-- for creating the circular saw and similar nodes local api = stairsplus.api local resolve_aliases = stairsplus.util.resolve_aliases local default_stack_max = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("default_stack_max")) or 99 local station = {} function station.get_cost(shaped_node) if shaped_node == "" then return 0 end local shape = api.get_shape_of_shaped_node(shaped_node) if shape == "node" then return 8 end local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] return shape_def and shape_def.eighths end function station.get_current_node(inv) local input_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:input", 1) if not input_stack:is_empty() then return input_stack:get_name() end local micro_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1) if not micro_stack:is_empty() then return api.get_node_of_shaped_node(micro_stack:get_name()) end local recycle_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1) if not recycle_stack:is_empty() then return api.get_node_of_shaped_node(recycle_stack:get_name()) end end function station.can_dig(meta, inv) return inv:is_empty("stairsplus:input") and inv:is_empty("stairsplus:micro") end function station.on_receive_fields(meta, inv, formname, fields, sender, build_formspec, update_metadata) local max = tonumber(fields.max_offered) if max and max > 0 then meta:set_int("stairsplus:max_offered", max) -- Update to show the correct number of items: station.update_inventory(meta, inv) if update_metadata then update_metadata(meta, inv) end if build_formspec then meta:set_string("formspec", build_formspec(meta, inv)) end end return not not fields.max_offered end local function fix_aliases(inv) local input = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:input", 1) input:set_name(resolve_aliases(input:get_name())) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:input", 1, input) local micro = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1) micro:set_name(resolve_aliases(micro:get_name())) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1, micro) local recycle = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1) recycle:set_name(resolve_aliases(recycle:get_name())) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1, recycle) for i = 1, inv:get_size("stairsplus:output") do local output = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:output", i) output:set_name(resolve_aliases(output:get_name())) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:output", i, output) end end function station.update_inventory(meta, inv, taken_stack) fix_aliases(inv) local node = station.get_current_node(inv) local valid_shapes = api.shapes_by_node[node] if not (node and valid_shapes) then inv:set_stack("stairsplus:input", 1, ItemStack()) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1, ItemStack()) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1, ItemStack()) for i = 1, inv:get_size("stairsplus:output") do inv:set_stack("stairsplus:output", i, ItemStack()) end return end local input_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:input", 1) local micro_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1) local recycle_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1) local current_value = 8 * input_stack:get_count() + micro_stack:get_count() local new_value = current_value + station.get_cost(recycle_stack:get_name()) * recycle_stack:get_count() if taken_stack then new_value = new_value - station.get_cost(taken_stack:get_name()) * taken_stack:get_count() end local new_micros = new_value % 8 local new_blocks = math.floor(new_value / 8) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:input", 1, ItemStack({name = node, count = new_blocks})) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1, ItemStack({name = api.get_micronode(node), count = new_micros})) inv:set_stack("stairsplus:recycle", 1, ItemStack()) if new_value == 0 then for i = 1, inv:get_size("stairsplus:output") do inv:set_stack("stairsplus:output", i, "") end return end local max_offered = meta:get_int("stairsplus:max_offered") local shape_groups = minetest.parse_json(meta:get_string("stairsplus:shape_groups")) local i = 1 for _, group in ipairs(shape_groups) do for _, shape in ipairs(api.shapes_by_group[group]) do if valid_shapes[shape] then local shape_def = api.registered_shapes[shape] local shaped_node = api.format_name(node, shape) local stack_max = math.min(max_offered, ItemStack(shaped_node):get_stack_max()) local count = math.min(stack_max, math.floor(new_value / shape_def.eighths)) local stack if count > 0 then stack = ItemStack({name = shaped_node, count = count}) else stack = "" end inv:set_stack("stairsplus:output", i, stack) i = i + 1 end end end for j = i, inv:get_size("stairsplus:output") do inv:set_stack("stairsplus:output", j, "") end end function station.on_inventory_put(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player, update_metadata) station.update_inventory(meta, inv) if update_metadata then update_metadata(meta, inv) end end function