local damage_enabled = core.settings:get_bool "enable_damage" local model_aliases = i3.files.model_alias() local PNG, styles, fs_elements = i3.files.styles() local clr, ESC = i3.need("clr", "ESC") local S, ES, translate = i3.need("S", "ES", "translate") local min, max, floor, ceil = i3.need("min", "max", "floor", "ceil") local sprintf, find, match, sub, upper = i3.need("fmt", "find", "match", "sub", "upper") local reg_items, reg_tools, reg_entities = i3.need("reg_items", "reg_tools", "reg_entities") local maxn, sort, concat, copy, insert, remove = i3.need("maxn", "sort", "concat", "copy", "insert", "remove") local is_group, extract_groups, item_has_groups = i3.need("is_group", "extract_groups", "item_has_groups") local groups_to_items, compression_active, compressible, true_str, is_fav = i3.need("groups_to_items", "compression_active", "compressible", "true_str", "is_fav") local function is_num(x) return type(x) == "number" end local function round(num, decimal) local mul = 10 ^ decimal return floor(num * mul + 0.5) / mul end local function fmt(elem, ...) if not fs_elements[elem] then return sprintf(elem, ...) end return sprintf(fs_elements[elem], ...) end local function repairable(tool) local def = reg_tools[tool] return i3.toolrepair and def and def.groups and def.groups.disable_repair ~= 1 end local function weird_desc(str) return not true_str(str) or find(str, "\n") or not find(str, "%u") end local function toupper(str) return str:gsub("%f[%w]%l", upper):gsub("_", " ") end local function snip(str, limit) return #str > limit and fmt("%s...", sub(str, 1, limit - 3)) or str end local function get_desc(item) if sub(item, 1, 1) == "_" then item = sub(item, 2) end local def = reg_items[item] if not def then return S("Unknown Item (@1)", item) end local desc = def.description if true_str(desc) then desc = desc:trim():match("[^\n]*"):gsub("_", " ") if not find(desc, "%u") then desc = toupper(desc) end return desc elseif true_str(item) then return toupper(match(item, ":(.*)")) end end local function get_stack_max(inv, data, is_recipe, rcp) local list = inv:get_list("main") local size = inv:get_size("main") local counts_inv, counts_rcp, counts = {}, {}, {} local rcp_usg = is_recipe and "recipe" or "usage" for _, it in pairs(rcp.items) do counts_rcp[it] = (counts_rcp[it] or 0) + 1 end data.export_counts[rcp_usg] = {} data.export_counts[rcp_usg].rcp = counts_rcp for i = 1, size do local stack = list[i] if not stack:is_empty() then local item = stack:get_name() local count = stack:get_count() for name in pairs(counts_rcp) do if is_group(name) then local def = reg_items[item] if def then local groups = extract_groups(name) if item_has_groups(def.groups, groups) then counts_inv[name] = (counts_inv[name] or 0) + count end end end end counts_inv[item] = (counts_inv[item] or 0) + count end end data.export_counts[rcp_usg].inv = counts_inv for name in pairs(counts_rcp) do counts[name] = floor((counts_inv[name] or 0) / (counts_rcp[name] or 0)) end local max_stacks = math.huge for _, count in pairs(counts) do if count < max_stacks then max_stacks = count end end return max_stacks end local function get_inv_slots(data, fs) local inv_x, inv_y = 0.22, 6.9 local width, size, spacing = i3.HOTBAR_LEN, 1, 0.1 local bag = data.bag_size fs("style_type[box;colors=#77777710,#77777710,#777,#777]") for i = 0, i3.HOTBAR_LEN - 1 do fs("box", i * size + inv_x + (i * spacing), inv_y, size, size, "") end fs(fmt("style_type[list;size=%f;spacing=%f]", size, spacing), fmt("list[current_player;main;%f,%f;%u,1;]", inv_x, inv_y, i3.HOTBAR_LEN)) if bag then if bag == 1 then width, size = 10, 0.892 elseif bag == 2 then width, size = 11, 0.8 elseif bag == 3 then width, size = 12, 0.726 end end fs(fmt("style_type[list;size=%f;spacing=%f]", size, spacing), fmt("list[current_player;main;%f,%f;%u,%u;%u]", inv_x, inv_y + 1.15, width, (bag and i3.BAG_SIZES[data.bag_size] or i3.INV_SIZE) / width, i3.HOTBAR_LEN), "style_type[list;size=1;spacing=0.15]") fs("listring[current_player;craft]listring[current_player;main]") end local function add_subtitle(fs, name, y, ctn_len, font_size, sep, label) fs(fmt("style[%s;font=bold;font_size=%u]", name, font_size)) fs("button", 0, y, ctn_len, 0.5, name, ESC(label)) if sep then fs("image", 0, y + 0.55, ctn_len, 0.035, PNG.bar) end end local function get_award_list(data, fs, ctn_len, yextra, award_list, awards_unlocked, award_list_nb) local percent = fmt("%.1f%%", (awards_unlocked * 100) / award_list_nb):gsub(".0", "") add_subtitle(fs, "awards", yextra, ctn_len, 18, false, ES("Achievements: @1 of @2 (@3)", awards_unlocked, award_list_nb, percent)) for i = 1, award_list_nb do local award = award_list[i] local y = yextra - 0.6 + i + (i * 0.3) local def, progress = award.def, award.progress local title, desc = def.title, def.description title = translate(data.lang_code, title) desc = translate(data.lang_code, desc):gsub("%.