# textdomain: technic_worldgen # template.txt # technic_worldgen translation template ###crafts.lua Sulfur Lump= Lead Lump= Lead Ingot= Uranium Lump= Uranium Ingot= Chromium Lump= Chromium Ingot= Zinc Lump= Zinc Ingot= Brass Ingot= Wrought Iron Ingot= Cast Iron Ingot= Carbon Steel Ingot= Stainless Steel Ingot= Iron= #### Steel to iron Iron Axe= Iron Pickaxe= Iron Shovel= Iron Sword= Iron Door= Iron Hoe= Iron Hammer= Iron Handsaw= Iron-Reinforced Crystal Glass= Heavy Iron Bottle (empty)= ###nodes.lua Sulfur Ore= Lead Ore= Uranium Ore= Chromium Ore= Zinc Ore= Granite= Marble= Marble Bricks= Lead Block= Uranium Block= Chromium Block= Zinc Block= Wrought Iron Block= Cast Iron Block= Carbon Steel Block= Stainless Steel Block= Brass Block= Wrought Iron= #### Steel to wrought iron Outer Wrought Iron Block Stair= Inner Wrought Iron Block Stair= Wrought Iron Block Stair= Wrought Iron Block Slab= ###rubber.lua Rubber Tree Sapling= Rubber Tree= Rubber Tree Leaves= Worldgen: grow rubber tree sapling=