-- for registering recipe schemas local api = stairsplus.api api.registered_recipe_schemas = {} api.registered_on_register_craft_schemas = {} local registered_schemas_by_node = {} local function is_valid_output(item, shapes) local item_name = item:match("^([^ ]+)") return item_name and (shapes[item_name] or item_name == "node" or item_name:match(":")) end local function is_valid_item(item, shapes) return is_valid_output(item, shapes) or item == "" end local function verify_schema(schema) local problems = {} if not (schema.type == "shaped" or schema.type == "shapeless" or schema.type == nil) then table.insert(problems, ("unimplemented schema type %q"):format(schema.type)) end if not is_valid_output(schema.output, api.registered_shapes) then table.insert(problems, ("don't know how to handle output %q"):format(schema.output)) end if schema.replacements then for _, replacement in ipairs(schema.replacements) do for _, item in ipairs(replacement) do if not is_valid_item(item, api.registered_shapes) then table.insert(problems, ("don't know how to handle replacement item %q"):format(item)) end end end end if schema.type == "shapeless" then for _, item in ipairs(schema.recipe) do if not is_valid_item(item, api.registered_shapes) then table.insert(problems, ("don't know how to handle craft item %q"):format(item)) end end else for _, row in ipairs(schema.recipe) do for _, item in ipairs(row) do if not is_valid_item(item, api.registered_shapes) then table.insert(problems, ("don't know how to handle craft item %q"):format(item)) end end end end if #problems > 0 then return table.concat(problems, ", ") end end local function has_the_right_shapes(schema, shapes) if not is_valid_output(schema.output, shapes) then return false end if schema.replacements then for _, replacement in ipairs(schema.replacements) do for _, item in ipairs(replacement) do if not is_valid_item(item, shapes) then return false end end end end if schema.type == "shapeless" then for _, item in ipairs(schema.recipe) do if not is_valid_item(item, shapes) then return false end end elseif schema.type == "shaped" or schema.type == nil then for _, row in ipairs(schema.recipe) do for _, item in ipairs(row) do if not is_valid_item(item, shapes) then return false end end end end return true end local function register_for_schema(node, schema) stairsplus.log("verbose", "using schema %s w/ node %s", minetest.write_json(schema), node) local recipe = table.copy(schema) recipe.output = api.get_schema_recipe_item(node, recipe.output) if recipe.replacements then for _, replacement in ipairs(recipe.replacements) do for i, item in ipairs(replacement) do replacement[i] = api.get_schema_recipe_item(node, item) end end end if recipe.type == "shapeless" then for i, item in ipairs(recipe.recipe) do recipe.recipe[i] = api.get_schema_recipe_item(node, item) end elseif recipe.type == "shaped" or recipe.type == nil then for _, row in ipairs(recipe.recipe) do for i, item in ipairs(row) do row[i] = api.get_schema_recipe_item(node, item) end end end stairsplus.log("info", "registering recipe %s", minetest.write_json(recipe)) minetest.register_craft(recipe) end function api.register_on_register_craft_schema(func) table.insert(api.registered_on_register_craft_schemas, func) end function api.register_craft_schema(schema) local problems = verify_schema(schema) if problems then error(problems) end stairsplus.log("info", "registering craft schema %s", minetest.write_json(schema)) table.insert(api.registered_recipe_schemas, schema) for node, shapes in pairs(api.shapes_by_node) do local registered_schemas = registered_schemas_by_node[node] or {} if has_the_right_shapes(schema, shapes) and not registered_schemas[schema] then register_for_schema(node, schema) registered_schemas[schema] = true end registered_schemas_by_node[node] = registered_schemas end for _, func in ipairs(api.registered_on_register_craft_schemas) do func(schema) end end function api.register_schema_crafts_for_node(node) local registered_schemas = registered_schemas_by_node[node] or {} local shapes = api.get_shapes_hash(node) for _, schema in ipairs(api.registered_recipe_schemas) do if has_the_right_shapes(schema, shapes) and not registered_schemas[schema] then register_for_schema(node, schema) registered_schemas[schema] = true end end registered_schemas_by_node[node] = registered_schemas end api.register_on_register_single(api.register_schema_crafts_for_node) local function shapes_match(a, b) local a_shapes = api.get_shapes(a) local b_shapes = api.get_shapes(b) if #a_shapes ~= #b_shapes then return false end for i = 1, #a_shapes do if a_shapes[i] ~= b_shapes[i] then return false end end return true end local function register_cooking_for_shapes(recipe) local mod, name = recipe.recipe:match("^([^:]+):(.*)$") if mod ~= "group" and not shapes_match(recipe.output, recipe.recipe) then error(("error: shapes of %s and %s do not match"):format(recipe.output, recipe.recipe)) end local shapes = api.get_shapes(recipe.output) for _, shape in ipairs(shapes) do local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] local input if mod == "group" then input = "group:" .. shape_def.name_format:format(name) else input = api.get_schema_recipe_item(recipe.recipe, shape) end minetest.register_craft({ type = "cooking", output = api.get_schema_recipe_item(recipe.output, shape), recipe = input, cooktime = math.max(1.0, (recipe.cooktime or 3) * (shape_def.eighths / 8)), }) end end local function register_fuel_for_shapes(recipe) local mod, name = recipe.recipe:match("^([^:]+):(.*)$") local shapes if mod == "group" then shapes = api.registered_shapes else shapes = api.get_shapes_hash(recipe.recipe) end if not shapes then error(("don't know how to handle fuel %s"):format(recipe.recipe)) end for shape in pairs(shapes) do local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] local input if mod == "group" then input = "group:" .. shape_def.name_format:format(name) else input = api.get_schema_recipe_item(recipe.recipe, shape) end minetest.register_craft({ type = "fuel", recipe = input, burntime = math.max(1.0, (recipe.burntime or 1) * (shape_def.eighths / 8)), }) end end function api.register_crafts_for_shapes(recipe) if recipe.type == "cooking" then register_cooking_for_shapes(recipe) elseif recipe.type == "fuel" then register_fuel_for_shapes(recipe) else error(("unsupported recipe type %s"):format(recipe.type)) end end