# item_drop By [PilzAdam](https://github.com/PilzAdam), [texmex](https://github.com/tacotexmex/). ## Description This mod adds Minecraft like drop/pick up of items to Minetest. ## Licensing LGPLv2.1/CC BY-SA 3.0. ## Notes item_drop can be played with Minetest 0.4.16 or above. It was originally developed by [PilzAdam](https://github.com/PilzAdam/item_drop). ## List of features - All settings may be configured from within the game itself (Settings tab > Advanced settings > Mods > item_drop) - Drops nodes as in-world items on dig if `enable_item_drop` is `true`. (true by default) - Pulls items to the player's inventory if `enable_item_pickup` is `true`. (true by default) It uses a node radius set in `pickup_radius` (default 0.75) - Plays a sound the items are picked up, with the gain level set it `pickup_gain` (default 0.4) - Requires a key to be pressed in order to pull items if `enable_item_pickup_key` is `true`. (true by default). The keytypes to choose from by setting `item_pickup_keytype` are: - Use key (`Use`) - Sneak key (`Sneak`) - Left and Right keys combined (`LeftAndRight`) - Right mouse button (`RMB`) - Sneak key and right mouse button combined (`SneakAndRMB`) ## Known issues ## Bug reports and suggestions You can report bugs or suggest ideas by [filing an issue](http://github.com/tacotexmex/item_drop/issues/new). ## Links * [Download ZIP](https://github.com/tacotexmex/item_drop/archive/master.zip) * [Source](https://github.com/tacotexmex/item_drop/) * [Forum thread](https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?t=16913)