--load config local sepchar, baresepchar = nil, nil do local sepcode = technic.config:get("thousand_separator") --default is SI style sepchar = sepcode and string.char(sepcode) or " " baresepchar = sepchar --handling if sepchar is magic... for magic in string.gmatch("().%+-*?[^$", ".") do if sepchar == magic then sepchar = "%"..sepchar end end end -- Only changes name, keeps other params function technic.swap_node(pos, name) local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if node.name ~= name then node.name = name minetest.swap_node(pos, node) end return node.name end -- Fully charge RE chargeable item. -- Must be defined early to reference in item definitions. function technic.refill_RE_charge(stack) local max_charge = technic.power_tools[stack:get_name()] if not max_charge then return stack end technic.set_RE_wear(stack, max_charge, max_charge) local meta = minetest.deserialize(stack:get_metadata()) or {} meta.charge = max_charge stack:set_metadata(minetest.serialize(meta)) return stack end local function resolve_name(function_name) local a = _G for key in string.gmatch(function_name, "([^%.]+)(%.?)") do if a[key] then a = a[key] else return nil end end return a end function technic.function_exists(function_name) return type(resolve_name(function_name)) == 'function' end -- if the node is loaded, returns it. If it isn't loaded, load it and return nil. function technic.get_or_load_node(pos) local node_or_nil = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos) if node_or_nil then return node_or_nil end local vm = VoxelManip() local MinEdge, MaxEdge = vm:read_from_map(pos, pos) return nil end function technic.format(str, ...) local arg={...} local param = nil local percent = false local res = "" local i = 1 for c in str:gmatch"." do if percent then assert(c ~= "%") --syntax error if c == "e" then -- use enhanced number formatting -- only works for unsigned numbers local numstr = tostring(math.abs(arg[i])) local a, b, body, frac = numstr:find("^(%d+)([.]?.-)$") a = 1 body = body..baresepchar while a ~= 0 do body, a = body:gsub("(%d)(%d%d%d)"..sepchar, "%1"..sepchar.."%2"..sepchar, 1) end body = body:gsub(sepchar.."$", "") res = res .. body .. frac else --use traditional string:format res = res .. (string.format(("%"..c), arg[i])) end i = i + 1 percent = false elseif c == "%" then percent = true else res = res .. c end end return res end