mesecon.queue.actions={} -- contains all ActionQueue actions function mesecon.queue:add_function(name, func) mesecon.queue.funcs[name] = func end -- If add_action with twice the same overwritecheck and same position are called, the first one is overwritten -- use overwritecheck nil to never overwrite, but just add the event to the queue function mesecon.queue:add_action(pos, func, params, time, overwritecheck) -- Create Action Table: time = time or 0 -- time <= 0 --> execute, time > 0 --> wait time until execution action = { pos=pos, func=func, params=mesecon:tablecopy(params), time=time, owcheck=overwritecheck} --print(dump(action)) -- if not using the queue, (MESECONS_GLOBALSTEP off), just execute the function an we're done if not MESECONS_GLOBALSTEP then mesecon.queue:execute(action) return end -- Otherwise, add the action to the queue if overwritecheck then -- check if old action has to be overwritten / removed: for i, ac in ipairs(mesecon.queue.actions) do if(mesecon:cmpPos(pos, action.pos) and mesecon:cmpAny(overwritecheck, ac.owcheck)) then table.remove(mesecon.queue.actions, i) break end end end table.insert(mesecon.queue.actions, action) end -- execute the stored functions on a globalstep -- if however, the pos of a function is not loaded (get_node_or_nil == nil), do NOT execute the function -- this makes sure that resuming mesecons circuits when restarting minetest works fine -- However, even that does not work in some cases, that's why we delay the time the globalsteps -- start to be execute by 5 seconds local m_time = 0 minetest.register_globalstep(function (dtime) m_time = m_time + dtime if (m_time < 5) then return end -- don't even try if server has not been running for 2 seconds local actions = mesecon:tablecopy(mesecon.queue.actions) mesecon.queue.actions = {} for i, action in ipairs(actions) do if action.time > 0 then action.time = action.time - dtime table.insert(mesecon.queue.actions, action) -- will be handled another time else -- execute and remove mesecon.queue:execute(action) end end end) function mesecon.queue:execute(action) mesecon.queue.funcs[action.func](action.pos, unpack(action.params)) end -- Store and read the ActionQueue to / from a file -- so that upcoming actions are remembered when the game -- is restarted local wpath = minetest.get_worldpath() local function file2table(filename) local f =, "r") if f==nil then return {} end local t = f:read("*all") f:close() if t=="" or t==nil then return {} end return minetest.deserialize(t) end local function table2file(filename, table) local f =, "w") f:write(minetest.serialize(table)) f:close() end mesecon.queue.actions = file2table(wpath.."/mesecon_actionqueue") minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() mesecon.queue.actions = table2file(wpath.."/mesecon_actionqueue", mesecon.queue.actions) end)