-- get current skin function skins.get_player_skin(player) local skin = player:get_attribute("skinsdb:skin_key") return skins.get(skin) or skins.get(skins.default) end -- Assign skin to player function skins.assign_player_skin(player, skin) local skin_obj if type(skin) == "string" then skin_obj = skins.get(skin) else skin_obj = skin end if not skin_obj then return false end if skin_obj:is_applicable_for_player(player:get_player_name()) then local skin_key = skin_obj:get_key() if skin_key == skins.default then skin_key = "" end player:set_attribute("skinsdb:skin_key", skin_key) else return false end return true end -- update visuals function skins.update_player_skin(player) local skin = skins.get_player_skin(player) skin:set_skin(player) end -- Assign and update function skins.set_player_skin(player, skin) local success = skins.assign_player_skin(player, skin) if success then skins.update_player_skin(player) end return success end -- Check Skin format (code stohlen from stu's multiskin) function skins.get_skin_format(file) file:seek("set", 1) if file:read(3) == "PNG" then file:seek("set", 16) local ws = file:read(4) local hs = file:read(4) local w = ws:sub(3, 3):byte() * 256 + ws:sub(4, 4):byte() local h = hs:sub(3, 3):byte() * 256 + hs:sub(4, 4):byte() if w >= 64 then if w == h then return "1.8" elseif w == h * 2 then return "1.0" end end end end