-- Unified Skins for Minetest - based modified Bags from unfied_inventory and skins from inventory_plus -- Copyright (c) 2012 cornernote, Dean Montgomery -- License: GPLv3 -- Boilerplate to support localized strings if intllib mod is installed. skins = {} skins.modpath = minetest.get_modpath("skins") skins.default = "character_1" skins.type = { SPRITE=0, MODEL=1, ERROR=99 } skins.get_type = function(texture) if not skins.is_skin(texture) then return skins.type.ERROR end return skins.type.MODEL end skins.is_skin = function(texture) if not texture then return false end if not skins.meta[texture] then return false end return true end dofile(skins.modpath.."/skinlist.lua") dofile(skins.modpath.."/players.lua") -- Unified inventory page/integration if minetest.get_modpath("unified_inventory") then dofile(skins.modpath.."/unified_inventory_page.lua") end