local dbgprint = false and print or function() end --- @param path Path to the "textures" directory, without tailing slash. --- @param filename Current file name, such as "player.groot.17.png". local function process_skin_texture(path, filename) -- See "textures/readme.txt" for allowed formats local prefix, sep, identifier, extension = filename:match("^(%a+)([_.])([%w_.]+)%.(%a+)$") --[[ prefix: "character" or "player" sep: "." (new) or "_" (legacy) identifier: number, name or (name + sep + number) ^ previews are explicity skipped extension: "png" only due `skins.get_skin_format` ]] -- Filter out files that do not match the allowed patterns if not extension or extension:lower() ~= "png" then return -- Not a skin texture end if prefix ~= "player" and prefix ~= "character" then return -- Unknown type end local preview_suffix = sep .. "preview" if identifier:sub(-#preview_suffix) == preview_suffix then -- skip preview textures -- This is added by the main skin texture (if exists) return end dbgprint("Found skin", prefix, identifier, extension) local sort_id -- number, sorting "rank" in the skin list local playername -- string, if player-specific if prefix == "player" then -- Allow "player.PLAYERNAME.png" and "player.PLAYERNAME.123.png" local splits = identifier:split(sep) playername = splits[1] -- Put in front sort_id = 0 + (tonumber(splits[2]) or 0) if #splits > 1 and sep == "_" then minetest.log("warning", "skinsdb: The skin name '" .. filename .. "' is ambigous." .. " Please use the separator '.' to lock it down to the correct player name.") end else -- Public skin "character*" -- Less priority sort_id = 5000 + (tonumber(identifier) or 0) end local filename_noext = prefix .. sep .. identifier dbgprint("Register skin", filename_noext, playername, sort_id) -- Register skin texture local skin_obj = skins.get(filename_noext) or skins.new(filename_noext) skin_obj:set_texture(filename) skin_obj:set_meta("_sort_id", sort_id) if playername then skin_obj:set_meta("assignment", "player:"..playername) skin_obj:set_meta("playername", playername) end do -- Get type of skin based on dimensions local file = io.open(path .. "/" .. filename, "r") local skin_format = skins.get_skin_format(file) skin_obj:set_meta("format", skin_format) file:close() end skin_obj:set_hand_from_texture() skin_obj:set_meta("name", identifier) do -- Optional skin information local file = io.open(path .. "/../meta/" .. filename_noext .. ".txt", "r") if file then dbgprint("Found meta") local data = string.split(file:read("*all"), "\n", 3) skin_obj:set_meta("name", data[1]) skin_obj:set_meta("author", data[2]) skin_obj:set_meta("license", data[3]) end end do -- Optional preview texture local preview_name = filename_noext .. sep .. "preview.png" local fh = io.open(path .. "/" .. preview_name) if fh then dbgprint("Found preview", preview_name) skin_obj:set_preview(preview_name) end end end --- Internal function. Fallback/migration code for `.`-delimited skin names that --- were equipped between d3c7fa7 and 312780c (master branch). --- During this period, `.`-delimited skin names were internally registered with --- `_` delimiters. This function tries to find a matching skin. --- @param player_name (string) --- @param skin_name (string) e.g. `player_foo_mc_bar` --- @param be_noisy (boolean) whether to print a warning in case of mismatches` --- @return On match, the new skin (skins.skin_class) or `nil` if nothing matched. function skins.__fuzzy_match_skin_name(player_name, skin_name, be_noisy) if select(2, skin_name:gsub("%.", "")) > 0 then -- Not affected by ambiguity return end --[[ Public skin names: character_[number] Private skin names: player_sam_doe player_sam_doe_1234 <-- might also belong to player "sam_doe_1233" . ^^^^^^^^^^^^ identifier ^^^^^^------------- prefix Approach: try to find a match for the longest possible name Assumption 1: There are no skin variations without numeric ending Assumption 2: Player names to not end with `_%d+` ]] local prefix, identifier = unpack(skin_name:split("_", true, 1)) local for_player, number if prefix == "player" then for_player, number = identifier:match("^([%w_]+)_(%d+)$") if not number then for_player = identifier end else -- character number = identifier end local skin = nil if not for_player or for_player == player_name then skin = skins.get(prefix .. (for_player and ("." .. for_player) or "") .. (number and ("." .. number) or "") ) end if skin then -- MATCH! dbgprint("Match", skin_name, skin:get_key()) return skin end if be_noisy then minetest.log("warning", "skinsdb: cannot find matching skin '" .. skin_name .. "' for player '" .. player_name .. "'.") end end do -- Load skins from the current mod directory local skins_path = skins.modpath.."/textures" local skins_dir_list = minetest.get_dir_list(skins_path) for _, fn in pairs(skins_dir_list) do process_skin_texture(skins_path, fn) end end local function skins_sort(skinslist) table.sort(skinslist, function(a,b) local a_id = a:get_meta("_sort_id") or 10000 local b_id = b:get_meta("_sort_id") or 10000 if a_id ~= b_id then return a_id < b_id else return (a:get_meta("name") or 'ZZ') < (b:get_meta("name") or 'ZZ') end end) end -- (obsolete) get skinlist. If assignment given ("mod:wardrobe" or "player:bell07") select skins matches the assignment. select_unassigned selects the skins without any assignment too function skins.get_skinlist(assignment, select_unassigned) minetest.log("deprecated", "skins.get_skinlist() is deprecated. Use skins.get_skinlist_for_player() instead") local skinslist = {} for _, skin in pairs(skins.meta) do if not assignment or assignment == skin:get_meta("assignment") or (select_unassigned and skin:get_meta("assignment") == nil) then table.insert(skinslist, skin) end end skins_sort(skinslist) return skinslist end -- Get skinlist for player. If no player given, public skins only selected function skins.get_skinlist_for_player(playername) local skinslist = {} for _, skin in pairs(skins.meta) do if skin:is_applicable_for_player(playername) and skin:get_meta("in_inventory_list") ~= false then table.insert(skinslist, skin) end end skins_sort(skinslist) return skinslist end -- Get skinlist selected by metadata function skins.get_skinlist_with_meta(key, value) assert(key, "key parameter for skins.get_skinlist_with_meta() missed") local skinslist = {} for _, skin in pairs(skins.meta) do if skin:get_meta(key) == value then table.insert(skinslist, skin) end end skins_sort(skinslist) return skinslist end