-- IRC Mod for Minetest -- By Diego Martínez -- -- This mod allows to tie a Minetest server to an IRC channel. -- -- This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to -- the extent permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it -- and/or modify it under the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want -- To Public License, Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See -- http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more details. -- local MODPATH = minetest.get_modpath("irc"); mt_irc = { }; dofile(MODPATH.."/config.lua"); mt_irc.cur_time = 0; mt_irc.buffered_messages = { }; mt_irc.connected_players = { }; mt_irc.modpath = MODPATH; package.path = MODPATH.."/?.lua;"..package.path; package.cpath = MODPATH.."/lib?.so;"..MODPATH.."/?.dll;"..package.cpath; local irc = require 'irc'; irc.DEBUG = ((mt_irc.debug and true) or false); minetest.register_privilege("irc_admin", { description = "Allow IRC administrative tasks to be performed."; give_to_singleplayer = true; }); minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then return end mt_irc.cur_time = mt_irc.cur_time + dtime if (mt_irc.cur_time >= mt_irc.dtime) then if (mt_irc.buffered_messages) then for _, msg in ipairs(mt_irc.buffered_messages) do local t = { name=(msg.name or ""), message=(msg.message or "") } local text = mt_irc.message_format_out:expandvars(t) irc.say(mt_irc.channel, text) end mt_irc.buffered_messages = nil end irc.poll() mt_irc.cur_time = mt_irc.cur_time - mt_irc.dtime end end) mt_irc.part = function ( name ) if (not mt_irc.connected_players[name]) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are not in the channel."); return; end mt_irc.connected_players[name] = nil; minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are now out of the channel."); end mt_irc.join = function ( name ) if (mt_irc.connected_players[name]) then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are already in the channel."); return; end mt_irc.connected_players[name] = true; minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: You are now in the channel."); end mt_irc.connect = function ( ) mt_irc.connect_ok = irc.connect({ network = mt_irc.server; port = mt_irc.port; nick = mt_irc.server_nick; pass = mt_irc.password; timeout = mt_irc.timeout; channel = mt_irc.channel; }); if (not mt_irc.connect_ok) then local s = "DEBUG: irc.connect failed"; minetest.debug(s); minetest.chat_send_all(s); return; end while (not mt_irc.got_motd) do irc.poll(); end end mt_irc.say = function ( to, msg ) if (not msg) then msg = to; to = mt_irc.channel; end to = to or mt_irc.channel; msg = msg or ""; local msg2 = mt_irc._callback("msg_out", true, to, msg); if ((type(msg2) == "boolean") and (not msg2)) then return; elseif (msg2 ~= nil) then msg = tostring(msg); end irc.say(to, msg); end mt_irc.irc = irc; -- Misc helpers -- Requested by Exio string.expandvars = function ( s, vars ) return s:gsub("%$%(([^)]+)%)", vars); end dofile(MODPATH.."/callback.lua"); dofile(MODPATH.."/chatcmds.lua"); dofile(MODPATH.."/botcmds.lua"); dofile(MODPATH.."/friends.lua"); if (mt_irc.auto_connect) then mt_irc.connect() end