-- for registering variants of a specific node --[[ ]] local api = stairsplus.api local table_set_all = stairsplus.util.table_set_all local table_sort_keys = stairsplus.util.table_sort_keys local S = stairsplus.S local legacy_mode = stairsplus.settings.legacy_mode local legacy_place_mechanic = stairsplus.settings.legacy_place_mechanic local in_creative_inventory = stairsplus.settings.in_creative_inventory local default_align_style = stairsplus.settings.default_align_style api.nodes_by_shape = {} api.shapes_by_node = {} local function scale_light(light_source, shape_def) if not light_source or light_source == 0 then return 0 elseif legacy_mode then return light_source - 1 end return math.max(1, math.min(math.round(light_source * shape_def.eighths / 4), light_source)) end local function check_node_validity(node_def, meta) local type_ = node_def.type if not meta.ignore_type and type_ ~= "node" then error(("cannot register non-node %q w/ stairsplus"):format(node_def.name)) end local drawtype = node_def.drawtype if not meta.ignore_drawtype and ( drawtype == "airlike" or drawtype == "liquid" or drawtype == "flowingliquid" or drawtype == "torchlike" or drawtype == "signlike" or drawtype == "plantlike" or drawtype == "firelike" or drawtype == "fencelike" or drawtype == "raillike" or drawtype == "nodebox" or drawtype == "mesh" or drawtype == "plantlike_rooted" ) then error(("cannot register %q w/ drawtype %q w/ stairsplus"):format(node_def.name, drawtype)) end local paramtype2 = node_def.paramtype2 if not meta.ignore_paramtype2 and ( paramtype2 == "flowingliquid" or paramtype2 == "wallmounted" or paramtype2 == "leveled" or paramtype2 == "degrotate" or paramtype2 == "meshoptions" or paramtype2 == "color" or paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" or paramtype2 == "colorwallmounted" or paramtype2 == "glasslikeliquidlevel" or paramtype2 == "colordegrotate" ) then error(("cannot register %q w/ paramtype2 %q w/ stairsplus"):format(node_def.name, paramtype2)) end end local function build_groups(shape, node_groups) local groups = { [("shape_%s"):format(shape)] = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = in_creative_inventory and 1 or 0, } local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] for group, value in pairs(node_groups) do if api.passthrough_groups[group] then groups[group] = value elseif api.scale_groups[group] then groups[group] = (shape_def.eighths / 8) * value elseif not api.ignore_groups[group] then groups[shape_def.name_format:format(group)] = value end end return groups end local wall_right_dirmap = {9, 18, 7, 12} local wall_left_dirmap = {11, 16, 5, 14} local ceil_dirmap = {20, 23, 22, 21} function api.legacy_on_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if not minetest.is_player(placer) then return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end local controls = placer:get_player_control() local sneak = controls.sneak local aux = controls.aux1 local shaped_node_name = itemstack:get_name() local shape = api.get_shape_of_shaped_node(shaped_node_name) local under = pointed_thing.under local under_node = minetest.get_node(under) local under_shape = api.get_shape_of_shaped_node(under_node.name) local same_cat = shape == under_shape -- standard (floor) facedir, also used for sneak placement against the lower half of the wall local p2 = placer and minetest.dir_to_facedir(placer:get_look_dir()) or 0 -- check which face and which quadrant we are interested in -- this is used both to check if we're handling parallel placement in the same-category case, -- and in general for sneak placement local face_pos = minetest.pointed_thing_to_face_pos(placer, pointed_thing) local face_off = vector.subtract(face_pos, under) -- we cannot trust face_off to tell us the correct directionif the -- under node has a non-standard shape, so use the distance between under and above local wallmounted = minetest.dir_to_wallmounted(vector.subtract(pointed_thing.above, under)) if same_cat and not aux then p2 = under_node.param2 -- flip if placing above or below an upright or upside-down node -- TODO should we also flip when placing next to a side-mounted node? if wallmounted < 2 then if p2 < 4 then p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4 p2 = ceil_dirmap[p2 + 1] elseif p2 > 19 then p2 = ceil_dirmap[p2 - 19] - 20 p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4 end end else -- for same-cat placement, aux is used to disable param2 copying if same_cat then aux = not aux end local remap = nil -- standard placement against the wall local use_wallmap = (wallmounted > 1 and not sneak) or (wallmounted < 2 and sneak) -- standard placement against the ceiling, or sneak placement against the upper half of the wall local use_ceilmap = wallmounted == 1 and not sneak use_ceilmap = use_ceilmap or (wallmounted > 1 and sneak and face_off.y > 0) if use_wallmap then local left = (p2 == 0 and face_off.x < 0) or (p2 == 1 and face_off.z > 0) or (p2 == 2 and face_off.x > 0) or (p2 == 3 and face_off.z < 0) if aux then left = not left end remap = left and wall_left_dirmap or wall_right_dirmap elseif use_ceilmap then remap = ceil_dirmap end if aux then p2 = (p2 + 2) % 4 end if remap then p2 = remap[p2 + 1] end end return minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing, p2) end function api.format_name(node, shape) local mod, name = node:match("^([^:]+):(.