station.on_inventory_take(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player, update_metadata) if listname == "stairsplus:output" then station.update_inventory(meta, inv, stack) else station.update_inventory(meta, inv) end if update_metadata then update_metadata(meta, inv) end end -- Moving the inventory of the station around is not allowed because it -- is a fictional inventory. Moving inventory around would be rather -- impractical and make things more difficult to calculate: function station.allow_inventory_move() return 0 end function station.allow_inventory_put(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player) if listname ~= "stairsplus:recycle" then return 0 end local shaped_node = resolve_aliases(stack:get_name()) local node = api.get_node_of_shaped_node(shaped_node) local shape = api.get_shape_of_shaped_node(shaped_node) if not (node and shape) then return 0 end local current_node = station.get_current_node(inv) if current_node and node ~= current_node then return 0 end local count = stack:get_count() local cost = station.get_cost(shaped_node) local input_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:input", 1) local micro_stack = inv:get_stack("stairsplus:micro", 1) local current_value = 8 * input_stack:get_count() + micro_stack:get_count() local max_value = 8 * ItemStack(node):get_stack_max() + 7 local available_value = max_value - current_value local available_count = math.floor(available_value / cost) return math.min(count, available_count) end function station.initialize_metadata(meta, inv, shape_groups, build_formspec, update_metadata) meta:set_string("stairsplus:shape_groups", minetest.write_json(shape_groups)) if meta:get_int("max_offered") ~= 0 then meta:set_int("stairsplus:max_offered", meta:get_int("max_offered")) elseif meta:get_int("stairsplus:max_offered") == 0 then meta:set_int("stairsplus:max_offered", default_stack_max) end if build_formspec then meta:set_string("formspec", build_formspec(meta, inv)) end if update_metadata then update_metadata(meta, inv) end end function station.initialize_inventory(inv, shape_groups) local output_size = 0 for _, group in ipairs(shape_groups) do output_size = output_size + #api.shapes_by_group[group] end inv:set_size("stairsplus:input", 1) inv:set_size("stairsplus:micro", 1) inv:set_size("stairsplus:recycle", 1) inv:set_size("stairsplus:output", output_size) -- get rid of old lists for _, listname in ipairs({"input", "micro", "recycle", "output"}) do if inv:get_size(listname) > 0 then inv:set_list(("stairsplus:%s"):format(listname), inv:get_list(listname)) inv:set_size(listname, 0) end end end function station.on_construct(pos, shape_groups, build_formspec, update_metadata) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() station.initialize_inventory(inv, shape_groups) station.initialize_metadata(meta, inv, shape_groups, build_formspec, update_metadata) station.update_inventory(meta, inv) end function station.after_place_node(pos, placer) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if minetest.is_player(placer) then meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name()) end end function api.register_station(name, def) local shape_groups = def.shape_groups local build_formspec = def.build_formspec local update_metadata = def.update_metadata if not shape_groups then error("station requires shape_groups defined") end def.shape_groups = nil def.build_formspec = nil def.update_metadata = nil def.after_place_node = def.after_place_node or station.after_place_node def.on_construct = def.on_construct or function(pos) return station.on_construct(pos, shape_groups, build_formspec, update_metadata) end def.can_dig = def.can_dig or function(pos, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.can_dig(meta, inv, player) end def.on_receive_fields = def.on_receive_fields or function(pos, formname, fields, sender) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.on_receive_fields( meta, inv, formname, fields, sender, build_formspec, update_metadata ) end def.allow_metadata_inventory_move = def.allow_metadata_inventory_move or function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.allow_inventory_move(meta, inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) end def.allow_metadata_inventory_put = def.allow_metadata_inventory_put or function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.allow_inventory_put(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player) end def.on_metadata_inventory_put = def.on_metadata_inventory_put or function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.on_inventory_put(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player, update_metadata) end def.on_metadata_inventory_take = def.on_metadata_inventory_take or function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() return station.on_inventory_take(meta, inv, listname, index, stack, player, update_metadata) end def._stairsplus_shape_groups = shape_groups def.groups = table.copy(def.groups or {}) def.groups.stairsplus_station = 1 minetest.register_node(name, def) end api.station = station