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2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
# Spanish Translation for Technic Mod
# Traduccion al Español del Mod Technic
# Autor: Diego Martínez <kaeza>
## Misc
[Technic] Loaded in %f seconds = [Technic] Cargado en %f segundos
## Items
Silicon Wafer = Oblea de Silicio
Doped Silicon Wafer = Oblea de Silicio Dopada
Enriched Uranium = Uranio Enriquecido
Uranium Fuel = Combustible de Uranio
Diamond Drill Head = Mecha de Taladro de Diamante
Blue Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Azul
Green Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Verde
Red Energy Crystal = Cristal de Energia Rojo
Fine Copper Wire = Cable Fino de Cobre
Copper Coil = Resorte de Cobre
Electric Motor = Motor Electrico
Low Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Bajo Voltaje
Medium Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Voltaje Medio
High Voltage Transformer = Transformador de Alto Voltaje
Control Logic Unit = Unidad Logica de Control
Mixed Metal Ingot = Lingote de Metal Mezclado
Composite Plate = Placa de Compuestos
Copper Plate = Placa de Cobre
Carbon Plate = Placa de Carbon
Graphite = Grafito
Carbon Cloth = Tela de Carbon
Raw Latex = Latex Crudo
Rubber Fiber = Fibra de Hule
Uranium enrichment via centrifuge Replacing the extractor-based system, uranium to be used as reactor fuel must now be enriched in stages using the centrifuge. Uranium metal can exist at 36 levels of fissile content, from 0.0% to 3.5% in steps of 0.1%. One round of centrifuging splits two dust of a particular grade in to one dust each of the two neighbouring grades. Uranium of each grade can exist as dust, ingot, and block, with all the regular metal processes to convert between them. Uranium from ore exists in lump form, and is 0.7% fissle. The blocks are radioactive to a degree dependent on fissile content. Thus the chemical refinement and processing of uranium now follows the standard pattern for metals, and is orthogonal to isotopic enrichment. Each form of uranium (dust, ingot, block) intentionally looks identical regardless of fissile grade. If technic_worldgen is used alone, it defines only one grade of uranium (as before), but defines it in the regular metal pattern, with lump, ingot produced by cooking lump, and block crafted from ingots. It identifies the metal only as "uranium". The multiple grades of uranium are defined by the technic mod, which identifies each grade as "N.N%-fissile uranium". The single grade that was registered by technic_worldgen is redefined to be described specifically as "0.7%-fissile uranium". For the redefinition to work, technic_worldgen must load before technic, so technic now declares a dependency on technic_worldgen. Each fuel rod is made from five 3.5%-fissile ingots, each of which in turn requires one to start with five 0.7%-fissile dust, so each fuel rod is now derived from 12.5 uranium lumps (or 25 if the lumps were first cooked rather than being ground). This replaces the 20 lumps required by the former recipes. After setting up and priming the centrifuge cascade, enriching a full set of fuel for the reactor (six fuel rods) takes 14700 centrifuge operations. It's intended to be a practical necessity to automate the centrifuge. In the absence of EU upgrades for the centrifuges, these operations consume 5.88e8 EU, about 0.97% of the 6.048e10 EU that the fuel set will produce in the reactor. The intent is that, in this respect as in others, operating a reactor should carry a very high up-front cost, but ultimately be very profitable.
2014-07-27 03:48:08 +02:00
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Ingot =
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium Block =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
## Machine misc
Machine cannot be removed because it is not empty = La maquina no puede removerse porque no esta vacia
Inventory move disallowed due to protection =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
# $1: Machine name (Includes tier)
%s Active = %s Activo
%s Enabled =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
%s Idle = %s Quieto
%s Unpowered = %s Sin Energia
%s Out Of Fuel = %s Sin Combustible
%s Has Bad Cabling = %s Tiene Mal Cableado
%s Has No Network = %s No Tiene Una Red
%s Finished = %s Terminado
%s Disabled = %s Deshabilitado
%s Improperly Placed = %s No Colocado Apropiadamente
Range = Alcance
Enable/Disable = Habilitar/Deshabilitar
Itemwise =
Stackwise =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
## Machine names
# $1: Tier
%s Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion %s
%s Battery Box = Caja de Bateria %s
%s Cable = Cable %s
%s CNC Machine = Maquina CNC %s
%s Compressor = Compresor %s
%s Extractor = Extractor %s
%s Forcefield Emitter = Emisor de Campo de Fuerza %s
%s Furnace = Horno %s
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
%s Grinder = Amoladora %s
%s Music Player = Reproductor de Musica %s
%s Quarry = Cantera %s
%s Tool Workshop = Taller de Herramientas %s
Arrayed Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
Fuel-Fired %s Generator = Generador a Carbon %s
Geothermal %s Generator = Generador Geotermico %s
Hydro %s Generator = Molino de Agua %s
Nuclear %s Generator Core = Nucleo de Reactor Nuclear %s
Small Solar %s Generator = Panel Solar %s
Wind %s Generator = Molino de Viento %s
Self-Contained Injector =
2013-11-27 22:17:19 +01:00
Constructor Mk%d =
Frame =
Frame Motor =
Template =
Template (replacing) =
Template Motor =
Template Tool =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Supply Converter = Convertidor de Alimentacion
