local S = technic.getter local tube_entry = "^pipeworks_tube_connection_metallic.png" local cable_entry = "^technic_cable_connection_overlay.png" minetest.register_craft({ recipe = { {"technic:carbon_plate", "pipeworks:filter", "technic:composite_plate"}, {"basic_materials:motor", "technic:machine_casing", "technic:diamond_drill_head"}, {"technic:carbon_steel_block", "technic:hv_cable", "technic:carbon_steel_block"}}, output = "technic:quarry", }) local quarry_dig_above_nodes = 3 -- How far above the quarry we will dig nodes local quarry_max_depth = 100 local quarry_demand = 10000 local quarry_eject_dir = vector.new(0, 1, 0) local function set_quarry_formspec(meta) local radius = meta:get_int("size") local formspec = "size[6,4.3]".. "list[context;cache;0,1;4,3;]".. "item_image[4.8,0;1,1;technic:quarry]".. "label[0,0.2;"..S("%s Quarry"):format("HV").."]".. "field[4.3,3.5;2,1;size;"..S("Radius:")..";"..radius.."]" if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 then formspec = formspec.."button[4,1;2,1;enable;"..S("Disabled").."]" else formspec = formspec.."button[4,1;2,1;disable;"..S("Enabled").."]" end local diameter = radius*2 + 1 local nd = meta:get_int("dug") local rel_y = quarry_dig_above_nodes - math.floor(nd / (diameter*diameter)) formspec = formspec.."label[0,4;"..minetest.formspec_escape( nd == 0 and S("Digging not started") or (rel_y < -quarry_max_depth and S("Digging finished") or (meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 and S("Purging cache") or S("Digging %d m "..(rel_y > 0 and "above" or "below").." machine") :format(math.abs(rel_y)))) ).."]" formspec = formspec.."button[4,2;2,1;restart;"..S("Restart").."]" meta:set_string("formspec", formspec) end local function set_quarry_demand(meta) local radius = meta:get_int("size") local diameter = radius*2 + 1 local machine_name = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV") local do_purge = meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 if meta:get_int("enabled") == 0 or do_purge then local infotext = do_purge and S("%s purging cache") or S("%s Disabled") meta:set_string("infotext", infotext:format(machine_name)) meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0) elseif meta:get_int("dug") == diameter*diameter * (quarry_dig_above_nodes+1+quarry_max_depth) then meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Finished"):format(machine_name)) meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", 0) else local infotext = meta:get_int("HV_EU_input") >= quarry_demand and S("%s Active") or S("%s Unpowered") meta:set_string("infotext", infotext:format(machine_name)) meta:set_int("HV_EU_demand", quarry_demand) end end local function quarry_receive_fields(pos, formname, fields, sender) local player_name = sender:get_player_name() if minetest.is_protected(pos, player_name) then minetest.chat_send_player(player_name, "You are not allowed to edit this!") minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, player_name) return end local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) if fields.size and string.find(fields.size, "^[0-9]+$") then local size = tonumber(fields.size) if size >= 2 and size <= 8 and size ~= meta:get_int("size") then meta:set_int("size", size) meta:set_int("dug", 0) end end if fields.enable then meta:set_int("enabled", 1) end if fields.disable then meta:set_int("enabled", 0) end if fields.restart then meta:set_int("dug", 0) meta:set_int("purge_on", 1) end set_quarry_formspec(meta) set_quarry_demand(meta) end local function quarry_handle_purge(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() local i = 0 for _,stack in ipairs(inv:get_list("cache")) do i = i + 1 if stack then local item = stack:to_table() if item then technic.tube_inject_item(pos, pos, quarry_eject_dir, item) stack:clear() inv:set_stack("cache", i, stack) break end end end if inv:is_empty("cache") then meta:set_int("purge_on", 0) end end -- Determines whether the quarry can dig the node at "pos" -- "startpos" is located a few nodes above the quarry in South West direction (X-, Z-) -- Returns the node to dig (to avoid double minetest.get_node lookup) local function quarry_can_dig_node(startpos, pos, quarry_owner) if minetest.is_protected(pos, quarry_owner) then return nil end local node = technic.get_or_load_node(pos) or minetest.get_node(pos) local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node.name] or {diggable=false} -- doors mod among other thing does NOT like a nil digger... local fakedigger = pipeworks.create_fake_player({ name = quarry_owner }) if not def.diggable or (def.can_dig and not def.can_dig(pos, fakedigger)) then return nil end -- Find airlike nodes on top of the current node. The entire Y column must be free. for ay = pos.y+1, startpos.y do local checkpos = {x=pos.x, y=ay, z=pos.z} local checknode = technic.get_or_load_node(checkpos) or minetest.get_node(checkpos) local cdef = minetest.registered_nodes[checknode.name] or {} local is_kind_of_gas = cdef.buildable_to and cdef.sunlight_propagates and not cdef.walkable and