local set_fs = i3.set_fs IMPORT("S", "ES", "fmt", "msg", "slz", "dslz", "ItemStack") IMPORT("get_group", "play_sound", "get_detached_inv", "create_inventory") local function get_content(content) local t = {} for i, v in pairs(content) do t[i] = ItemStack(v) end return t end local function init_bags(player) local name = player:get_player_name() local data = i3.data[name] local bag = create_inventory(fmt("i3_bag_%s", name), { allow_put = function(inv, _, _, stack) local empty = inv:is_empty"main" local item_group = get_group(stack:get_name(), "bag") if empty and item_group > 0 and item_group <= 4 then return 1 end if not empty then msg(name, S"There is already a bag") else msg(name, S"This is not a bag") end return 0, play_sound(name, "i3_cannot", 0.8) end, on_put = function(_, _, _, stack) data.bag = stack:to_string() local meta = stack:get_meta() local content = dslz(meta:get_string"content") if content then local inv = get_detached_inv("bag_content", name) inv:set_list("main", get_content(content)) end set_fs(player) end, on_take = function() data.bag = nil local content = get_detached_inv("bag_content", name) content:set_list("main", {}) set_fs(player) end, }, name) bag:set_size("main", 1) if data.bag then bag:set_list("main", get_content{data.bag}) end local function save_content(inv) local bagstack = bag:get_stack("main", 1) local meta = bagstack:get_meta() meta:set_string("description", "") if inv:is_empty"main" then meta:set_string("content", "") else local list = inv:get_list"main" local t, c = {}, 0 for i = 1, #list do local stack = list[i] if not stack:is_empty() then c++ t[i] = stack:to_string() end end local bag_size = get_group(bagstack:get_name(), "bag") local percent = fmt("%d", (c * 100) / (bag_size * 4)) meta:set_string("description", ES("@1 (@2% full)", bagstack:get_description(), percent)) meta:set_string("content", slz(t)) end bag:set_stack("main", 1, bagstack) data.bag = bagstack:to_string() set_fs(player) end local bag_content = create_inventory(fmt("i3_bag_content_%s", name), { on_move = save_content, on_put = save_content, on_take = save_content, allow_put = function(_, _, _, stack) local meta = stack:get_meta() local content = dslz(meta:get_string"content") if content then msg(name, "You cannot put a bag in another bag") return 0, play_sound(name, "i3_cannot", 0.8) end return stack:get_count() end, }, name) bag_content:set_size("main", 4*4) if data.bag then local meta = bag:get_stack("main", 1):get_meta() local content = dslz(meta:get_string"content") if content then bag_content:set_list("main", get_content(content)) end end end local bag_recipes = { small = { rcp = { {"", "farming:string", ""}, {"group:wool", "group:wool", "group:wool"}, {"group:wool", "group:wool", "group:wool"}, }, size = 2, }, medium = { rcp = { {"farming:string", "i3:bag_small", "farming:string"}, {"farming:string", "i3:bag_small", "farming:string"}, }, size = 3, }, large = { rcp = { {"farming:string", "i3:bag_medium", "farming:string"}, {"farming:string", "i3:bag_medium", "farming:string"}, }, size = 4, }, } for size, item in pairs(bag_recipes) do local bagname = fmt("i3:bag_%s", size) core.register_craftitem(bagname, { description = fmt("%s Backpack", size:gsub("^%l", string.upper)), inventory_image = fmt("i3_bag_%s.png", size), groups = {bag = item.size}, stack_max = 1, }) core.register_craft{output = bagname, recipe = item.rcp} core.register_craft{type = "fuel", recipe = bagname, burntime = 3} end return init_bags