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<h1>Module <code>callbacks</code></h1>

<p>These are the callbacks that are available to register.</p>

<table class="function_list">

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#channel_act">channel_act</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever a user performs a CTCP ACTION in a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#channel_msg">channel_msg</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever a user sends a message to a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#channel_notice">channel_notice</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever a user sends a notice to a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#connect">connect</a>&nbsp;()</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when the connection has completed.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#ctcp_error">ctcp_error</a>&nbsp;(from, to, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a CTCP command resulted in an error (for example, if the remote client doesn't implement that CTCP command).</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#dcc_send">dcc_send</a>&nbsp;(from, to, filename, address, port, filesize)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user offers to send you a file using DCC SEND.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#deop">deop</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever somebody loses ops.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#devoice">devoice</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever somebody loses voice.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#invite">invite</a>&nbsp;(from, channel)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered whenever an invite to a channel is received.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#join">join</a>&nbsp;(channel, from)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user joins a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#kick">kick</a>&nbsp;(channel, to, from)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user is kicked from a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#me_join">me_join</a>&nbsp;(channel)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered after a join() command completes.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#nick_change">nick_change</a>&nbsp;(from, old_nick)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user changes their nick.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#op">op</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user is opped.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#part">part</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user leaves a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#private_act">private_act</a>&nbsp;(from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user sends a CTCP ACTION in a private message.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#private_msg">private_msg</a>&nbsp;(from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user sends a private message.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#private_notice">private_notice</a>&nbsp;(from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user sends a private notice.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#quit">quit</a>&nbsp;(from, message)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user quits.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#topic_change">topic_change</a>&nbsp;(channel)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user changes the topic in a channel.</td>

	<td class="name" nowrap><a href="#voice">voice</a>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</td>
	<td class="summary">This callback is triggered when a user is voiced.</td>



<h2><a name="functions"></a>Functions</h2>
<dl class="function">

<dt><a name="channel_act"></a><strong>channel_act</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever a user performs a CTCP ACTION in a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where the action was performed
	  from: User who performed the action
	  message: The action which was performed


<dt><a name="channel_msg"></a><strong>channel_msg</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever a user sends a message to a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where the message was sent
	  from: User who sent the message
	  message: The message which was sent


<dt><a name="channel_notice"></a><strong>channel_notice</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever a user sends a notice to a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where the notice was sent
	  from: User who sent the message
	  message: The notice which was sent


<dt><a name="connect"></a><strong>connect</strong>&nbsp;()</dt>
This callback is triggered when the connection has completed.


<dt><a name="ctcp_error"></a><strong>ctcp_error</strong>&nbsp;(from, to, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a CTCP command resulted in an error (for example, if the remote client doesn't implement that CTCP command).

	  from: User who sent the error response
	  to: Who the response was sent to (either you or a channel you are in)
	  message: A description of the error


<dt><a name="dcc_send"></a><strong>dcc_send</strong>&nbsp;(from, to, filename, address, port, filesize)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user offers to send you a file using DCC SEND. It allows you to determine whether or not you want to accept the file.

	  from: User offering the file
	  to: User who is being offered the file (likely yourself)
	  filename: Name of the file being offered
	  address: IP address of the user offering the file
	  port: Port to connect to at that address
	  filesize: Size of the file being offered

<h3>Return value:</h3>
True to accept the file, false to reject it


<dt><a name="deop"></a><strong>deop</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever somebody loses ops.

	  channel: Channel object for where the user lost ops
	  from: User who removed the ops
	  to: User who lost ops


<dt><a name="devoice"></a><strong>devoice</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever somebody loses voice.

	  channel: Channel object for where the user lost voice
	  from: User who removed the voice
	  to: User who lost voice


<dt><a name="invite"></a><strong>invite</strong>&nbsp;(from, channel)</dt>
This callback is triggered whenever an invite to a channel is received.

	  from: User who sent the invite
	  channel: Channel name that the invite was to


<dt><a name="join"></a><strong>join</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user joins a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where there was a join
	  from: User who joined


<dt><a name="kick"></a><strong>kick</strong>&nbsp;(channel, to, from)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user is kicked from a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where there was a kick
	  to: User who was kicked
	  from: User who did the kicking


<dt><a name="me_join"></a><strong>me_join</strong>&nbsp;(channel)</dt>
This callback is triggered after a join() command completes.

	  channel: Channel object for the joined channel


<dt><a name="nick_change"></a><strong>nick_change</strong>&nbsp;(from, old_nick)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user changes their nick.

	  from: User who changed their nick
	  old_nick: The previous nick of that user


<dt><a name="op"></a><strong>op</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user is opped.

	  channel: Channel object for where the user was opped
	  from: User who gave the ops
	  to: User who was opped


<dt><a name="part"></a><strong>part</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user leaves a channel.

	  channel: Channel object for where the part occurred
	  from: User who left
	  message: Part message from the user


<dt><a name="private_act"></a><strong>private_act</strong>&nbsp;(from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user sends a CTCP ACTION in a private message.

	  from: User who sent the action
	  message: The action that was sent


<dt><a name="private_msg"></a><strong>private_msg</strong>&nbsp;(from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user sends a private message.

	  from: User who sent the message
	  message: The message that was sent


<dt><a name="private_notice"></a><strong>private_notice</strong>&nbsp;(from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user sends a private notice.

	  from: User who sent the notice
	  message: The notice that was sent


<dt><a name="quit"></a><strong>quit</strong>&nbsp;(from, message)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user quits.

	  from: User who quit
	  message: The user's quit message


<dt><a name="topic_change"></a><strong>topic_change</strong>&nbsp;(channel)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user changes the topic in a channel. The contents of the topic can be seen in the <i>topic</i> field of the channel object.

	  channel: Channel object for where the topic was changed.


<dt><a name="voice"></a><strong>voice</strong>&nbsp;(channel, from, to)</dt>
This callback is triggered when a user is voiced.

	  channel: Channel object for where the user was voiced
	  from: User who gave the voice
	  to: User who was voiced



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