*)$") local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] return ("%s:%s"):format(mod, shape_def.name_format:format(name)) end function api.register_single(node, shape, overrides, meta) stairsplus.log("info", "registering %s %s", shape, node) meta = meta or {} overrides = overrides or {} local node_def = table.copy(minetest.registered_nodes[node]) check_node_validity(node_def, meta) if shape ~= "micro_8" and not (api.nodes_by_shape.micro_8 or {})[node] then -- always make sure a microblock exists api.register_single(node, "micro_8", overrides, meta) end if (api.nodes_by_shape[shape] or {})[node] then return -- already registered end local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] -- shaped_node definition local def = { description = S(shape_def.description, node_def.description or node), drawtype = shape_def.drawtype, mesh = shape_def.mesh, node_box = shape_def.node_box, collision_box = shape_def.collision_box, selection_box = shape_def.selection_box, paramtype = shape_def.paramtype or "light", paramtype2 = shape_def.paramtype2 or "facedir", light_source = scale_light(node_def.light_source, shape_def), groups = build_groups(shape, node_def.groups), tiles = node_def.tiles, overlay_tiles = node_def.overlay_tiles, use_texture_alpha = node_def.use_texture_alpha, color = node_def.color, stack_max = node_def.stack_max, sound = node_def.sound, is_ground_content = node_def.is_ground_content, walkable = node_def.walkable, pointable = node_def.pointable, diggable = node_def.diggable, climbable = node_def.climbable, move_resistance = node_def.move_resistance, } -- see-through nodes tend to look better if we just use the first tile if (node_def.drawtype or ""):match("glass") then if #def.tiles > 1 then def.tiles = {def.tiles[1]} end if def.overlay_tiles and #def.overlay_tiles > 1 then def.overlay_tiles = {def.overlay_tiles[1]} end end if node_def.short_description then def.short_description = S(shape_def.description, node_def.short_description) end -- if there's a drop defined, and we can drop a shaped version, do so if node_def.drop then local item = api.get_shaped_node(node_def.drop, shape) if item then def.drop = item end end if legacy_place_mechanic then def.on_place = api.legacy_on_place end table_set_all(def, overrides) -- set backface_culling and align_style local align_style = meta.align_style or default_align_style for i, tile in ipairs(def.tiles) do if type(tile) == "string" then def.tiles[i] = { name = tile, backface_culling = true, align_style = align_style, } elseif not (tile.animation or tile.color) then tile.backface_culling = true tile.align_style = align_style end end if def.overlay_tiles then for i, tile in ipairs(def.overlay_tiles) do if type(tile) == "string" then def.tiles[i] = { name = tile, backface_culling = true, align_style = align_style, } elseif not (tile.animation or tile.color) then tile.backface_culling = true tile.align_style = align_style end def.overlay_tiles[i] = tile end end -- register node local shaped_name = api.format_name(node, shape) minetest.register_node(":" .. shaped_name, def) -- alias old name formats if shape_def.aliases then local mod, name = node:match("^([^:]+):(.*)$") for _, alias in ipairs(shape_def.aliases) do minetest.register_alias( ("%s:%s"):format(mod, alias:format(name)), shaped_name ) end end local nodes = api.nodes_by_shape[shape] or {} nodes[node] = true api.nodes_by_shape[shape] = nodes local shapes = api.shapes_by_node[node] or {} shapes[shape] = true api.shapes_by_node[node] = shapes return shaped_name end function api.register_all(node, overrides, meta) for shape in pairs(api.registered_shapes) do api.register_single(node, shape, overrides, meta) end end function api.register_custom(node, list, overrides, meta) for _, shape in ipairs(list) do api.register_single(node, shape, overrides, meta) end end function api.register_group(node, group, overrides, meta) for _, shape in ipairs(api.shapes_by_group[group] or {}) do api.register_single(node, shape, overrides, meta) end end function api.register_groups(node, groups, overrides, meta) for _, group in ipairs(groups) do api.register_group(node, group, overrides, meta) end end function api.get_shapes(node) return table_sort_keys(api.shapes_by_node[node]) end -- warning: don't mutate the return value function api.get_shapes_hash(node) return api.shapes_by_node[node] end function api.get_shaped_node(node, shape_or_item) local name, count = shape_or_item:match("^([^ ]+) (%d+)") if not name then name = shape_or_item end if name == "" then return "" end count = tonumber(count) if api.registered_shapes[name] then name = api.format_name(node, name) elseif name == "node" then name = node end if count then return ("%s %s"):format(name, count) else return name end end function api.get_micronode(node) return api.format_name(node, "micro_8") end api.node_by_shaped_node = {} api.shape_by_shaped_node = {} function api.get_node_of_shaped_node(shaped_node) return api.node_by_shaped_node[shaped_node] end function api.get_shape_of_shaped_node(shaped_node) return api.shape_by_shaped_node[shaped_node] end minetest.register_on_mods_loaded(function() stairsplus.log("info", "registering schema crafts") for node, shapes in pairs(api.shapes_by_node) do api.register_schema_crafts_for_node(node) for shape in pairs(shapes) do local shaped_node = api.format_name(node, shape) api.node_by_shaped_node[shaped_node] = node api.shape_by_shaped_node[shaped_node] = shape end api.node_by_shaped_node[node] = node api.shape_by_shaped_node[node] = "node" end end)