$", "") local title_lim, _title = 27 local desc_lim, _desc = 39 local icon_size = 1.1 local box_len = ctn_len - icon_size + 0.1 if #title > title_lim then _title = snip(title, title_lim) end if #desc > desc_lim then _desc = snip(desc, desc_lim) end if not award.unlocked and def.secret then title = ES"Secret award" desc = ES"Unlock this award to find out what it is" end local icon = def.icon or "awards_unknown.png" if not award.unlocked then icon = fmt("%s^\\[colorize:#000:180", icon) end fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("image", 0, y + 0.01, icon_size, icon_size, icon) fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[box;colors=#bababa30,#bababa30,#bababa05,#bababa05]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("box", icon_size + 0.1, y, box_len, icon_size, "") if progress then local current, target = progress.current, progress.target local curr_bar = (current * box_len) / target fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("box", icon_size + 0.1, y + 0.8, box_len, 0.3, "#101010") fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[box;colors=#9dc34c80,#9dc34c,#9dc34c,#9dc34c80]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("box", icon_size + 0.1, y + 0.8, curr_bar, 0.3, "") fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font_size=14]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", icon_size + 0.5, y + 0.97, fmt("%u / %u", current, target)) y = y - 0.14 end title = _title or title desc = _desc or desc fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=bold;font_size=17]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", icon_size + 0.2, y + 0.4, title) fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font=normal;font_size=15]" fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("label", icon_size + 0.2, y + 0.75, clr("#bbbbbb", desc)) fs[#fs + 1] = "style_type[label;font_size=16]" end end local function get_waypoint_fs(fs, data, player, yextra, ctn_len) fs(fmt("box[0,%f;4.9,0.6;#bababa25]", yextra + 1.1)) fs("label", 0, yextra + 0.85, ES"Waypoint name:") fs(fmt("field[0.1,%f;4.8,0.6;waypoint_name;;]", yextra + 1.1)) fs("image_button", 5.1, yextra + 1.15, 0.5, 0.5, "", "waypoint_add", "") fs(fmt("tooltip[waypoint_add;%s]", ES"Add waypoint")) if #data.waypoints == 0 then return end for i, v in ipairs(data.waypoints) do local y = yextra + 1.35 + (i - (i * 0.3)) local icon_size, yi = 0.35, y + 0.12 fs("style_type[box;colors=#bababa30,#bababa30,#bababa05,#bababa05]") fs("box", 0, y, ctn_len, 0.6, "") local waypoint_name, lim = v.name, 18 if #v.name > lim then waypoint_name = snip(waypoint_name, lim) end fs("style_type[label;font_size=17]") local hex = fmt("%02x", v.color) while #hex < 6 do hex = "0" .. hex end fs("label", 0.15, y + 0.33, clr(fmt("#%s", hex), waypoint_name)) fs("tooltip", 0, y, ctn_len - 2.5, 0.65, fmt("Name: %s\nPosition:%s", clr("#ff0", v.name), core.pos_to_string(v.pos, 0):sub(2,-2):gsub("(%-*%d+)", clr("#ff0", " %1")))) local del = fmt("waypoint_%u_delete", i) fs(fmt("style[%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;content_offset=0]", del, PNG.trash, PNG.trash_hover)) fs("image_button", ctn_len - 0.5, yi, icon_size, icon_size, "", del, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", del, ES"Remove waypoint")) local rfs = fmt("waypoint_%u_refresh", i) fs(fmt("style[%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;content_offset=0]", rfs, PNG.refresh, PNG.refresh_hover)) fs("image_button", ctn_len - 1, yi, icon_size, icon_size, "", rfs, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", rfs, ES"Change color")) local vsb = fmt("waypoint_%u_hide", i) fs(fmt("style[%s;fgimg=%s;content_offset=0]", vsb, v.hide and PNG.nonvisible or PNG.visible)) fs("image_button", ctn_len - 1.5, yi, icon_size, icon_size, "", vsb, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", vsb, v.hide and ES"Show waypoint" or ES"Hide waypoint")) if core.check_player_privs(player, {teleport = true}) then local tp = fmt("waypoint_%u_teleport", i) fs(fmt("style[%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;content_offset=0]", tp, PNG.teleport, PNG.teleport_hover)) fs("image_button", ctn_len - 2, yi, icon_size, icon_size, "", tp, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", tp, ES"Teleport