#The Armor Monoid This mod provides a player_monoids monoid for handling armor groups. It provides a monoid for damage resistance, and a way to register new damage types for players. It is also compatible with 3d_armor. Using the monoid ================ The values in the monoid are tables mapping armor group names to damage multipliers. For example, if I wanted to apply an effect granting arcane damage resistance but fleshy damage vulnerability, I could do
``` local tab = { arcane = 0.5, fleshy = 1.5, } armor_monoid.monoid:add_change(player, tab, "mymod:arcane_boost") ``` Registering damage types ======================== To add a new damage type to players, use armor_monoid.register_armor_group. For example:
``` armor_monoid.register_armor_group("arcane", 100) ```
As you can see, the argument is not a multiplier, but the base armor group rating. Calling this would mean players start off with an armor rating in "arcane" of 100 (no protection).