interact = {} --The first screen-- --The text at the top. interact.s1_header = "Hello, welcome to this server!" --Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen. interact.s1_l2 = "Could you please tell me if you like to grief or not?" interact.s1_l3 = "" --The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max. interact.s1_b1 = "No, I don't." interact.s1_b2 = "Yes, I do!" --The message to send kicked griefers. interact.msg_grief = "Try out singleplayer if you like griefing, because then you'll only destroy your own stuff!" --Ban or kick griefers? Default is kick, set to true for ban. interact.grief_ban = false --The second screen-- --Lines one and two. Make sure each line is less than 70 characters, or they will run off the screen. interact.s2_l1 = "So, do you want interact, or do you just want to look around" interact.s2_l2 = "the server?" --The buttons. These ones can have a maximum of 26 characters. interact.s2_b1 = "Yes, I want interact!" interact.s2_b2 = "I just want to look round." --The message the player is sent if s/he is just visting. interact.vist_msg = "Have a nice time looking round! If you want interact just type /rules, and you can go through the process again!" --The third screen-- --The header for the rules box, this can have 60 characters, max. interact.s3_header = "Here are the rules:" --The buttons. Each can have 15 characters, max. interact.s3_b1 = "I agree" interact.s3_b2 = "I disagree" --The message to send players who disagree when they are kicked. interact.disagree_msg = "Bye then! You have to agree to the rules to play on the server." --Kick or ban players who disagree. False will just kick. interact.disagree_ban = false --The messages send to the player after interact is granted. interact.interact_msg1 = "Thanks for accepting the rules, you now are able to interact with things." interact.interact_msg2 = "Happy building!" --The priv required to use the /rules command. interact.priv = {fast = true}