-- registers a quest for later use -- -- questname is the name of the quest to identify it later -- it should follow the naming conventions: "modname:questname" -- quest is a table in the following format -- { -- title, -- is shown to the player and should contain usefull information about the quest. -- description, -- a small description of the mod. -- max, -- is the desired maximum. If max is 1, no maximum is displayed. defaults to 1 -- autoaccept, -- is true or false, wether the result of the quest should be dealt by this mode or the registering mod. -- callback -- when autoaccept is true, at the end of the quest, it gets removed and callback is called. -- } -- -- returns true, when the quest was successfully registered -- returns falls, when there was already such a quest function quests.register_quest(questname, quest) if (quests.registered_quests[questname] ~= nil) then return false -- The quest was not registered since there already a quest with that name end quests.registered_quests[questname] = { title = quest.title or "missing title", description = quest.description or "missing description", max = quest.max or 1, autoaccept = quest.autoaccept or false, callback = quest.callback, } return true end -- starts a quest for a specified player -- -- playername - the name of the player -- questname - the name of the quest, which was registered with quests.register_quest -- -- returns false on failure -- returns true if the quest was started function quests.start_quest(playername, questname) if (quests.registered_quests[questname] == nil) then return false end if (quests.active_quests[playername] == nil) then quests.active_quests[playername] = {} end if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil) then return false -- the player has already this quest end quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = {value = 0} quests.update_hud(playername) return true end -- when something happens that has effect on a quest, a mod should call this method -- playername is the name of the player -- questname is the quest which gets updated -- the quest gets updated by value -- this method calls a previously specified callback if autoaccept is true -- returns true if the quest is finished -- returns false if there is no such quest or the quest continues function quests.update_quest(playername, questname, value) if (quests.active_quests[playername] == nil) then quests.active_quests[playername] = {} end if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname] == nil) then return false -- there is no such quest end if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished) then return false -- the quest is already finished end if (value == nil) then return false -- no value given end quests.active_quests[playername][questname]["value"] = quests.active_quests[playername][questname]["value"] + value if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname]["value"] >= quests.registered_quests[questname]["max"]) then quests.active_quests[playername][questname]["value"] = quests.registered_quests[questname]["max"] if (quests.registered_quests[questname]["autoaccept"]) then if (quests.registered_quests[questname]["callback"] ~= nil) then quests.registered_quests[questname]["callback"](playername, questname) end quests.accept_quest(playername,questname) quests.update_hud(playername) end return true -- the quest is finished end quests.update_hud(playername) return false -- the quest continues end -- When the mod handels the end of quests himself, e.g. you have to talk to somebody to finish the quest, -- you have to call this method to end a quest -- returns true, when the quest is completed -- returns false, when the quest is still ongoing function quests.accept_quest(playername, questname) if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname] and not quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished) then if (quests.successfull_quests[playername] == nil) then quests.successfull_quests[playername] = {} end if (quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil) then quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname].count = quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname].count + 1 else quests.successfull_quests[playername][questname] = {count = 1} end quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished = true minetest.after(3, function(playername, questname) quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = nil minetest.after(1,quests.update_hud,playername) end, playername, questname) return true -- the quest is finished, the mod can give a reward end return false -- the quest hasn't finished end -- call this method, when you want to end a quest even when it was not finished -- example: the player failed -- -- returns false if the quest was not aborted -- returns true when the quest was aborted function quests.abort_quest(playername, questname) if (questname == nil) then return false end if (quests.failed_quests[playername] == nil) then quests.failed_quests[playername] = {} end if (quests.active_quests[playername][questname] == nil) then return false end if (quests.failed_quests[playername][questname] ~= nil) then quests.failed_quests[playername][questname].count = quests.failed_quests[playername][questname].count + 1 else quests.failed_quests[playername][questname] = { count = 1 } end quests.active_quests[playername][questname].finished = true for _,quest in ipairs(quests.hud[playername]) do if (quest.name == questname) then local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(playername) player:hud_change(quest.id, "number", 0xAD0000) end end minetest.after(3, function(playername, questname) quests.active_quests[playername][questname] = nil minetest.after(1,quests.update_hud,playername) end, playername, questname) end