--register stoppers for movestones/pistons mesecon.mvps_stoppers = {} mesecon.mvps_unmov = {} function mesecon:is_mvps_stopper(node, pushdir, stack, stackid) local get_stopper = mesecon.mvps_stoppers[node.name] if type (get_stopper) == "function" then get_stopper = get_stopper(node, pushdir, stack, stackid) end return get_stopper end function mesecon:register_mvps_stopper(nodename, get_stopper) if get_stopper == nil then get_stopper = true end mesecon.mvps_stoppers[nodename] = get_stopper end -- Objects that cannot be moved (e.g. movestones) function mesecon:register_mvps_unmov(objectname) mesecon.mvps_unmov[objectname] = true; end function mesecon:is_mvps_unmov(objectname) return mesecon.mvps_unmov[objectname] end function mesecon:mvps_process_stack(stack) -- update mesecons for placed nodes ( has to be done after all nodes have been added ) for _, n in ipairs(stack) do nodeupdate(n.pos) mesecon.on_placenode(n.pos, minetest.get_node(n.pos)) mesecon:update_autoconnect(n.pos) end end function mesecon:mvps_get_stack(pos, dir, maximum) -- determine the number of nodes to be pushed local np = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} local nodes = {} while true do local nn = minetest.get_node_or_nil(np) if not nn or #nodes > maximum then -- don't push at all, something is in the way (unloaded map or too many nodes) return nil end if nn.name == "air" or (minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name].liquidtype ~= "none") then --is liquid break end table.insert (nodes, {node = nn, pos = np}) np = mesecon:addPosRule(np, dir) end return nodes end function mesecon:mvps_push(pos, dir, maximum) -- pos: pos of mvps; dir: direction of push; maximum: maximum nodes to be pushed local nodes = mesecon:mvps_get_stack(pos, dir, maximum) if not nodes then return end -- determine if one of the nodes blocks the push for id, n in ipairs(nodes) do if mesecon:is_mvps_stopper(n.node, dir, nodes, id) then return end end -- remove all nodes for _, n in ipairs(nodes) do n.meta = minetest.get_meta(n.pos):to_table() minetest.remove_node(n.pos) end -- update mesecons for removed nodes ( has to be done after all nodes have been removed ) for _, n in ipairs(nodes) do mesecon.on_dignode(n.pos, n.node) mesecon:update_autoconnect(n.pos) end -- add nodes for _, n in ipairs(nodes) do np = mesecon:addPosRule(n.pos, dir) minetest.add_node(np, n.node) minetest.get_meta(np):from_table(n.meta) end local oldstack = mesecon:tablecopy(nodes) for i in ipairs(nodes) do nodes[i].pos = mesecon:addPosRule(nodes[i].pos, dir) end for _, n in ipairs(nodes) do mesecon.on_placenode(n.pos, n.node) mesecon:update_autoconnect(n.pos) end return true, nodes, oldstack end function mesecon:mvps_pull_single(pos, dir) -- pos: pos of mvps; direction: direction of pull (matches push direction for sticky pistons) np = mesecon:addPosRule(pos, dir) nn = minetest.get_node(np) if ((not minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name]) --unregistered node or minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name].liquidtype == "none") --non-liquid node and not mesecon:is_mvps_stopper(nn, {x = -dir.x, y = -dir.y, z = -dir.z}, {{pos = np, node = nn}}, 1) then --non-stopper node local meta = minetest.get_meta(np):to_table() minetest.remove_node(np) minetest.add_node(pos, nn) minetest.get_meta(pos):from_table(meta) nodeupdate(np) nodeupdate(pos) mesecon.on_dignode(np, nn) mesecon:update_autoconnect(np) mesecon:update_autoconnect(pos) mesecon.on_placenode(pos, nn) end return {{pos = np, node = {param2 = 0, name = "air"}}, {pos = pos, node = nn}} end function mesecon:mvps_pull_all(pos, direction) -- pos: pos of mvps; direction: direction of pull local lpos = {x=pos.x-direction.x, y=pos.y-direction.y, z=pos.z-direction.z} -- 1 away local lnode = minetest.get_node(lpos) local lpos2 = {x=pos.x-direction.x*2, y=pos.y-direction.y*2, z=pos.z-direction.z*2} -- 2 away local lnode2 = minetest.get_node(lpos2) --avoid pulling solid nodes if lnode.name ~= "ignore" and lnode.name ~= "air" and ((not minetest.registered_nodes[lnode.name]) or minetest.registered_nodes[lnode.name].liquidtype == "none") then return end --avoid pulling empty or liquid nodes if lnode2.name == "ignore" or lnode2.name == "air" or (minetest.registered_nodes[lnode2.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[lnode2.name].liquidtype ~= "none") then return end local oldpos = {x=lpos2.x + direction.x, y=lpos2.y + direction.y, z=lpos2.z + direction.z} repeat lnode2 = minetest.get_node(lpos2) minetest.add_node(oldpos, {name=lnode2.name}) nodeupdate(oldpos) oldpos = {x=lpos2.x, y=lpos2.y, z=lpos2.z} lpos2.x = lpos2.x-direction.x lpos2.y = lpos2.y-direction.y lpos2.z = lpos2.z-direction.z lnode = minetest.get_node(lpos2) until lnode.name == "air" or lnode.name == "ignore" or (minetest.registered_nodes[lnode2.name] and minetest.registered_nodes[lnode2.name].liquidtype ~= "none") minetest.remove_node(oldpos) end function mesecon:mvps_move_objects(pos, dir, nodestack) local objects_to_move = {} -- Move object at tip of stack local pushpos = mesecon:addPosRule(pos, -- get pos at tip of stack {x = dir.x * #nodestack, y = dir.y * #nodestack, z = dir.z * #nodestack}) local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pushpos, 1) for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do table.insert(objects_to_move, obj) end -- Move objects lying/standing on the stack (before it was pushed - oldstack) if tonumber(minetest.setting_get("movement_gravity")) > 0 and dir.y == 0 then -- If gravity positive and dir horizontal, push players standing on the stack for _, n in ipairs(nodestack) do local p_above = mesecon:addPosRule(n.pos, {x=0, y=1, z=0}) local objects = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(p_above, 1) for _, obj in ipairs(objects) do table.insert(objects_to_move, obj) end end end for _, obj in ipairs(objects_to_move) do local entity = obj:get_luaentity() if not entity or not mesecon:is_mvps_unmov(entity.name) then local np = mesecon:addPosRule(obj:getpos(), dir) --move only if destination is not solid local nn = minetest.get_node(np) if not ((not minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name]) or minetest.registered_nodes[nn.name].walkable) then obj:setpos(np) end end end end mesecon:register_mvps_stopper("default:chest_locked") mesecon:register_mvps_stopper("default:furnace")