*60 local tmp_players = {} local from_players = {} h2omes.have_nether = false -- nether mod if (minetest.get_modpath("nether") ~= nil) then h2omes.have_nether = true end function h2omes.check(name) if h2omes.homes[name] == nil then h2omes.homes[name] = {["home"] = {}, ["pit"] = {}} end end --function save_homes function h2omes.save_homes(name) local file = h2omes.path..name local input, err = io.open(file, "w") if input then input:write(minetest.serialize(h2omes.homes[name])) input:close() else minetest.log("error", "open(" .. file .. ", 'w') failed: " .. err) end end --function load_homes function h2omes.load_homes(name) h2omes.check(name) local file = h2omes.path..name local input, err = io.open(file, "r") if input then local data = minetest.deserialize(input:read()) io.close(input) if data and type(data) == "table" then if data.home then if data.home.real then h2omes.homes[name].home.real = data.home.real end if data.home.nether then h2omes.homes[name].home.nether = data.home.nether end end if data.pit then if data.pit.real then h2omes.homes[name].pit.real = data.pit.real end if data.pit.nether then h2omes.homes[name].pit.nether = data.pit.nether end end end end end -- disallowed tp real-->nether or nether-->real function h2omes.can_teleport(from_pos, to_pos) if not h2omes.have_nether then -- not nether mod, -19600 is real return true end if from_pos.y < -19600 and to_pos.y < -19600 then return true elseif from_pos.y > -19600 and to_pos.y > -19600 then return true end return false end --function set_homes function h2omes.set_home(name, home_type, pos) h2omes.check(name) if not pos then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return end pos = player:getpos() end if not pos then return false end if pos.y < -19600 and h2omes.have_nether then h2omes.homes[name][home_type].nether = pos else h2omes.homes[name][home_type].real = pos end minetest.chat_send_player(name, home_type.." set!") minetest.sound_play("dingdong",{to_player=name, gain = 1.0}) h2omes.save_homes(name) return true end --function get_homes function h2omes.get_home(name, home_type) h2omes.check(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return nil end local pos = player:getpos() if not pos then return nil end local status = "real" if pos.y < -19600 and h2omes.have_nether then status = "nether" end if h2omes.homes[name][home_type][status] then return h2omes.homes[name][home_type][status] end return nil end --function getspawn function h2omes.getspawn(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return nil end local pos = player:getpos() if not pos then return nil end local spawn_pos if pos.y < -19600 and h2omes.have_nether then spawn_pos = minetest.string_to_pos(minetest.setting_get("nether_static_spawnpoint") or "") elseif minetest.setting_get_pos("static_spawnpoint") then spawn_pos = minetest.setting_get_pos("static_spawnpoint") end return spawn_pos end --function to_spawn function h2omes.to_spawn(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false end local spawn_pos = h2omes.getspawn(name) if spawn_pos then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Teleporting to spawn...") player:setpos(spawn_pos) minetest.sound_play("teleport", {to_player=name, gain = 1.0}) minetest.log("action","Player ".. name .." respawned. Next allowed respawn in ".. h2omes.time_spawn .." seconds.") return true else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "ERROR: No spawn point is set on this server!") return false end end --function to_homes function h2omes.to_home(name, home_type) h2omes.check(name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false end local pos = player:getpos() if not pos then return false end local status = "real" if pos.y < -19600 and h2omes.have_nether then status = "nether" end if h2omes.homes[name][home_type][status] then player:setpos(h2omes.homes[name][home_type][status]) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Teleported to "..home_type.."