diff --git a/API.md b/API.md index 854fdf7..7aeb05b 100644 --- a/API.md +++ b/API.md @@ -185,16 +185,17 @@ Returns a map of recipe filters, indexed by name. ### Search filters Search filters are used to perform specific searches inside the search field. +You can cumulate several filters to perform a specific search. They can be used like so: ` +=,,<...>` -Examples: +Example usages: - `+groups=cracky,crumbly`: search for groups `cracky` and `crumbly` in all items. -- `sand +groups=falling_node`: search for group `falling_node` for items which contain `sand` in their names. +- `wood +groups=flammable +type=node`: search for group `flammable` amongst items which contain + `wood` in their names AND have a `node` drawtype. Notes: - If `optional_name` is omitted, the search filter will apply to all items, without pre-filtering. -- Filters can be combined. - The `groups` and `type` filters are currently implemented by default. #### `i3.add_search_filter(name, function(item, values))`