irc_users = {} mt_irc.register_bot_command("login", { params = " ", description = "Login as a user to run commands", func = function (from, args) if (args == "") then mt_irc.say(from, "You need a username and password") return end local found, _, username, password = args:find("^([^%s]+)%s([^%s]+)$") if not found then username = args end if minetest.auth_table[username] and minetest.auth_table[username].password == minetest.get_password_hash(username, (password or "")) then irc_users[from] = username mt_irc.say(from, "You are now logged in as "..username) else mt_irc.say(from, "Incorrect password or player does not exist") end end}) mt_irc.register_bot_command("logout", { description = "Logout", func = function (from, args) irc_users[from] = nil mt_irc.say(from, "You are now logged off") end}) mt_irc.register_bot_command("command", { params = "", description = "Run a command on the server"; func = function (from, args) if args == "" then mt_irc.say(from, "You need a command") return end if not irc_users[from] then mt_irc.say(from, "You are not loged in") return end local found, _, commandname, params = args:find("^([^%s]+)%s(.+)$") if not found then commandname = args end local command = minetest.chatcommands[commandname] if not command then mt_irc.say(from, "Not a valid command") return end if minetest.check_player_privs(irc_users[from], command.privs) then local send = minetest.chat_send_player minetest.chat_send_player = function(name, message) mt_irc.say(name, message) end command.func(irc_users[from], (params or "")) minetest.chat_send_player = send mt_irc.say(from, "Command run successfuly") end end})