to waypoint")) end end fs("style_type[label;font_size=16]") end local function get_container(fs, data, player, yoffset, ctn_len, award_list, awards_unlocked, award_list_nb) local name = player:get_player_name() add_subtitle(fs, "player_name", 0, ctn_len, 22, true, ESC(name)) if damage_enabled then local hp = data.hp or player:get_hp() or 20 local half = ceil((hp / 2) % 1) local hearts = (hp / 2) + half local heart_size = 0.35 local heart_x, heart_h = 0.65, yoffset + 0.75 for i = 1, 10 do fs("image", heart_x + ((i - 1) * (heart_size + 0.1)), heart_h, heart_size, heart_size, PNG.heart_grey) end for i = 1, hearts do fs("image", heart_x + ((i - 1) * (heart_size + 0.1)), heart_h, heart_size, heart_size, (half == 1 and i == floor(hearts)) and PNG.heart_half or PNG.heart) end else yoffset = yoffset - 0.5 end fs(fmt("list[current_player;craft;%f,%f;3,3;]", 0, yoffset + 1.45)) fs("image", 3.47, yoffset + 2.69, 0.85, 0.85, PNG.arrow) fs(fmt("list[current_player;craftpreview;%f,%f;1,1;]", 4.45, yoffset + 2.6), fmt("list[detached:i3_trash;main;%f,%f;1,1;]", 4.45, yoffset + 3.75)) fs("image", 4.45, yoffset + 3.75, 1, 1, PNG.trash) local yextra = damage_enabled and 5.5 or 5 for i, title in ipairs(i3.SUBCAT) do local btn_name = fmt("btn_%s", title) fs(fmt("style[btn_%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;content_offset=0]", title, data.subcat == i and PNG[fmt("%s_hover", title)] or PNG[title], PNG[fmt("%s_hover", title)])) fs("image_button", 0.25 + ((i - 1) * 1.18), yextra - 0.2, 0.5, 0.5, "", btn_name, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", btn_name, title:gsub("^%l", upper))) end fs("box", 0, yextra + 0.45, ctn_len, 0.045, "#bababa50") fs("box", (data.subcat - 1) * 1.18, yextra + 0.45, 1, 0.045, "#f9826c") local function not_installed(modname) fs("hypertext", 0, yextra + 0.9, ctn_len, 0.6, "not_installed", fmt("
not installed
", modname)) end if data.subcat == 1 then fs(fmt("list[detached:%s_backpack;main;0,%f;1,1;]", ESC(name), yextra + 0.7)) if not data.bag:get_stack("main", 1):is_empty() then fs("hypertext", 1.2, yextra + 0.89, ctn_len - 1.9, 0.8, "bpk", ES("The inventory is extended by @1 slots", i3.BAG_SIZES[data.bag_size] - i3.INV_SIZE)) end elseif data.subcat == 2 then if i3.modules.armor then fs(fmt("list[detached:%s_armor;armor;0,%f;3,2;]", ESC(name), yextra + 0.7)) local armor_def = armor.def[name] fs("label", 3.65, yextra + 1.55, fmt("%s: %s", ES"Level", armor_def.level)) fs("label", 3.65, yextra + 2.05, fmt("%s: %s", ES"Heal", armor_def.heal)) else not_installed("3d_armor") end elseif data.subcat == 3 then if i3.modules.skins then local _skins = skins.get_skinlist_for_player(name) local skin_name = skins.get_player_skin(player).name local sks, id = {}, 1 for i, skin in ipairs(_skins) do if skin.name == skin_name then id = i end sks[#sks + 1] = skin.name end sks = concat(sks, ","):gsub(";", "") fs("label", 0, yextra + 0.85, fmt("%s:", ES"Select a skin")) fs(fmt("dropdown[0,%f;4,0.6;skins;%s;%u;true]", yextra + 1.1, sks, id)) else not_installed("skinsdb") end elseif data.subcat == 4 then if i3.modules.awards then yextra = yextra + 0.7 get_award_list(data, fs, ctn_len, yextra, award_list, awards_unlocked, award_list_nb) else not_installed("awards") end elseif data.subcat == 5 then get_waypoint_fs(fs, data, player, yextra, ctn_len) end end local function get_inventory_fs(player, data, fs) fs("listcolors[#bababa50;#bababa99]") get_inv_slots(data, fs) local props = player:get_properties() local name = player:get_player_name() local ctn_len, ctn_hgt = 5.7, 6.3 local yoffset = 0 if props.mesh ~= "" then local anim = player:get_local_animation() local armor_skin = i3.modules.armor or i3.modules.skins local t = {} for _, v in ipairs(props.textures) do t[#t + 1] = ESC(v):gsub(",", "!") end local textures = concat(t, ","):gsub("!", ",") --fs("style[player_model;bgcolor=black]") fs("model", 0.2, 0.2, armor_skin and 4 or 3.4, ctn_hgt, "player_model", props.mesh, textures, "0,-150", "false", "false", fmt("%u,%u%s", anim.x, anim.y, data.fs_version >= 5 and ";30" or "")) else local size = 2.5 fs("image", 0.7, 0.2, size, size * props.visual_size.y, props.textures[1]) end local award_list, award_list_nb local awards_unlocked = 0 local max_val = damage_enabled and 12 or 7 if i3.modules.armor and data.subcat == 2 then if data.scrbar_inv >= max_val then data.scrbar_inv = data.scrbar_inv + 10 end max_val = max_val + 10 elseif i3.modules.awards and data.subcat == 4 then award_list = awards.get_award_states(name) award_list_nb = #award_list for i = 