Module irc

LuaIRC - IRC framework written in Lua

Release: 0.3


act (name, action) Perform a /me action.
channels () Iterate over currently joined channels.
connect (args) Start a connection to the irc server.
ctcp_ping (cb, nick) Send a CTCP ping request.
ctcp_time (cb, nick) Send a localtime request.
ctcp_version (cb, nick) Send a client version request.
get_ip () Get the local IP address for the server connection.
join (channel) Join a channel.
notice (name, message) Send a notice to a user or channel.
part (channel) Leave a channel.
quit (message) Close the connection to the irc server.
register_callback (name, fn) Register a user function to be called when a specific event occurs.
say (name, message) Send a message to a user or channel.
send (command, ...) Send a raw IRC command.
server_time (cb) Request the current time of the server you are connected to.
server_version (cb) Request the version of the IRC server you are currently connected to.
set_ip (new_ip) Set the local IP manually (to allow for NAT workarounds)
whois (cb, nick) Request WHOIS information about a given user.


act (name, action)
Perform a /me action.


  • name: User or channel to send the action to
  • action: Action to send
channels ()
Iterate over currently joined channels. channels() is an iterator function for use in for loops. For example,
for chan in irc.channels() do print(chan:name) end
See also:
connect (args)
Start a connection to the irc server.


  • args: Table of named arguments containing connection parameters. Defaults are the all-caps versions of these parameters given at the top of the file, and are overridable by setting them as well, i.e.
    irc.NETWORK =
    Possible options are:
    • network: address of the irc network to connect to (default: 'localhost')
    • port: port to connect to (default: '6667')
    • pass: irc server password (default: don't send)
    • nick: nickname to connect as (default: 'luabot')
    • username: username to connect with (default: 'LuaIRC')
    • realname: realname to connect with (default: 'LuaIRC')
    • timeout: amount of time in seconds to wait before dropping an idle connection (default: '60')
ctcp_ping (cb, nick)
Send a CTCP ping request.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback will contain the fields:
    • nick: the nick which responded to the request
    • time: the roundtrip ping time, in seconds
  • nick: User to ping
ctcp_time (cb, nick)
Send a localtime request.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback will contain the fields:
    • nick: the nick which responded to the request
    • time: the localtime reported by the remote client
  • nick: User to request the localtime from
ctcp_version (cb, nick)
Send a client version request.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback will contain the fields:
    • nick: the nick which responded to the request
    • version: the version reported by the remote client
  • nick: User to request the client version from
get_ip ()
Get the local IP address for the server connection.

Return value:

A string representation of the local IP address that the IRC server connection is communicating on
join (channel)
Join a channel.


  • channel: Channel to join
notice (name, message)
Send a notice to a user or channel.


  • name: User or channel to send the notice to
  • message: Message to send
part (channel)
Leave a channel.


  • channel: Channel to leave
quit (message)
Close the connection to the irc server.


  • message: Quit message (optional, defaults to 'Leaving')
register_callback (name, fn)
Register a user function to be called when a specific event occurs.


  • name: Name of the event
  • fn: Function to call when the event occurs, or nil to clear the callback for this event

Return value:

Value of the original callback for this event (or nil if no previous callback had been set)
say (name, message)
Send a message to a user or channel.


  • name: User or channel to send the message to
  • message: Message to send
send (command, ...)
Send a raw IRC command.


  • command: String containing the raw IRC command
  • ...: Arguments to the command. Each argument is either a string or an array. Strings are sent literally, arrays are CTCP quoted as a group. The last argument (if it exists) is preceded by a : (so it may contain spaces).
server_time (cb)
Request the current time of the server you are connected to.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback will contain the fields:
    • server: the server which responded to the request
    • time: the time reported by the server
server_version (cb)
Request the version of the IRC server you are currently connected to.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback will contain the fields:
    • server: the server which responded to the request
    • version: the server version
    • comments: other data provided by the server
set_ip (new_ip)
Set the local IP manually (to allow for NAT workarounds)


  • new_ip: IP address to set
whois (cb, nick)
Request WHOIS information about a given user.


  • cb: Callback to call when the information is available. The single table parameter to this callback may contain any or all of the fields:
    • nick: the nick that was passed to this function (this field will always be here)
    • user: the IRC username of the user
    • host: the user's hostname
    • realname: the IRC realname of the user
    • server: the IRC server the user is connected to
    • serverinfo: arbitrary information about the above server
    • awaymsg: set to the user's away message if they are away
    • is_oper: true if the user is an IRCop
    • idle_time: amount of time the user has been idle
    • channels: array containing the channels the user has joined
  • nick: User to request WHOIS information about

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