local teleporters = {} local teleporters_rids = {} local register = function(pos) if not vector.get_data_from_pos(teleporters_rids, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x) then table.insert(teleporters, pos) vector.set_data_to_pos(teleporters_rids, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x, #teleporters) end end local teleport_nearest = function(pos) local MAX_TELEPORTATION_DISTANCE = 50 local MAX_PLAYER_DISTANCE = 25 -- Search the nearest player local nearest = nil local min_distance = MAX_PLAYER_DISTANCE local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for index, player in pairs(players) do local distance = vector.distance(pos, player:getpos()) if distance < min_distance then min_distance = distance nearest = player end end if not nearest then -- If there is no nearest player (maybe too far...) return end -- Search other teleporter and teleport if not minetest.registered_nodes["moremesecons_teleporter:teleporter"] then return end local newpos = {} for i = 1, #teleporters do if minetest.get_node(teleporters[i]).name == "moremesecons_teleporter:teleporter" then if teleporters[i].y == pos.y and teleporters[i].x == pos.x and teleporters[i].z ~= pos.z then newpos = {x=teleporters[i].x, y=teleporters[i].y+1, z=teleporters[i].z} elseif teleporters[i].z == pos.z and teleporters[i].x == pos.x and teleporters[i].y ~= pos.y then newpos = {x=teleporters[i].x, y=teleporters[i].y+1, z=teleporters[i].z} elseif teleporters[i].z == pos.z and teleporters[i].y == pos.y and teleporters[i].x ~= pos.x then newpos = {x=teleporters[i].x, y=teleporters[i].y+1, z=teleporters[i].z} end end end if newpos.x then -- If there is another teleporter BUT too far, delete newpos. if vector.distance(newpos, pos) > MAX_TELEPORTATION_DISTANCE then newpos = {} end end if not newpos.x then newpos = {x=pos.x, y=pos.y+1, z=pos.z} -- If newpos doesn't exist, teleport on the actual teleporter. end nearest:moveto(newpos) minetest.log("action", "Player "..nearest:get_player_name().." was teleport with a MoreMesecons Teleporter.") end minetest.register_craft({ output = "moremesecons_teleporter:teleporter 2", recipe = {{"default:diamond","default:stick","default:mese"}} }) minetest.register_node("moremesecons_teleporter:teleporter", { tiles = {"moremesecons_teleporter.png"}, paramtype = "light", walkable = true, groups = {cracky=3}, description="Teleporter", mesecons = {effector = { state = mesecon.state.off, action_on = teleport_nearest }}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), on_construct = register, on_destruct = function(pos) local RID = vector.get_data_from_pos(teleporters_rids, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x) if RID then table.remove(teleporters, RID) vector.remove_data_from_pos(teleporters_rids, pos.z,pos.y,pos.x) end end, }) minetest.register_lbm({ name = "moremesecons_teleporter:add_teleporter", nodenames = {"moremesecons_teleporter:teleporter"}, action = register })