1, award_list_nb do local award = award_list[i] if award.unlocked then awards_unlocked = awards_unlocked + 1 end end max_val = max_val + (award_list_nb * 13) elseif data.subcat == 5 then local wp_nb = #data.waypoints if wp_nb > 0 then local mul = (wp_nb > 8 and 7) or (wp_nb > 4 and 6) or 5 max_val = max_val + 11 + (wp_nb * mul) end end fs(fmt([[ scrollbaroptions[arrows=hide;thumbsize=%u;max=%u] scrollbar[%f,0.2;0.2,%f;vertical;scrbar_inv;%u] scrollbaroptions[arrows=default;thumbsize=0;max=1000] ]], (max_val * 4) / 12, max_val, 9.8, ctn_hgt, data.scrbar_inv)) fs(fmt("scroll_container[3.9,0.2;%f,%f;scrbar_inv;vertical]", ctn_len, ctn_hgt)) get_container(fs, data, player, yoffset, ctn_len, award_list, awards_unlocked, award_list_nb) fs("scroll_container_end[]") local btn = { {"trash", ES"Clear inventory"}, {"sort_az", ES"Sort items (A-Z)"}, {"sort_za", ES"Sort items (Z-A)"}, {"compress", ES"Compress items"}, } for i, v in ipairs(btn) do local btn_name, tooltip = unpack(v) fs(fmt("style[%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;content_offset=0]", btn_name, PNG[btn_name], PNG[fmt("%s_hover", btn_name)])) fs("image_button", i + 3.447 - (i * 0.4), 11.43, 0.35, 0.35, "", btn_name, "") fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", btn_name, tooltip)) end if data.confirm_trash then fs("style_type[box;colors=#999,#999,#808080,#808080]") for _ = 1, 3 do fs("box", 2.97, 10.75, 4.3, 0.5, "") end fs("label", 3.12, 11, "Confirm trash?") fs("image_button", 5.17, 10.75, 1, 0.5, "", "confirm_trash_yes", "Yes") fs("image_button", 6.27, 10.75, 1, 0.5, "", "confirm_trash_no", "No") end end local function get_tooltip(item, info, pos) local tooltip if info.groups then sort(info.groups) tooltip = i3.group_names[concat(info.groups, ",")] if not tooltip then local groupstr = {} for i = 1, #info.groups do insert(groupstr, clr("#ff0", info.groups[i])) end groupstr = concat(groupstr, ", ") tooltip = S("Any item belonging to the groups: @1", groupstr) end else tooltip = info.meta_desc or get_desc(item) end local function add(str) return fmt("%s\n%s", tooltip, str) end if info.cooktime then tooltip = add(S("Cooking time: @1", clr("#ff0", info.cooktime))) end if info.burntime then tooltip = add(S("Burning time: @1", clr("#ff0", info.burntime))) end if info.replace then for i = 1, #info.replace.items do local rpl = match(info.replace.items[i], "%S+") local desc = clr("#ff0", get_desc(rpl)) if info.replace.type == "cooking" then tooltip = add(S("Replaced by @1 on smelting", desc)) elseif info.replace.type == "fuel" then tooltip = add(S("Replaced by @1 on burning", desc)) else tooltip = add(S("Replaced by @1 on crafting", desc)) end end end if info.repair then tooltip = add(S("Repairable by step of @1", clr("#ff0", i3.toolrepair .. "%"))) end if info.rarity then local chance = (1 / max(1, info.rarity)) * 100 tooltip = add(S("@1 of chance to drop", clr("#ff0", chance .. "%"))) end if info.tools then local several = #info.tools > 1 local names = several and "\n" or "" if several then for i = 1, #info.tools do names = fmt("%s\t\t- %s\n", names, clr("#ff0", get_desc(info.tools[i]))) end tooltip = add(S("Only drop if using one of these tools: @1", sub(names, 1, -2))) else tooltip = add(S("Only drop if using this tool: @1", clr("#ff0", get_desc(info.tools[1])))) end end if pos then return fmt("tooltip", pos.x, pos.y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, ESC(tooltip)) end return fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", item, ESC(tooltip)) end local function get_output_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size) local custom_recipe = i3.craft_types[rcp.type] if custom_recipe or shapeless or rcp.type == "cooking" then local icon = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.icon or shapeless and "shapeless" or "furnace" if not custom_recipe then icon = fmt("i3_%s.png^\\[resize:16x16", icon) end local pos_x = right + btn_size + 0.42 local pos_y = data.yoffset + 0.9 if sub(icon, 1, 10) == "i3_furnace" then fs("animated_image", pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, PNG.furnace_anim, 8, 180) else fs("image", pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, icon) end local tooltip = custom_recipe and custom_recipe.description or shapeless and S"Shapeless" or S"Cooking" fs("tooltip", pos_x, pos_y, 0.5, 0.5, ESC(tooltip)) end local arrow_X = right + 0.2 + (_btn_size or i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE) local X = arrow_X + 1.2 local Y = data.yoffset + 1.4 fs("image", arrow_X, Y + 0.06, 1, 1, PNG.arrow) if rcp.type == "fuel" then fs("animated_image", X + 0.05, Y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.fire_anim, 8, 180) else local item = ItemStack(rcp.output) local meta = item:get_meta() local name = item:get_name() local count = item:get_count() local bt_s = i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE * 1.2 local _name = fmt("_%s", name) local pos if meta:get_string("color") ~= "" or meta:get_string("palette_index") ~= "" then local rcp_usg = is_recipe and "rcp" or "usg" fs(fmt("style_type[list;size=%f]", i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE)) fs("listcolors[#bababa50;#bababa99]") fs(fmt("list[detached:i3_output_%s;main;%f,%f;1,1;]", rcp_usg, X + 0.11, Y)) fs("button", X + 0.11, Y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, _name, "") local inv = core.get_inventory { type = "detached", name = fmt("i3_output_%s", rcp_usg) } inv:set_stack("main", 1, item) pos = {x = X + 0.11, y = Y} else fs("image", X, Y - 0.11, bt_s, bt_s, PNG.slot) fs("item_image_button", X + 0.11, Y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, fmt("%s %u", name, count * (is_recipe and data.scrbar_rcp or data.scrbar_usg or 1)), _name, "") end local def = reg_items[name] local unknown = not def or nil local desc = def and def.description local weird = name ~= "" and desc and weird_desc(desc) or nil local burntime = i3.fuel_cache[name] and i3.fuel_cache[name].burntime local short_desc = meta:get_string("short_description") local long_desc = meta:get_string("description") local meta_desc = (short_desc ~= "" and short_desc) or (long_desc ~= "" and long_desc) local infos = { unknown = unknown, weird = weird, burntime = burntime, repair = repairable(name), rarity = rcp.rarity, tools = rcp.tools, meta_desc = meta_desc, } if next(infos) then fs(get_tooltip(_name, infos, pos)) end end end local function get_grid_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe) local width = rcp.width or 1 local right, btn_size, _btn_size = 0, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE local cooktime, shapeless if rcp.type == "cooking" then cooktime, width = width, 1 elseif width == 0 and not rcp.custom then shapeless = true local n = #rcp.items width = (n < 5 and n > 1) and 2 or min(3, max(1, n)) end local rows = ceil(maxn(rcp.items) / width) local large_recipe = width > 3 or rows > 3 if large_recipe then fs("style_type[item_image_button;border=true]") end for i = 1, width * rows do local item = rcp.items[i] or "" item = ItemStack(item) local meta = item:get_meta() local name = item:get_name() local count = item:get_count() local X, Y if large_recipe then local a, b = 3, 3 local add_x, add_y = 0, 0 if width < 3 then a, b = width * 2, 1 add_x = 2 elseif rows < 3 then a, b = 1, rows * 2 add_y = 1.4 end btn_size = (a / width) * (b / rows) + 0.3 _btn_size = btn_size local xi = (i - 1) % width local yi = floor((i - 1) / width) X = btn_size * xi + data.inv_width + 0.3 + (xi * 0.05) + add_x Y = btn_size * yi + data.yoffset + 0.2 + (yi * 0.05) + add_y else X = ceil((i - 1) % width - width) X = X + (X * 0.2) + data.inv_width + 3.9 Y = ceil(i / width) - min(2, rows) Y = Y + (Y * 0.15) + data.yoffset + 1.4 end if X > right then right = X end local groups if is_group(name) then groups = extract_groups(name) name = groups_to_items(groups) end local label = groups and "\nG" or "" local replace for j = 1, #(rcp.replacements or {}) do local replacement = rcp.replacements[j] if replacement[1] == name then replace = replace or {type = rcp.type, items = {}} local added for _, v in ipairs(replace.items) do if replacement[2] == v then added = true break end end if not added then label = fmt("%s%s\nR", label ~= "" and "\n" or "", label) replace.items[#replace.items + 1] = replacement[2] end end end if not large_recipe then fs("image", X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, PNG.slot) end local btn_name = groups and fmt("group|%s|%s", groups[1], name) or name fs("item_image_button", X, Y, btn_size, btn_size, fmt("%s %u", name, count * (is_recipe and data.scrbar_rcp or data.scrbar_usg or 1)), btn_name, label) local def = reg_items[name] local unknown = not def or nil unknown = not groups and unknown or nil local desc = def and def.description local weird = name ~= "" and desc and weird_desc(desc) or nil local burntime = i3.fuel_cache[name] and i3.fuel_cache[name].burntime local short_desc = meta:get_string("short_description") local long_desc = meta:get_string("description") local meta_desc = (short_desc ~= "" and short_desc) or (long_desc ~= "" and long_desc) or nil local infos = { unknown = unknown, weird = weird, groups = groups, burntime = burntime, cooktime = cooktime, replace = replace, meta_desc = meta_desc, } if next(infos) then fs(get_tooltip(btn_name, infos)) end end if large_recipe then fs("style_type[item_image_button;border=false]") end get_output_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe, shapeless, right, btn_size, _btn_size) end local function get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe) local rcp = is_recipe and panel.rcp[data.rnum] or panel.rcp[data.unum] if rcp.custom then fs("hypertext", data.inv_width + 4.8, data.yoffset + 0.12, 3, 0.6, "custom_rcp", fmt("%s", ES"Custom recipe")) end local lbl = ES("Usage @1 of @2", data.unum, rn) if is_recipe then lbl = ES("Recipe @1 of @2", data.rnum, rn) end local one = rn == 1 local y = data.yoffset + 3.3 fs("hypertext", data.inv_width + (one and 4.7 or 3.95), y, 3, 0.6, "rcp_num", fmt("%s", lbl)) if not one then local btn_suffix = is_recipe and "recipe" or "usage" local prev_name = fmt("prev_%s", btn_suffix) local next_name = fmt("next_%s", btn_suffix) local size = 0.3 fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.05, y, size, size, "", prev_name, "") fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.5, y, size, size, "", next_name, "") end get_grid_fs(fs, data, rcp, is_recipe) end local function get_model_fs(fs, data, def, model_alias) if model_alias then if model_alias.drawtype == "entity" then def = reg_entities[model_alias.name] local init_props = def.initial_properties def.textures = init_props and init_props.textures or def.textures def.mesh = init_props and init_props.mesh or def.mesh else def = reg_items[model_alias.name] end end local tiles = def.tiles or def.textures or {} local t = {} for _, v in ipairs(tiles) do local _name if v.color then if is_num(v.color) then local hex = fmt("%02x", v.color) while #hex < 8 do hex = "0" .. hex end _name = fmt("%s^[multiply:%s", v.name, fmt("#%s%s", sub(hex, 3), sub(hex, 1, 2))) else _name = fmt("%s^[multiply:%s", v.name, v.color) end elseif v.animation then _name = fmt("%s^[verticalframe:%u:0", v.name, v.animation.frames_h or v.animation.aspect_h) end t[#t + 1] = _name or v.name or v end while #t < 6 do t[#t + 1] = t[#t] end fs("model", data.inv_width + 6.6, data.yoffset + 0.05, 1.3, 1.3, "preview", def.mesh, concat(t, ","), "0,0", "true", "true", model_alias and model_alias.frames or "") end local function get_header(fs, data) local fav = is_fav(data.favs, data.query_item) local nfavs = #data.favs local star_x, star_y, size = data.inv_width + 0.3, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.4 if nfavs < i3.MAX_FAVS or (nfavs == i3.MAX_FAVS and fav) then local fav_marked = fmt("i3_fav%s.png", fav and "_off" or "") fs(fmt("style[fav;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;fgimg_pressed=%s]", fmt("i3_fav%s.png", fav and "" or "_off"), fav_marked, fav_marked)) fs("image_button", star_x, star_y, size, size, "", "fav", "") fs(fmt("tooltip[fav;%s]", fav and ES"Unmark this item" or ES"Mark this item")) else fs(fmt("style[nofav;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;fgimg_pressed=%s]", "i3_fav_off.png", PNG.cancel, PNG.cancel)) fs("image_button", star_x, star_y, size, size, "", "nofav", "") fs(fmt("tooltip[nofav;%s]", ES"Cannot mark this item. Bookmark limit reached.")) end fs("image_button", star_x + 0.05, star_y + 0.6, size, size, "", "exit", "") fs(fmt("tooltip[exit;%s]", ES"Back to item list")) local desc_lim, name_lim = 34, 35 local desc = translate(data.lang_code, get_desc(data.query_item)) desc = ESC(desc) local tech_name = data.query_item local X = data.inv_width + 0.95 local Y1 = data.yoffset + 0.47 local Y2 = Y1 + 0.5 if #desc > desc_lim then fs("tooltip", X, Y1 - 0.1, 5.7, 0.24, desc) desc = snip(desc, desc_lim) end if #tech_name > name_lim then fs("tooltip", X, Y2 - 0.1, 5.7, 0.24, tech_name) tech_name = snip(tech_name, name_lim) end fs("style_type[label;font=bold;font_size=20]") fs("label", X, Y1, desc) fs("style_type[label;font=mono;font_size=16]") fs("label", X, Y2, clr("#7bf", tech_name)) fs("style_type[label;font=normal;font_size=16]") local def = reg_items[data.query_item] local model_alias = model_aliases[data.query_item] if def.drawtype == "mesh" or model_alias then get_model_fs(fs, data, def, model_alias) else fs("item_image", data.inv_width + 6.8, data.yoffset + 0.17, 1.1, 1.1, data.query_item) end end local function get_export_fs(fs, data, is_recipe, is_usage, max_stacks_rcp, max_stacks_usg) local name = is_recipe and "rcp" or "usg" local show_export = (is_recipe and data.export_rcp) or (is_usage and data.export_usg) fs(fmt("style[export_%s;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s]", name, fmt("%s", show_export and PNG.export_hover or PNG.export), PNG.export_hover)) fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.35, data.yoffset + 0.2, 0.45, 0.45, "", fmt("export_%s", name), "") fs(fmt("tooltip[export_%s;%s]", name, ES"Quick crafting")) if not show_export then return end local craft_max = is_recipe and max_stacks_rcp or max_stacks_usg local stack_fs = (is_recipe and data.scrbar_rcp) or (is_usage and data.scrbar_usg) or 1 if stack_fs > craft_max then stack_fs = craft_max if is_recipe then data.scrbar_rcp = craft_max elseif is_usage then data.scrbar_usg = craft_max end end fs(fmt("style[scrbar_%s;noclip=true]", name), fmt("scrollbaroptions[min=1;max=%u;smallstep=1]", craft_max)) fs("scrollbar", data.inv_width + 8.1, data.yoffset, 3, 0.35, "horizontal", fmt("scrbar_%s", name), stack_fs) fs("button", data.inv_width + 8.1, data.yoffset + 0.4, 3, 0.7, fmt("craft_%s", name), ES("Craft (×@1)", stack_fs)) end local function get_rcp_extra(player, fs, data, panel, is_recipe, is_usage) fs("container[0,0.075]") local rn = panel.rcp and #panel.rcp if rn then local rcp_ok = is_recipe and panel.rcp[data.rnum].type == "normal" local usg_ok = is_usage and panel.rcp[data.unum].type == "normal" local max_stacks_rcp, max_stacks_usg = 0, 0 local inv = player:get_inventory() if rcp_ok then max_stacks_rcp = get_stack_max(inv, data, is_recipe, panel.rcp[data.rnum]) end if usg_ok then max_stacks_usg = get_stack_max(inv, data, is_recipe, panel.rcp[data.unum]) end if is_recipe and max_stacks_rcp == 0 then data.export_rcp = nil data.scrbar_rcp = 1 elseif is_usage and max_stacks_usg == 0 then data.export_usg = nil data.scrbar_usg = 1 end if max_stacks_rcp > 0 or max_stacks_usg > 0 then get_export_fs(fs, data, is_recipe, is_usage, max_stacks_rcp, max_stacks_usg) end get_rcp_lbl(fs, data, panel, rn, is_recipe) else local lbl = is_recipe and ES"No recipes" or ES"No usages" fs("button", data.inv_width + 0.1, data.yoffset + (panel.height / 2) - 0.5, 7.8, 1, "no_rcp", lbl) end fs("container_end[]") end local function get_items_fs(fs, data, full_height) if compression_active(data) then local new = {} for i = 1, #data.items do local item = data.items[i] if not i3.compressed[item] then new[#new + 1] = item end end data.items = new end local items = data.alt_items or data.items or {} local rows, lines = 8, 12 local ipp = rows * lines local size = 0.85 fs(fmt("box[%f,0.2;4.05,0.6;#bababa25]", data.inv_width + 0.3), "set_focus[filter]", fmt("field[%f,0.2;2.95,0.6;filter;;%s]", data.inv_width + 0.35, ESC(data.filter)), "field_close_on_enter[filter;false]") fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 3.35, 0.35, 0.3, 0.3, "", "cancel", "") fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 3.85, 0.32, 0.35, 0.35, "", "search", "") fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 5.27, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "prev_page", "") fs("image_button", data.inv_width + 7.45, 0.3, 0.35, 0.35, "", "next_page", "") data.pagemax = max(1, ceil(#items / ipp)) fs("button", data.inv_width + 5.6, 0.14, 1.88, 0.7, "pagenum", fmt("%s / %u", clr("#ff0", data.pagenum), data.pagemax)) if #items == 0 then local lbl = ES"No item to show" if next(i3.recipe_filters) and #i3.init_items > 0 and data.filter == "" then lbl = ES"Collect items to reveal more recipes" end fs("button", data.inv_width + 0.1, 3, 8, 1, "no_item", lbl) else local first_item = (data.pagenum - 1) * ipp for i = first_item, first_item + ipp - 1 do local item = items[i + 1] if not item then break end local _compressed = item:sub(1, 1) == "_" local name = _compressed and item:sub(2) or item local X = i % rows X = X - (X * 0.045) + data.inv_width + 0.28 local Y = round((i % ipp - X) / rows + 1, 0) Y = Y - (Y * 0.085) + 0.95 fs[#fs + 1] = fmt("item_image_button", X, Y, size, size, name, item, "") if compressible(item, data) then local expand = data.expand == name fs(fmt("tooltip[%s;%s]", item, expand and ES"Click to hide" or ES"Click to expand")) fs("style_type[label;font=bold;font_size=20]") fs("label", X + 0.65, Y + 0.7, expand and "-" or "+") fs("style_type[label;font=normal;font_size=16]") end end end local _tabs = {"All", "Nodes", "Items"} local tab_len, tab_hgh = 1.8, 0.5 for i, title in ipairs(_tabs) do local selected = i == data.current_itab fs(fmt([[style_type[image_button;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;noclip=true; font_size=16;textcolor=%s;content_offset=0;sound=i3_tab] ]], selected