local api = stairsplus.api local in_creative_inventory = stairsplus.settings.in_creative_inventory local in_craft_guide = stairsplus.settings.in_craft_guide api.passthrough_groups = {} api.scaling_groups = {} api.ignore_groups = {} function api.register_passthrough_group(group) api.passthrough_groups[group] = true end function api.register_passthrough_groups(groups) for _, group in ipairs(groups) do api.register_passthrough_group(group) end end function api.register_scaling_group(group) api.scaling_groups[group] = true end function api.register_scaling_groups(groups) for _, group in ipairs(groups) do api.register_scaling_group(group) end end function api.register_ignore_group(group) api.ignore_groups[group] = true end function api.register_ignore_groups(groups) for _, group in ipairs(groups) do api.register_ignore_group(group) end end function api.build_groups(node, shape) local node_def = minetest.registered_nodes[node] local groups = { [("shape_%s"):format(shape)] = 1, not_in_creative_inventory = (not in_creative_inventory) and 1 or nil, not_in_craft_guide = (not in_craft_guide) and 1 or nil, } local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] for group, value in pairs(node_def.groups) do if api.passthrough_groups[group] then groups[group] = value elseif api.scaling_groups[group] then groups[group] = (shape_def.eighths / 8) * value elseif not api.ignore_groups[group] then groups[shape_def.name_format:format(group)] = value end end return groups end