-- This file is licensed under the terms of the BSD 2-clause license. -- See LICENSE.txt for details. -- Note: This file does NOT conatin every chat command, only general ones. -- Feature-specific commands (like /join) are in their own files. minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_msg", { params = " ", description = "Send a private message to an IRC user", privs = {shout=true}, func = function(name, param) if not irc.connected then return false, "Not connected to IRC. Use /irc_connect to connect." end local found, _, toname, message = param:find("^([^%s]+)%s(.+)") if not found then return false, "Invalid usage, see /help irc_msg." end local toname_l = toname:lower() local validNick = false local hint = "They have to be in the channel" for nick, user in pairs(irc.conn.channels[irc.config.channel].users) do if nick:lower() == toname_l then validNick = true break end end if toname_l:find("serv$") or toname_l:find("bot$") then hint = "it looks like a bot or service" validNick = false end if not validNick then return false, "You can not message that user. ("..hint..")" end irc:say(toname, irc:playerMessage(name, message)) return true, "Message sent!" end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_names", { params = "", description = "List the users in IRC.", func = function(name, params) if not irc.connected then return false, "Not connected to IRC. Use /irc_connect to connect." end local users = { } for k, v in pairs(irc.conn.channels[irc.config.channel].users) do table.insert(users, k) end return true, "Users in IRC: "..table.concat(users, ", ") end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_connect", { description = "Connect to the IRC server.", privs = {irc_admin=true}, func = function(name, param) if irc.connected then return false, "You are already connected to IRC." end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: Connecting...") irc:connect() end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_disconnect", { params = "[message]", description = "Disconnect from the IRC server.", privs = {irc_admin=true}, func = function(name, param) if not irc.connected then return false, "Not connected to IRC. Use /irc_connect to connect." end if param == "" then param = "Manual disconnect by "..name end irc:disconnect(param) end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_reconnect", { description = "Reconnect to the IRC server.", privs = {irc_admin=true}, func = function(name, param) if not irc.connected then return false, "Not connected to IRC. Use /irc_connect to connect." end minetest.chat_send_player(name, "IRC: Reconnecting...") irc:disconnect("Reconnecting...") irc:connect() end }) minetest.register_chatcommand("irc_quote", { params = "", description = "Send a raw command to the IRC server.", privs = {irc_admin=true}, func = function(name, param) if not irc.connected then return false, "Not connected to IRC. Use /irc_connect to connect." end irc:queue(param) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Command sent!") end }) local oldme = minetest.chatcommands["me"].func -- luacheck: ignore minetest.chatcommands["me"].func = function(name, param, ...) irc:say(("* %s %s"):format(name, param)) return oldme(name, param, ...) end