!") minetest.sound_play("teleport", {to_player=name, gain = 1.0}) return true end return false end --function to_player function h2omes.to_player(name, to_pos, to_name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false end local from_pos = player:getpos() if to_pos then if h2omes.can_teleport(from_pos, to_pos) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Teleporting to player "..to_name) player:setpos(to_pos) minetest.sound_play("teleport", {to_player=name, gain = 1.0}) return true else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Sorry, teleport between 2 worlds(real/nether) is not allowed!") return false end else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "ERROR: No position to player!") return false end end function h2omes.update_pos(name, pos, from_name) from_players[name] = {name=from_name, pos=pos} minetest.chat_send_player(name, from_name .." sent you their position to teleport") minetest.sound_play("dingdong",{to_player=name, gain = 0.8}) return true end function h2omes.send_pos_to_player(name, pos, to_name) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(to_name) if not player or not pos then return false end if action_timers.wrapper(name, "send_pos_to_player", "from_player_" .. to_name, h2omes.time_from_player, h2omes.update_pos, {to_name, pos, name}) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Your position has been sent to "..to_name) return true else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Error: "..to_name.." already received a request. please try again later.") end return false end function h2omes.show_formspec_home(name) if tmp_players[name] == nil then tmp_players[name] = {} end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(name) if not player then return false end local formspec = {"size[8,9]label[3.15,0;Home Settings]"} local pos = player:getpos() --spawn table.insert(formspec, "label[3.45,0.8;TO SPAWN]") local spawn_pos = h2omes.getspawn(name) if spawn_pos then table.insert(formspec, string.format("label[2.9,1.3;x:%s, y:%s, z:%s]", math.floor(spawn_pos.x), math.floor(spawn_pos.y), math.floor(spawn_pos.z) )) table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[6,1.1;1.5,1;to_spawn;To Spawn]") else table.insert(formspec, "label[3.3,1.3;No spawn set]") end --home table.insert(formspec, "label[3.5,2.1;TO HOME]") table.insert(formspec, "button[0.5,2.4;1.5,1;set_home;Set Home]") local home_pos = h2omes.get_home(name, "home") if home_pos then table.insert(formspec, string.format("label[2.9,2.5;x:%s, y:%s, z:%s]", math.floor(home_pos.x), math.floor(home_pos.y), math.floor(home_pos.z) )) table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[6,2.4;1.5,1;to_home;To Home]") else table.insert(formspec, "label[3.3,2.5;Home no set]") end --pit table.insert(formspec, "label[3.55,3.4;TO PIT]") table.insert(formspec, "button[0.5,3.7;1.5,1;set_pit;Set Pit]") local pit_pos = h2omes.get_home(name, "pit") if pit_pos then table.insert(formspec, string.format("label[2.9,3.8;x:%s, y:%s, z:%s]", math.floor(pit_pos.x), math.floor(pit_pos.y), math.floor(pit_pos.z) )) table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[6,3.7;1.5,1;to_pit;To Pit]") else table.insert(formspec, "label[3.3,3.8;Pit no set]") end --to player table.insert(formspec, "label[3.35,4.7;TO PLAYER]") local to_player = from_players[name] if to_player and to_player.name and to_player.pos then table.insert(formspec, string.format("label[0.5,5.1;To %s]", to_player.name)) table.insert(formspec,string.format("label[2.9,5.1;x:%s, y:%s, z:%s]", math.floor(to_player.pos.x),math.floor(to_player.pos.y),math.floor(to_player.pos.z))) table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[6,5;1.5,1;to_player;To Player]") else table.insert(formspec, "label[2.7,5.1;No request from player]") end table.insert(formspec, "label[2.8,6;SEND MY POS TO PLAYER]") if not tmp_players[name] or not tmp_players[name].players_list or #tmp_players[name].players_list < 1 or tmp_players[name].refresh then tmp_players[name].refresh = nil tmp_players[name].players_list = {} tmp_players[name].selected_id = 0 for _,player in pairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local player_name = player:get_player_name() if player_name and player_name ~= "" and player_name ~= name then table.insert(tmp_players[name].players_list, player_name) end end tmp_players[name]["select_player"] = nil end if #tmp_players[name].players_list == 0 then table.insert(formspec, "label[3,6.4;No player, try later]") else table.insert(formspec,"button[3.5,6.4;1.5,1;refresh;refresh]") table.insert(formspec, "dropdown[0.5,6.5;3,1;select_player;"..table.concat(tmp_players[name].players_list, ",")..";"..tmp_players[name].selected_id.."]") end if tmp_players[name].selected_id and tmp_players[name].selected_id > 0 then table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[6,6.4;1.5,1;send_to;Send To]") end