and PNG.tab_small_hover or PNG.tab_small, PNG.tab_small_hover, selected and "#fff" or "#ddd")) fs("style_type[image_button:hovered;textcolor=#fff]") fs("image_button", (data.inv_width - 0.65) + (i * (tab_len + 0.1)), full_height, tab_len, tab_hgh, "", fmt("itab_%u", i), title) end end local function get_favs(fs, data) fs("label", data.inv_width + 0.4, data.yoffset + 0.4, ES"Bookmarks") for i = 1, #data.favs do local item = data.favs[i] local X = data.inv_width - 0.7 + (i * 1.2) local Y = data.yoffset + 0.8 if data.query_item == item then fs("image", X, Y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, PNG.slot) end fs("item_image_button", X, Y, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, i3.ITEM_BTN_SIZE, item, item, "") end end local function get_panels(player, data, fs, full_height) local _title = {name = "title", height = 1.4} local _favs = {name = "favs", height = 2.23} local _items = {name = "items", height = full_height} local _recipes = {name = "recipes", rcp = data.recipes, height = 4.045} local _usages = {name = "usages", rcp = data.usages, height = 4.045} local panels if data.query_item then panels = {_title, _recipes, _usages, _favs} else panels = {_items} end for idx = 1, #panels do local panel = panels[idx] data.yoffset = 0 if idx > 1 then for _idx = idx - 1, 1, -1 do data.yoffset = data.yoffset + panels[_idx].height + 0.1 end end fs("bg9", data.inv_width + 0.1, data.yoffset, 7.9, panel.height, PNG.bg_full, 10) local is_recipe, is_usage = panel.name == "recipes", panel.name == "usages" if is_recipe or is_usage then get_rcp_extra(player, fs, data, panel, is_recipe, is_usage) elseif panel.name == "items" then get_items_fs(fs, data, full_height) elseif panel.name == "title" then get_header(fs, data) elseif panel.name == "favs" then get_favs(fs, data) end end end local function get_tabs_fs(player, data, fs, full_height) local tab_len, tab_hgh, c, over = 3, 0.5, 0 local _tabs = copy(i3.tabs) for i, def in ipairs(i3.tabs) do if def.access and not def.access(player, data) then remove(_tabs, i) end end local shift = min(3, #_tabs) for i, def in ipairs(_tabs) do if not over and c > 2 then over = true c = 0 end local btm = i <= 3 if not btm then shift = #_tabs - 3 end local selected = i == data.current_tab fs(fmt([[style_type[image_button;fgimg=%s;fgimg_hovered=%s;noclip=true; font_size=16;textcolor=%s;content_offset=0;sound=i3_tab] ]], selected and (btm and PNG.tab_hover or PNG.tab_hover_top) or (btm and PNG.tab or PNG.tab_top), btm and PNG.tab_hover or PNG.tab_hover_top, selected and "#fff" or "#ddd")) local X = (data.inv_width / 2) + (c * (tab_len + 0.1)) - ((tab_len + 0.05) * (shift / 2)) local Y = btm and full_height or -tab_hgh fs("style_type[image_button:hovered;textcolor=#fff]") fs("image_button", X, Y, tab_len, tab_hgh, "", fmt("tab_%s", def.name), ESC(def.description)) if def.image and def.image ~= "" then local desc = translate(data.lang_code, def.description) fs("style_type[image;noclip=true]") fs("image", X + (tab_len / 2) - ((#desc * 0.1) / 2) - 0.55, Y + 0.05, 0.35, 0.35, fmt("%s^\\[resize:16x16", def.image)) end c = c + 1 end end local function get_debug_grid(data, fs, full_height) fs("style_type[label;font_size=8;noclip=true]") local spacing, i = 0.2, 1 for x = 0, data.inv_width + 8, spacing do fs("box", x, 0, 0.01, full_height, "#ff0") fs("label", x, full_height + 0.1, tostring(i)) i = i + 1 end i = 61 for y = 0, full_height, spacing do fs("box", 0, y, data.inv_width + 8, 0.01, "#ff0") fs("label", -0.15, y, tostring(i)) i = i - 1 end fs("box", data.inv_width / 2, 0, 0.01, full_height, "#f00") fs("box", 0, full_height / 2, data.inv_width, 0.01, "#f00") fs("style_type[label;font_size=16]") end local function make_fs(player, data) --local start = os.clock() local fs = setmetatable({}, { __call = function(t, ...) local args = {...} local elem = fs_elements[args[1]] if elem then t[#t + 1] = fmt(elem, select(2, ...)) else t[#t + 1] = concat(args) end end }) data.inv_width = 10.23 local full_height = 12 local tab = i3.tabs[data.current_tab] fs(fmt("formspec_version[%u]size[%f,%f]no_prepend[]bgcolor[#0000]", i3.MIN_FORMSPEC_VERSION, data.inv_width + 8, full_height), styles) fs("bg9", 0, 0, data.inv_width, full_height, PNG.bg_full, 10) if tab then tab.formspec(player, data, fs) end get_panels(player, data, fs, full_height) if #i3.tabs > 1 then get_tabs_fs(player, data, fs, full_height) end --get_debug_grid(data, fs, full_height) --print("make_fs()", fmt("%.2f ms", (os.clock() - start) * 1000)) return concat(fs) end return make_fs, get_inventory_fs