--[[ Map Tools: item definitions Copyright © 2012-2020 Hugo Locurcio and contributors. Licensed under the zlib license. See LICENSE.md for more information. --]] local S = maptools.S maptools.creative = maptools.config["hide_from_creative_inventory"] minetest.register_craftitem("maptools:copper_coin", { description = S("Copper Coin"), inventory_image = "maptools_copper_coin.png", wield_scale = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}, stack_max = 10000, }) if maptools.config and maptools.config.enable_coin_crafting then minetest.register_craft({ output = "maptools:copper_coin 10", type = "shapeless", recipe = { "default:copper_ingot", "default:copper_ingot" } }) end minetest.register_craftitem("maptools:silver_coin", { description = S("Silver Coin"), inventory_image = "maptools_silver_coin.png", wield_scale = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}, stack_max = 10000, }) if maptools.config and maptools.config.enable_coin_crafting then if minetest.get_modpath("moreores") then minetest.register_craft({ output = "maptools:silver_coin 10", type = "shapeless", recipe = { "moreores:silver_ingot", "moreores:silver_ingot" } }) end end minetest.register_craftitem("maptools:gold_coin", { description = S("Gold Coin"), inventory_image = "maptools_gold_coin.png", wield_scale = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5, z = 0.25}, stack_max = 10000, }) if maptools.config and maptools.config.enable_coin_crafting then minetest.register_craft({ output = "maptools:gold_coin 10", type = "shapeless", recipe = { "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot" } }) end minetest.register_craftitem("maptools:infinitefuel", { description = S("Infinite Fuel"), inventory_image = "maptools_infinitefuel.png", stack_max = 10000, groups = {not_in_creative_inventory = maptools.creative}, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = "maptools:infinitefuel", burntime = 1000000000, })