table.insert(formspec, "button_exit[3.25,8.3;1.5,1;close;Close]") minetest.show_formspec(name, "h2omes:formspec", table.concat(formspec)) end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) local name = player:get_player_name() if not name or name == "" then return end if formname == "h2omes:formspec" then if fields["set_home"] then --h2omes.set_home(name, "home") action_timers.wrapper(name, "sethome", "sethome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.set_home, {name, "home"}) elseif fields["set_pit"] then --h2omes.set_home(name, "pit") action_timers.wrapper(name, "setpit", "sethome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.set_home, {name, "pit"}) elseif fields["to_home"] then --h2omes.to_home(name, "home") action_timers.wrapper(name, "home", "tohome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.to_home, {name, "home"}) elseif fields["to_pit"] then --h2omes.to_home(name, "pit") action_timers.wrapper(name, "pit", "tohome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.to_home, {name, "pit"}) elseif fields["to_spawn"] then action_timers.wrapper(name, "spawn", "tospawn_" .. name, h2omes.time_spawn, h2omes.to_spawn, {name}) elseif fields["to_player"] then if not from_players[name] then return end local to_name = from_players[name].name local pos = from_players[name].pos from_players[name] = nil if not to_name or not pos then return end h2omes.to_player(name, pos, to_name) elseif fields["send_to"] then local to_name = tmp_players[name]["select_player"] if not to_name then return end local pos = player:getpos() action_timers.wrapper(name, "send_pos_to_player", "to_player_" .. name, h2omes.time_to_player, h2omes.send_pos_to_player, {name, pos, to_name}) tmp_players[name] = nil elseif fields["refresh"] then tmp_players[name].refresh = true elseif fields["select_player"] then for i, n in pairs(tmp_players[name].players_list) do if n == fields["select_player"] then tmp_players[name]["select_player"] = fields["select_player"] tmp_players[name].selected_id = i break end end end if not fields["quit"] then h2omes.show_formspec_home(name) end end end) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not name or name == "" then return end h2omes.load_homes(name) end) minetest.register_on_leaveplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not name or name == "" then return end h2omes.homes[name] = nil tmp_players[name] = nil from_players[name] = nil end) minetest.register_privilege("home", "Can use /sethome, /home, /setpit and /pit") minetest.register_chatcommand("spawn", { description = "Teleport a player to the defined spawnpoint", func = function(name) local spawn_pos = h2omes.getspawn(name) if spawn_pos then action_timers.wrapper(name, "spawn", "tospawn_" .. name, h2omes.time_spawn, h2omes.to_spawn, {name}) else minetest.chat_send_player(name, "ERROR: No spawn point is set on this server!") return false end end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("home", { description = "Teleport you to your home point", privs = {home=true}, func = function (name, params) if not h2omes.get_home(name, "home") then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Set a home using /sethome") return false end --h2omes.to_home(name, "home") return action_timers.wrapper(name, "home", "tohome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.to_home, {name, "home"}) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("sethome", { description = "Set your home point", privs = {home=true}, func = function (name, params) --h2omes.set_home(name, "home") return action_timers.wrapper(name, "sethome", "sethome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.set_home, {name, "home"}) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("pit", { description = "Teleport you to your pit point", privs = {home=true}, func = function (name, params) if not h2omes.get_home(name, "pit") then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Set a pit using /setpit") return false end --h2omes.to_home(name, "pit") return action_timers.wrapper(name, "pit", "tohome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.to_home, {name, "pit"}) end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("setpit", { description = "Set your pit point", privs = {home=true}, func = function (name, params) --h2omes.set_home(name, "pit") return action_timers.wrapper(name, "setpit", "sethome_" .. name, h2omes.time_home, h2omes.set_home, {name, "pit"}) end, }) minetest.log("action","[h2omes] Loaded.")