Switching Station = Estacion de Conmutacion
Battery Box = Caja de Baterias
Fuel-Fired Alloy Furnace = Horno de Aleacion a Carbon
Fuel-Fired Furnace = Horno a Carbon
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Forcefield = Campo de Fuerza
Nuclear Reactor Rod Compartment = Compartimiento para Vara de Reactor Nuclear
Wind Mill Frame = Armazon de Molino de Viento
## Machine-specific
# $1: Pruduced EU
Charge = Cargar
Discharge = Descargar
Power level = Nivel de Poder
# $1: Tier $2: current_charge $3: max_charge
%s Battery Box: %d/%d = Caja de Bateria %s: %d/%d
# $1: Machine name $2: Supply $3: Demand
%s. Supply: %d Demand: %d = %s. Alimentacion: %d Demanda: %d
# $1: Production percent
Production at %d%% = Produccion en %d%%
## CNC Machine
Element Edge = Elemento Borde
Tree = Arbol
Element Cross Double = Elemento Cruz Doble
Spike = Pica
Element Edge Double = Elemento Borde Doble
Two Curved Edge Block = Dos Bloques de Borde Curvados
Pyramid = Piramide
Slope Upside Down Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa Al Reves
Slope Upside Down Edge = Borde de Rampa Al Reves
Element Straight Double = Elemento Doble Recto
Sphere = Esfera
Element End Double = Doble Fin de Elemento
Element Straight = Recta de Elemento
Horizontal Cylinder = Cilindro Horizontal
Slope Inner Edge = Borde Interno de Rampa
One Curved Edge Block = Un Bloque de Borde Curvado
Element Cross = Cruce de Elementos
Stick = Varita
Element End = Fin de Elemento
Slope Lying = Rampa en Reposo
Slope Upside Down = Rampa Al Reves
Slope Edge = Borde de Rampa
Slope = Rampa
Element T = Elemento T
Cylinder = Cilindro
Cobble = Adoquines
Stone = Piedra
Brick = Ladrillo
Dirt = Tierra
Sandstone = Arenisca
Wooden = Madera
Leaves = Hojas
## Grinder Recipes
# $1: Name
%s Dust = Polvo de %s
Akalin = Akalina
Alatro = Alatro
Arol = Arol
Brass = Laton
Bronze = Bronce
Carbon Steel = Acero al Carbono
Cast Iron = Hierro Fundido
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Chromium = Cromo
Coal = Carbon
Copper = Cobre
Gold = Oro
Mithril = Mitrilo
Silver = Plata
Stainless Steel = Acero Inoxidable
Talinite = Talinita
Tin = Estanio
Wrought Iron = Hierro Forjado
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Zinc = Zinc
Uranium enrichment via centrifuge Replacing the extractor-based system, uranium to be used as reactor fuel must now be enriched in stages using the centrifuge. Uranium metal can exist at 36 levels of fissile content, from 0.0% to 3.5% in steps of 0.1%. One round of centrifuging splits two dust of a particular grade in to one dust each of the two neighbouring grades. Uranium of each grade can exist as dust, ingot, and block, with all the regular metal processes to convert between them. Uranium from ore exists in lump form, and is 0.7% fissle. The blocks are radioactive to a degree dependent on fissile content. Thus the chemical refinement and processing of uranium now follows the standard pattern for metals, and is orthogonal to isotopic enrichment. Each form of uranium (dust, ingot, block) intentionally looks identical regardless of fissile grade. If technic_worldgen is used alone, it defines only one grade of uranium (as before), but defines it in the regular metal pattern, with lump, ingot produced by cooking lump, and block crafted from ingots. It identifies the metal only as "uranium". The multiple grades of uranium are defined by the technic mod, which identifies each grade as "N.N%-fissile uranium". The single grade that was registered by technic_worldgen is redefined to be described specifically as "0.7%-fissile uranium". For the redefinition to work, technic_worldgen must load before technic, so technic now declares a dependency on technic_worldgen. Each fuel rod is made from five 3.5%-fissile ingots, each of which in turn requires one to start with five 0.7%-fissile dust, so each fuel rod is now derived from 12.5 uranium lumps (or 25 if the lumps were first cooked rather than being ground). This replaces the 20 lumps required by the former recipes. After setting up and priming the centrifuge cascade, enriching a full set of fuel for the reactor (six fuel rods) takes 14700 centrifuge operations. It's intended to be a practical necessity to automate the centrifuge. In the absence of EU upgrades for the centrifuges, these operations consume 5.88e8 EU, about 0.97% of the 6.048e10 EU that the fuel set will produce in the reactor. The intent is that, in this respect as in others, operating a reactor should carry a very high up-front cost, but ultimately be very profitable.
2014-07-27 03:48:08 +02:00
%.1f%%-Fissile Uranium =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
## Tools
2013-11-27 22:17:19 +01:00
RE Battery =
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Water Can = Bidon de Agua
Lava Can = Bidon de Lava
Chainsaw = Motosierra
Flashlight = Linterna
3 nodes deep. = 3 nodos de profundo.
3 nodes tall. = 3 nodos de alto.
3 nodes wide. = 3 nodos de ancho.
3x3 nodes. = 3x3 nodos.
Use while sneaking to change Mining Drill Mk%d modes. = Manten pulsado Mayus y Usar para cambiar el modo del Taladro de Mineria Mk%d.
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Mining Drill Mk%d Mode %d = Taladro de Mineria Mk%d Modo %d
2013-10-27 22:01:13 +01:00
Mining Drill Mk%d = Taladro de Mineria Mk%d
Mining Laser Mk%d = Laser de Mineria Mk%d
2013-10-30 18:46:56 +01:00
Single node. = Nodo simple.
Sonic Screwdriver = Destonillador Sonico
Tree Tap = Grifo de Arbol
2013-10-27 22:01:13 +01:00
## Craft descriptions
Alloy cooking =
Grinding =
Compressing =
Extracting =