not cdef.diggable and (cdef.drawtype == "airlike" or cdef.drawtype == "glasslike") if not is_kind_of_gas then return nil end end return node end local function quarry_run(pos, node) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) local inv = meta:get_inventory() -- initialize cache for the case we load an older world inv:set_size("cache", 12) -- toss a coin whether we do an automatic purge. Chance 1:200 local purge_rand = math.random() if purge_rand <= 0.005 then meta:set_int("purge_on", 1) end if meta:get_int("enabled") and meta:get_int("HV_EU_input") >= quarry_demand and meta:get_int("purge_on") == 0 then local pdir = minetest.facedir_to_dir(node.param2) if pdir.y ~= 0 then -- faces up or down, not valid, otherwise depth-check would run endless and hang up the server return end local qdir = pdir.x == 1 and vector.new(0,0,-1) or (pdir.z == -1 and vector.new(-1,0,0) or (pdir.x == -1 and vector.new(0,0,1) or vector.new(1,0,0))) local radius = meta:get_int("size") local diameter = radius*2 + 1 local startpos = vector.add(vector.add(vector.add(pos, vector.new(0, quarry_dig_above_nodes, 0)), pdir), vector.multiply(qdir, -radius)) local owner = meta:get_string("owner") local nd = meta:get_int("dug") while nd < diameter*diameter * (quarry_dig_above_nodes+1+quarry_max_depth) do local ry = math.floor(nd / (diameter*diameter)) local ndl = nd % (diameter*diameter) if ry % 2 == 1 then ndl = diameter*diameter - 1 - ndl end local rq = math.floor(ndl / diameter) local rp = ndl % diameter if rq % 2 == 1 then rp = diameter - 1 - rp end local digpos = vector.add(vector.add(vector.add(startpos, vector.new(0, -ry, 0)), vector.multiply(pdir, rp)), vector.multiply(qdir, rq)) nd = nd + 1 local dignode = quarry_can_dig_node(startpos, digpos, owner) if dignode then minetest.remove_node(digpos) local drops = minetest.get_node_drops(dignode.name, "") for _, dropped_item in ipairs(drops) do local left = inv:add_item("cache", dropped_item) while not left:is_empty() do meta:set_int("purge_on", 1) quarry_handle_purge(pos) left = inv:add_item("cache", left) end end break end end if nd == diameter*diameter * (quarry_dig_above_nodes+1+quarry_max_depth) then -- if a quarry is finished, we enable purge mode meta:set_int("purge_on", 1) end meta:set_int("dug", nd) else -- if a quarry is disabled or has no power, we enable purge mode meta:set_int("purge_on", 1) end -- if something triggered a purge, we handle it if meta:get_int("purge_on") == 1 then quarry_handle_purge(pos) end set_quarry_formspec(meta) set_quarry_demand(meta) end local function send_move_error(player) minetest.chat_send_player(player:get_player_name(), S("Manually taking/removing from cache by hand is not possible. ".. "If you can't wait, restart or disable the quarry to start automatic purge.")) return 0 end minetest.register_node("technic:quarry", { description = S("%s Quarry"):format("HV"), tiles = { "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"..tube_entry, "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"..cable_entry, "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"..cable_entry, "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"..cable_entry, "technic_carbon_steel_block.png^default_tool_mesepick.png", "technic_carbon_steel_block.png"..cable_entry }, paramtype2 = "facedir", groups = {cracky=2, tubedevice=1, technic_machine=1, technic_hv=1}, connect_sides = {"bottom", "front", "left", "right"}, tube = { connect_sides = {top = 1}, -- lower priority than other tubes, so that quarries will prefer any -- other tube to another quarry, which could lead to server freezes -- in certain quarry placements (2x2 for example would never eject) priority = 10, can_go = function(pos, node, velocity, stack) -- always eject the same, even if items came in another way -- this further mitigates loops and generally avoids random sideway movement -- that can be expected in certain quarry placements return { quarry_eject_dir } end }, on_construct = function(pos) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("infotext", S("%s Quarry"):format("HV")) meta:set_int("size", 4) set_quarry_formspec(meta) set_quarry_demand(meta) end, after_place_node = function(pos, placer, itemstack) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos) meta:set_string("owner", placer:get_player_name()) pipeworks.scan_for_tube_objects(pos) end, can_dig = function(pos,player) local meta = minetest.get_meta(pos); local inv = meta:get_inventory() return inv:is_empty("cache") end, after_dig_node = pipeworks.scan_for_tube_objects, on_receive_fields = quarry_receive_fields, technic_run = quarry_run, allow_metadata_inventory_move = function(pos, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return send_move_error(player) end, allow_metadata_inventory_put = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return send_move_error(player) end, allow_metadata_inventory_take = function(pos, listname, index, stack, player) return send_move_error(player) end }) technic.register_machine("HV", "technic:quarry", technic.receiver)