-- Unified Skins for Minetest - based modified Bags from unfied_inventory and skins from inventory_plus -- Copyright (c) 2012 cornernote, Dean Montgomery -- License: GPLv3 u_skins = {} u_skins.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("u_skins") u_skins.file = minetest.get_worldpath().."/u_skins.mt" u_skins.default = "character_1" u_skins.pages = {} u_skins.u_skins = {} u_skins.file_save = false -- ( Deprecated u_skins.type = { SPRITE=0, MODEL=1, ERROR=99 } u_skins.get_type = function(texture) if not u_skins.is_skin(texture) then return u_skins.type.ERROR end return u_skins.type.MODEL end -- ) u_skins.is_skin = function(texture) if not texture then return false end if not u_skins.meta[texture] then return false end return true end dofile(u_skins.modpath.."/skinlist.lua") dofile(u_skins.modpath.."/players.lua") u_skins.update_player_skin = function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not u_skins.is_skin(u_skins.u_skins[name]) then u_skins.u_skins[name] = u_skins.default end player:set_properties({ textures = {u_skins.u_skins[name]..".png"}, }) u_skins.file_save = true end -- Display Current Skin unified_inventory.register_page("u_skins", { get_formspec = function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() if not u_skins.is_skin(u_skins.u_skins[name]) then u_skins.u_skins[name] = u_skins.default end local formspec = ("background[0.06,0.99;7.92,7.52;ui_misc_form.png]" .."image[0,.75;1,2;"..u_skins.u_skins[name].."_preview.png]" .."label[6,.5;Raw texture:]" .."image[6,1;2,1;"..u_skins.u_skins[name]..".png]") local meta = u_skins.meta[u_skins.u_skins[name]] if meta then if meta.name ~= "" then formspec = formspec.."label[2,.5;Name: "..minetest.formspec_escape(meta.name).."]" end if meta.author ~= "" then formspec = formspec.."label[2,1;Author: "..minetest.formspec_escape(meta.author).."]" end if meta.license ~= "" then formspec = formspec.."label[2,1.5;License: "..minetest.formspec_escape(meta.license).."]" end if meta.description ~= "" then --what's that?? formspec = formspec.."label[2,2;Description: "..minetest.formspec_escape(meta.description).."]" end end local page = 0 if u_skins.pages[name] then page = u_skins.pages[name] end formspec = formspec .. "button[.75,3;6.5,.5;u_skins_page$"..page..";Change]" return {formspec=formspec} end, }) unified_inventory.register_button("u_skins", { type = "image", image = "u_skins_button.png", tooltip = "Skin inventory", show_with = false, -- modif MFF (Crabman 30/06/2015) }) -- Create all of the skin-picker pages. u_skins.generate_pages = function(texture) local page = 0 local pages = {} for i, skin in ipairs(u_skins.list) do local p_index = (i - 1) % 16 if p_index == 0 then page = page + 1 pages[page] = {} end pages[page][p_index + 1] = {i, skin} end local total_pages = page page = 1 for page, arr in ipairs(pages) do local formspec = "background[0.06,0.99;7.92,7.52;ui_misc_form.png]" local y = -0.1 for i, skin in ipairs(arr) do local x = (i - 1) % 8 if i > 1 and x == 0 then y = 1.8 end formspec = (formspec.."image_button["..x..","..y..";1,2;".. skin[2].."_preview.png;u_skins_set$"..skin[1]..";]".. "tooltip[u_skins_set$"..skin[1]..";"..u_skins.meta[skin[2]].name.."]") end local page_prev = page - 2 local page_next = page if page_prev < 0 then page_prev = total_pages - 1 end if page_next >= total_pages then page_next = 0 end formspec = (formspec .."button[0,3.8;1,.5;u_skins_page$"..page_prev..";<<]" .."button[.75,3.8;6.5,.5;u_skins_null;Page "..page.."/"..total_pages.."]" .."button[7,3.8;1,.5;u_skins_page$"..page_next..";>>]") unified_inventory.register_page("u_skins_page$"..(page - 1), { get_formspec = function(player) return {formspec=formspec} end }) end end -- click button handlers minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if fields.u_skins then unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "craft") return end for field, _ in pairs(fields) do local current = string.split(field, "$", 2) if current[1] == "u_skins_set" then u_skins.u_skins[player:get_player_name()] = u_skins.list[tonumber(current[2])] u_skins.update_player_skin(player) unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "u_skins") elseif current[1] == "u_skins_page" then u_skins.pages[player:get_player_name()] = current[2] unified_inventory.set_inventory_formspec(player, "u_skins_page$"..current[2]) end end end) -- Change skin on join - reset if invalid minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local player_name = player:get_player_name() if not u_skins.is_skin(u_skins.u_skins[player_name]) then u_skins.u_skins[player_name] = u_skins.default end u_skins.update_player_skin(player) end) u_skins.generate_pages() u_skins.load_players()