moreblocks.config = {} local function getbool_default(setting, default) local value = minetest.setting_getbool(setting) if value == nil then value = default end return value end local function setting(settingtype, name, default) if settingtype == "bool" then moreblocks.config[name] = getbool_default("moreblocks.", default) else moreblocks.config[name] = minetest.setting_get("moreblocks." or default end end -- Whether to direct wood based on player yaw when placing the block (true or false) setting("bool", "wood_facedir", true) -- Allow stair/slab crafting without a circular saw or not (true or false) setting("bool", "allow_stair_slab_crafting", false) -- Show stairs/slabs/panels/microblocks in creative inventory (true or false) setting("bool", "show_stairsplus_creative_inv", false)