local set_fs = i3.files.api() local singleplayer = core.is_singleplayer() local fmt, search, table_merge, array_diff = i3.get("fmt", "search", "table_merge", "array_diff") local is_group, extract_groups, item_has_groups, apply_recipe_filters = i3.get("is_group", "extract_groups", "item_has_groups", "apply_recipe_filters") local POLL_FREQ = 0.25 local HUD_TIMER_MAX = 1.5 local function get_filtered_items(player, data) local items, known, c = {}, 0, 0 for i = 1, #i3.init_items do local item = i3.init_items[i] local recipes = i3.recipes_cache[item] local usages = i3.usages_cache[item] recipes = #apply_recipe_filters(recipes or {}, player) usages = #apply_recipe_filters(usages or {}, player) if recipes > 0 or usages > 0 then c = c + 1 items[c] = item if data then known = known + recipes + usages end end end if data then data.known_recipes = known end return items end local function item_in_inv(item, inv_items) local inv_items_size = #inv_items if is_group(item) then local groups = extract_groups(item) for i = 1, inv_items_size do local def = core.registered_items[inv_items[i]] if def then if item_has_groups(def.groups, groups) then return true end end end else for i = 1, inv_items_size do if inv_items[i] == item then return true end end end end local function recipe_in_inv(rcp, inv_items) for _, item in pairs(rcp.items) do if not item_in_inv(item, inv_items) then return end end return true end local function progressive_filter(recipes, player) if not recipes then return {} end local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] if #data.inv_items == 0 then return {} end local filtered, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #recipes do local recipe = recipes[i] if recipe_in_inv(recipe, data.inv_items) then c = c + 1 filtered[c] = recipe end end return filtered end local item_lists = {"main", "craft", "craftpreview"} local function get_inv_items(player) local inv = player:get_inventory() local stacks = {} for i = 1, #item_lists do local list = inv:get_list(item_lists[i]) table_merge(stacks, list) end local inv_items, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #stacks do local stack = stacks[i] if not stack:is_empty() then local name = stack:get_name() if core.registered_items[name] then c = c + 1 inv_items[c] = name end end end return inv_items end local function init_hud(player, data) data.hud = { bg = player:hud_add { hud_elem_type = "image", position = {x = 0.78, y = 1}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, scale = {x = 370, y = 112}, text = "i3_bg.png", z_index = 0xDEAD, }, book = player:hud_add { hud_elem_type = "image", position = {x = 0.79, y = 1.02}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, scale = {x = 4, y = 4}, text = "i3_book.png", z_index = 0xDEAD, }, text = player:hud_add { hud_elem_type = "text", position = {x = 0.84, y = 1.04}, alignment = {x = 1, y = 1}, number = 0xffffff, text = "", z_index = 0xDEAD, style = 1, }, } end local function show_hud_success(player, data) -- It'd better to have an engine function `hud_move` to only need -- 2 calls for the notification's back and forth. local hud_info_bg = player:hud_get(data.hud.bg) local dt = 0.016 if hud_info_bg.position.y <= 0.9 then data.show_hud = false data.hud_timer = (data.hud_timer or 0) + dt end if data.show_hud then for _, def in pairs(data.hud) do local hud_info = player:hud_get(def) player:hud_change(def, "position", { x = hud_info.position.x, y = hud_info.position.y - (dt / 5) }) end player:hud_change(data.hud.text, "text", fmt("%u new recipe%s unlocked!", data.discovered, data.discovered > 1 and "s" or "")) elseif data.show_hud == false then if data.hud_timer >= HUD_TIMER_MAX then for _, def in pairs(data.hud) do local hud_info = player:hud_get(def) player:hud_change(def, "position", { x = hud_info.position.x, y = hud_info.position.y + (dt / 5) }) end if hud_info_bg.position.y >= 1 then data.show_hud = nil data.hud_timer = nil end end end end -- Workaround. Need an engine call to detect when the contents of -- the player inventory changed, instead. local function poll_new_items() local players = core.get_connected_players() for i = 1, #players do local player = players[i] local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] if not data then return end local inv_items = get_inv_items(player) local diff = array_diff(inv_items, data.inv_items) if #diff > 0 then data.inv_items = table_merge(diff, data.inv_items) local oldknown = data.known_recipes or 0 local items = get_filtered_items(player, data) data.discovered = data.known_recipes - oldknown if data.show_hud == nil and data.discovered > 0 then data.show_hud = true end data.items_raw = items data.current_itab = 1 search(data) set_fs(player) end end core.after(POLL_FREQ, poll_new_items) end poll_new_items() if singleplayer then core.register_globalstep(function() local name = "singleplayer" local player = core.get_player_by_name(name) local data = i3.data[name] if data and data.show_hud ~= nil then show_hud_success(player, data) end end) end i3.add_recipe_filter("Default progressive filter", progressive_filter) core.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] if not data then return end data.inv_items = data.inv_items or {} data.known_recipes = data.known_recipes or 0 local oldknown = data.known_recipes local items = get_filtered_items(player, data) data.discovered = data.known_recipes - oldknown data.items_raw = items search(data) if singleplayer then init_hud(player, data) if data.show_hud == nil and data.discovered > 0 then data.show_hud = true end end end)