function mesecon.move_node(pos, newpos) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos):to_table() minetest.remove_node(pos) minetest.set_node(newpos, node) minetest.get_meta(pos):from_table(meta) end function mesecon.flattenrules(allrules) --[[ { { {xyz}, {xyz}, }, { {xyz}, {xyz}, }, } --]] if allrules[1] and allrules[1].x then return allrules end local shallowrules = {} for _, metarule in ipairs( allrules) do for _, rule in ipairs(metarule ) do table.insert(shallowrules, rule) end end return shallowrules --[[ { {xyz}, {xyz}, {xyz}, {xyz}, } --]] end function mesecon.rule2bit(findrule, allrules) --get the bit of the metarule the rule is in, or bit 1 if (allrules[1] and allrules[1].x) or not findrule then return 1 end for m,metarule in ipairs( allrules) do for _, rule in ipairs(metarule ) do if vector.equals(findrule, rule) then return m end end end end function mesecon.rule2metaindex(findrule, allrules) --get the metarule the rule is in, or allrules if allrules[1].x then return nil end if not(findrule) then return mesecon.flattenrules(allrules) end for m, metarule in ipairs( allrules) do for _, rule in ipairs(metarule ) do if vector.equals(findrule, rule) then return m end end end end function mesecon.rule2meta(findrule, allrules) if #allrules == 0 then return {} end local index = mesecon.rule2metaindex(findrule, allrules) if index == nil then if allrules[1].x then return allrules else return {} end end return allrules[index] end function mesecon.dec2bin(n) local x, y = math.floor(n / 2), n % 2 if (n > 1) then return mesecon.dec2bin(x)..y else return ""..y end end function mesecon.getstate(nodename, states) for state, name in ipairs(states) do if name == nodename then return state end end error(nodename.." doesn't mention itself in "..dump(states)) end function mesecon.getbinstate(nodename, states) return mesecon.dec2bin(mesecon.getstate(nodename, states)-1) end function mesecon.get_bit(binary,bit) bit = bit or 1 local c = binary:len()-(bit-1) return binary:sub(c,c) == "1" end function mesecon.set_bit(binary,bit,value) if value == "1" then if not mesecon.get_bit(binary,bit) then return mesecon.dec2bin(tonumber(binary,2)+math.pow(2,bit-1)) end elseif value == "0" then if mesecon.get_bit(binary,bit) then return mesecon.dec2bin(tonumber(binary,2)-math.pow(2,bit-1)) end end return binary end function mesecon.invertRule(r) return vector.multiply(r, -1) end function mesecon.tablecopy(table) -- deep table copy if type(table) ~= "table" then return table end -- no need to copy local newtable = {} for idx, item in pairs(table) do if type(item) == "table" then newtable[idx] = mesecon.tablecopy(item) else newtable[idx] = item end end return newtable end function mesecon.cmpAny(t1, t2) if type(t1) ~= type(t2) then return false end if type(t1) ~= "table" and type(t2) ~= "table" then return t1 == t2 end for i, e in pairs(t1) do if not mesecon.cmpAny(e, t2[i]) then return false end end return true end -- does not overwrite values; number keys (ipairs) are appended, not overwritten function mesecon.mergetable(source, dest) local rval = mesecon.tablecopy(dest) for k, v in pairs(source) do rval[k] = dest[k] or mesecon.tablecopy(v) end for i, v in ipairs(source) do table.insert(rval, mesecon.tablecopy(v)) end return rval end function mesecon.register_node(name, spec_common, spec_off, spec_on) spec_common.drop = spec_common.drop or name .. "_off" spec_common.__mesecon_basename = name spec_on.__mesecon_state = "on" spec_off.__mesecon_state = "off" spec_on = mesecon.mergetable(spec_common, spec_on); spec_off = mesecon.mergetable(spec_common, spec_off); minetest.register_node(name .. "_on", spec_on) minetest.register_node(name .. "_off", spec_off) end -- swap onstate and offstate nodes, returns new state function mesecon.flipstate(pos, node) local nodedef = minetest.registered_nodes[] local newstate if (nodedef.__mesecon_state == "on") then newstate = "off" end if (nodedef.__mesecon_state == "off") then newstate = "on" end minetest.swap_node(pos, {name = nodedef.__mesecon_basename .. "_" .. newstate, param2 = node.param2}) return newstate end -- File writing / reading utilities local wpath = minetest.get_worldpath() function mesecon.file2table(filename) local f =, "r") if f == nil then return {} end local t = f:read("*all") f:close() if t == "" or t == nil then return {} end return minetest.deserialize(t) end function mesecon.table2file(filename, table) local f =, "w") f:write(minetest.serialize(table)) f:close() end -- Forceloading: Force server to load area if node is nil local BLOCKSIZE = 16 -- convert node position --> block hash local function hash_blockpos(pos) return minetest.hash_node_position({ x = math.floor(pos.x/BLOCKSIZE), y = math.floor(pos.y/BLOCKSIZE), z = math.floor(pos.z/BLOCKSIZE) }) end -- convert block hash --> node position local function unhash_blockpos(hash) return vector.multiply(minetest.get_position_from_hash(hash), BLOCKSIZE) end mesecon.forceloaded_blocks = {} -- get node and force-load area function mesecon.get_node_force(pos) local hash = hash_blockpos(pos) if mesecon.forceloaded_blocks[hash] == nil then -- if no more forceload spaces are available, try again next time if minetest.forceload_block(pos) then mesecon.forceloaded_blocks[hash] = 0 end else mesecon.forceloaded_blocks[hash] = 0 end return minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) end minetest.register_globalstep(function (dtime) for hash, time in pairs(mesecon.forceloaded_blocks) do -- unload forceloaded blocks after 10 minutes without usage if (time > mesecon.setting("forceload_timeout", 600)) then minetest.forceload_free_block(unhash_blockpos(hash)) mesecon.forceloaded_blocks[hash] = nil else mesecon.forceloaded_blocks[hash] = time + dtime end end end) -- Store and read the forceloaded blocks to / from a file -- so that those blocks are remembered when the game -- is restarted mesecon.forceloaded_blocks = mesecon.file2table("mesecon_forceloaded") minetest.register_on_shutdown(function() mesecon.table2file("mesecon_forceloaded", mesecon.forceloaded_blocks) end) -- Autoconnect Hooks -- Nodes like conductors may change their appearance and their connection rules -- right after being placed or after being dug, e.g. the default wires use this -- to automatically connect to linking nodes after placement. -- After placement, the update function will be executed immediately so that the -- possibly changed rules can be taken into account when recalculating the circuit. -- After digging, the update function will be queued and executed after -- recalculating the circuit. The update function must take care of updating the -- node at the given position itself, but also all of the other nodes the given -- position may have (had) a linking connection to. mesecon.autoconnect_hooks = {} -- name: A unique name for the hook, e.g. "foowire". Used to name the actionqueue function. -- fct: The update function with parameters function(pos, node) function mesecon.register_autoconnect_hook(name, fct) mesecon.autoconnect_hooks[name] = fct mesecon.queue:add_function("autoconnect_hook_", fct) end function mesecon.execute_autoconnect_hooks_now(pos, node) for _, fct in pairs(mesecon.autoconnect_hooks) do fct(pos, node) end end function mesecon.execute_autoconnect_hooks_queue(pos, node) for name in pairs(mesecon.autoconnect_hooks) do mesecon.queue:add_action(pos, "autoconnect_hook_", {node}) end end