local lg = {} local operations = { -- table index: Index in the formspec dropdown -- gate: Internal name -- short: Serialized form, single character -- fs_name: Display name, padded to 4 characters -- func: Function that returns a string representing the operation -- unary: Whether this gate only has one input { gate = "and", short = "&", fs_name = " AND", func = function(a, b) return ("%s and %s"):format(a, b) end }, { gate = "or", short = "|", fs_name = " OR", func = function(a, b) return ("%s or %s"):format(a, b) end }, { gate = "not", short = "~", fs_name = " NOT", func = function(_, b) return ("not %s"):format(b) end, unary = true }, { gate = "xor", short = "^", fs_name = " XOR", func = function(a, b) return ("%s~=%s"):format(a, b) end }, { gate = "nand", short = "?", fs_name = "NAND", func = function(a, b) return ("not(%s and %s)"):format(a, b) end }, { gate = "buf", short = "_", fs_name = " =", func = function(_, b) return b end, unary = true }, { gate = "xnor", short = "=", fs_name = "XNOR", func = function(a, b) return ("%s==%s"):format(a, b) end }, { gate = "nor", short = "!", fs_name = " NOR", func = function(a, b) return ("not(%s or %s)"):format(a, b) end }, } lg.get_operations = function() return operations end -- (de)serialize lg.serialize = function(t) local function _op(t) if t == nil then return " " elseif t.type == "io" then return t.port else -- t.type == "reg" return tostring(t.n) end end -- Serialize actions (gates) from eg. "and" to "&" local function _action(action) for i, data in ipairs(operations) do if data.gate == action then return data.short end end return " " end local s = "" for i = 1, 14 do local cur = t[i] if next(cur) ~= nil then s = s .. _op(cur.op1) .. _action(cur.action) .. _op(cur.op2) .. _op(cur.dst) end s = s .. "/" end return s end lg.deserialize = function(s) local function _op(c) if c == "A" or c == "B" or c == "C" or c == "D" then return {type = "io", port = c} elseif c == " " then return nil else return {type = "reg", n = tonumber(c)} end end -- Deserialize actions (gates) from eg. "&" to "and" local function _action(action) for i, data in ipairs(operations) do if data.short == action then return data.gate end end -- nil end local ret = {} for part in s:gmatch("(.-)/") do local parsed if part == "" then parsed = {} else parsed = { action = _action( part:sub(2,2) ), op1 = _op( part:sub(1,1) ), op2 = _op( part:sub(3,3) ), dst = _op( part:sub(4,4) ), } end ret[#ret + 1] = parsed end -- More than 14 instructions (write to all 10 regs + 4 outputs) -- will not pass the write-once requirement of the validator assert(#ret == 14) return ret end -- validation lg.validate_single = function(t, i) local function is_reg_written_to(t, n, max) for i = 1, max-1 do if next(t[i]) ~= nil and t[i].dst and t[i].dst.type == "reg" and t[i].dst.n == n then return true end end return false end local function compare_op(t1, t2, allow_same_io) if t1 == nil or t2 == nil then return false elseif t1.type ~= t2.type then return false end if t1.type == "reg" and t1.n == t2.n then return true elseif t1.type == "io" and t1.port == t2.port then return not allow_same_io end return false end local elem = t[i] local gate_data for j, data in ipairs(operations) do if data.gate == elem.action then gate_data = data break end end -- check for completeness if not gate_data then return {i = i, msg = "Gate type is required"} elseif gate_data.unary then if elem.op1 ~= nil or elem.op2 == nil or elem.dst == nil then return {i = i, msg = "Second operand (only) and destination are required"} end else if elem.op1 == nil or elem.op2 == nil or elem.dst == nil then return {i = i, msg = "Operands and destination are required"} end end -- check whether operands/destination are identical if compare_op(elem.op1, elem.op2) then return {i = i, msg = "Operands cannot be identical"} end if compare_op(elem.op1, elem.dst, true) or compare_op(elem.op2, elem.dst, true) then return {i = i, msg = "Destination and operands must be different"} end -- check whether operands point to defined registers if elem.op1 ~= nil and elem.op1.type == "reg" and not is_reg_written_to(t, elem.op1.n, i) then return {i = i, msg = "First operand is undefined register"} end if elem.op2.type == "reg" and not is_reg_written_to(t, elem.op2.n, i) then return {i = i, msg = "Second operand is undefined register"} end -- check whether destination points to undefined register if elem.dst.type == "reg" and is_reg_written_to(t, elem.dst.n, i) then return {i = i, msg = "Destination is already used register"} end return nil end lg.validate = function(t) for i = 1, 14 do if next(t[i]) ~= nil then local r = lg.validate_single(t, i) if r ~= nil then return r end end end return nil end local fpga_env = setmetatable({}, { __index = function(_, var) error("FPGA code tried to read undeclared variable " .. var) end, __newindex = function(_, var) error("FPGA code tried to set undeclared variable " .. var) end, }) -- compiler lg.compile = function(t) -- Get token generation function from action gate string local function _action(s) for i, data in ipairs(operations) do if data.gate == s then return data.func end end return nil -- unknown gate end -- Serialize input operand local function _op(t) if t == nil then return nil elseif t.type == "reg" then return "r" .. t.n else -- t.type == "io" return "i" .. t.port end end -- Serialize destination local function _dst(t) if t.type == "reg" then return "local r" .. t.n else -- t.type == "io" return "o" .. t.port end end local code = { -- Declare inputs and outputs: "return function(iA,iB,iC,iD)local oA,oB,oC,oD;", } for i = 1, 14 do local cur = t[i] if next(cur) ~= nil then table.insert(code, _dst(cur.dst)) table.insert(code, "=") table.insert(code, _action(cur.action)(_op(cur.op1), _op(cur.op2))) table.insert(code, ";") end end table.insert(code, "return oA,oB,oC,oD;end") local func = assert(loadstring(table.concat(code)))() setfenv(func, fpga_env) return func end return lg