stairsplus.util = { table_set_all = function(t, other_table) for key, value in pairs(other_table) do t[key] = value end return t end, table_is_empty = function(t) return not next(t) end, table_sort_keys = function(t, sort_function) local sorted = {} for key in pairs(t) do table.insert(sorted, key) end if sort_function then table.sort(sorted, sort_function) else table.sort(sorted) end return sorted end, table_equals = function(t1, t2) if t1 == t2 then return true end local tt1 = type(t1) local tt2 = type(t2) if tt1 ~= tt2 then return false end if tt1 ~= "table" or tt2 ~= "table" then return t1 == t2 end for k1, v1 in pairs(t1) do if v1 ~= t2[k1] then return false end end for k2, v2 in pairs(t2) do if t1[k2] ~= v2 then return false end end return true end, check_call = function(func) -- wrap a function w/ logic to avoid crashing the game local f = function(...) local status, out = pcall(func, ...) if status then return out else local message = ("Error (func): %s %s"):format(out, dump({...})) stairsplus.log("error", message) error(message) end end return f end, get_location_string = function(inv) local location = inv:get_location() if location.type == "node" then return ("nodemeta:%i,%i,%i"):format(location.pos.x, location.pos.y, location.pos.z) elseif location.type == "player" then return ("player:%s"):format( elseif location.type == "detached" then return ("detached:%s"):format( else error(("unexpected location? %s"):format(dump(location))) end end, resolve_aliases = function(node, seen) seen = seen or {} if seen[node] then error(("alias loop on %s"):format(node)) end local aliased_to = minetest.registered_aliases[node] if aliased_to then seen[node] = true return stairsplus.util.resolve_aliases(aliased_to, seen) end return node end, }