local S = minetest.get_translator(minetest.get_current_modname()) local selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -6/16, 8/16 } } local nodebox = { type = "fixed", fixed = { { -8/16, -8/16, -8/16, 8/16, -7/16, 8/16 }, -- bottom slab { -6/16, -7/16, -6/16, 6/16, -6/16, 6/16 } }, } local gate_get_output_rules = mesecon.horiz_rules_getter({{x = 1, y = 0, z = 0}}) local gate_get_input_rules_oneinput = mesecon.horiz_rules_getter({{x =-1, y = 0, z = 0}}) local gate_get_input_rules_twoinputs = mesecon.horiz_rules_getter({ {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1, name = "input1"}, {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1, name = "input2"}, }) local function set_gate(pos, node, state) local gate = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] local new_nodename = state and gate.onstate or gate.offstate minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = new_nodename, param2 = node.param2}) if new_nodename ~= node.name then if mesecon.do_overheat(pos) then minetest.remove_node(pos) mesecon.receptor_off(pos, gate_get_output_rules(node)) minetest.add_item(pos, gate.drop) elseif state then mesecon.receptor_on(pos, gate_get_output_rules(node)) else mesecon.receptor_off(pos, gate_get_output_rules(node)) end end end local function update_gate(pos, node, link, newstate) local gate = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] if gate.inputnumber == 1 then set_gate(pos, node, gate.assess(newstate == "on")) elseif gate.inputnumber == 2 then -- Inputs are stored in param2. Bit 5 is always set. -- input1 is bit 6 and input2 is bit 7. local val1, val2 if node.param2 >= 32 then -- Bit 5 is set, so param2 is in the proper format. if link.name == "input1" then val1 = newstate == "on" val2 = node.param2 >= 128 else val1 = node.param2 % 128 >= 64 val2 = newstate == "on" end else -- Migrate old gates where the inputs are stored as metadata. -- This also triggers for newly placed gates. local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if link.name == "input1" then val1 = newstate == "on" val2 = meta:get_int("input2") == 1 else val1 = meta:get_int("input1") == 1 val2 = newstate == "on" end -- Set bit 5 so this won't happen again. node.param2 = node.param2 + 32 -- Clear the metadata. meta:set_string("input1", "") meta:set_string("input2", "") end node.param2 = node.param2 % 64 + (val1 and 64 or 0) + (val2 and 128 or 0) set_gate(pos, node, gate.assess(val1, val2)) end end local function register_gate(name, inputnumber, assess, recipe, description) local get_inputrules = inputnumber == 2 and gate_get_input_rules_twoinputs or gate_get_input_rules_oneinput local basename = "mesecons_gates:"..name mesecon.register_node(basename, { description = description, inventory_image = "jeija_gate_off.png^jeija_gate_"..name..".png", paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = "facedir", is_ground_content = false, drawtype = "nodebox", drop = basename.."_off", selection_box = selection_box, node_box = nodebox, walkable = true, sounds = mesecon.node_sound.stone, assess = assess, onstate = basename.."_on", offstate = basename.."_off", inputnumber = inputnumber, after_dig_node = mesecon.do_cooldown, on_rotate = mesecon.on_rotate_horiz, },{ tiles = { "jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png^".."jeija_gate_off.png^".. "jeija_gate_output_off.png^".."jeija_gate_"..name..".png", "jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png^".."jeija_gate_output_off.png^".. "[transformFY", "jeija_gate_side.png^".."jeija_gate_side_output_off.png", "jeija_gate_side.png", "jeija_gate_side.png", "jeija_gate_side.png" }, groups = {dig_immediate = 2, overheat = 1}, mesecons = { receptor = { state = "off", rules = gate_get_output_rules }, effector = { rules = get_inputrules, action_change = update_gate }} },{ tiles = { "jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png^".."jeija_gate_on.png^".. "jeija_gate_output_on.png^".."jeija_gate_"..name..".png", "jeija_microcontroller_bottom.png^".."jeija_gate_output_on.png^".. "[transformFY", "jeija_gate_side.png^".."jeija_gate_side_output_on.png", "jeija_gate_side.png", "jeija_gate_side.png", "jeija_gate_side.png" }, groups = {dig_immediate = 2, not_in_creative_inventory = 1, overheat = 1}, mesecons = { receptor = { state = "on", rules = gate_get_output_rules }, effector = { rules = get_inputrules, action_change = update_gate }} }) minetest.register_craft({output = basename.."_off", recipe = recipe}) end register_gate("diode", 1, function (input) return input end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on", "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on"}}, S("Diode")) register_gate("not", 1, function (input) return not input end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on", "mesecons:mesecon"}}, S("NOT Gate")) register_gate("and", 2, function (val1, val2) return val1 and val2 end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}, {"", "mesecons_materials:silicon", "mesecons:mesecon"}, {"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}}, S("AND Gate")) register_gate("nand", 2, function (val1, val2) return not (val1 and val2) end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}, {"", "mesecons_materials:silicon", "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on"}, {"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}}, S("NAND Gate")) register_gate("xor", 2, function (val1, val2) return (val1 or val2) and not (val1 and val2) end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}, {"", "mesecons_materials:silicon", "mesecons_materials:silicon"}, {"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}}, S("XOR Gate")) register_gate("nor", 2, function (val1, val2) return not (val1 or val2) end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}, {"", "mesecons:mesecon", "mesecons_torch:mesecon_torch_on"}, {"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}}, S("NOR Gate")) register_gate("or", 2, function (val1, val2) return (val1 or val2) end, {{"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}, {"", "mesecons:mesecon", "mesecons:mesecon"}, {"mesecons:mesecon", "", ""}}, S("OR Gate"))