--[[ All source files have to be preprocessed before loading. This allows implementing custom operators like bitwise ones. ]] local fmt, split = string.format, string.split local var = "[%w%.%[%]\"\'_]" local modpath = core.get_modpath"i3" local _,_, fs_elements = dofile(modpath .. "/src/styles.lua") local operators = { ["([%+%-%*%^/&|])="] = function(a, b, c) return fmt("%s = %s %s %s", a, a, b, c) end, ["+%+"] = function(a, b) return fmt("%s = %s + 1\n%s", a, a, b) end, ["&"] = function(a, b) return fmt("bit.band(%s, %s)", a, b) end, ["|"] = function(a, b) return fmt("bit.bor(%s, %s)", a, b) end, ["<<"] = function(a, b) return fmt("bit.lshift(%s, %s)", a, b) end, [">>"] = function(a, b) return fmt("bit.rshift(%s, %s)", a, b) end, ["<<="] = function(a, b) return fmt("%s = bit.lshift(%s, %s)", a, a, b) end, [">>="] = function(a, b) return fmt("%s = bit.rshift(%s, %s)", a, a, b) end, } local function compile(data) data = data:gsub("IMPORT%((.-)%)", function(a) return "local " .. a:gsub("\"", "") .. " = i3.get(" .. a .. ")" end) data = data:gsub("([%w_]+)%(", function(a) if fs_elements[a] then return fmt("fs('%s',", a) end end) for op, func in pairs(operators) do data = data:gsub("(" .. var .. "+)%s?" .. op .. "%s?(" .. var .. "*)", func) end return data end local function _load(path, line, data, t) if line then if not t then t = split(data, "\n") end t[line] = t[line]:gsub("(" .. var .. "+)%s?=%s?(" .. var .. "*)", "%2") data = table.concat(t, "\n") else local file = assert(io.open(path, "r")) data = file:read"*a" file:close() data = compile(data) end local l, err = loadstring(data) if not l then local err_line = tonumber(err:match(":(%d+):")) if line ~= err_line then return _load(path, err_line, data, t) end end return l, err end return function(path) return _load(path) or loadfile(path) end