--[[ Radioactivity Radiation resistance represents the extent to which a material attenuates radiation passing through it; i.e., how good a radiation shield it is. This is identified per node type. For materials that exist in real life, the radiation resistance value that this system uses for a node type consisting of a solid cube of that material is the (approximate) number of halvings of ionising radiation that is achieved by a meter of the material in real life. This is approximately proportional to density, which provides a good way to estimate it. Homogeneous mixtures of materials have radiation resistance computed by a simple weighted mean. Note that the amount of attenuation that a material achieves in-game is not required to be (and is not) the same as the attenuation achieved in real life. Radiation resistance for a node type may be specified in the node definition, under the key "radiation_resistance". As an interim measure, until node definitions widely include this, this code knows a bunch of values for particular node types in several mods, and values for groups of node types. The node definition takes precedence if it specifies a value. Nodes for which no value at all is known are taken to provide no radiation resistance at all; this is appropriate for the majority of node types. Only node types consisting of a fairly homogeneous mass of material should report non-zero radiation resistance; anything with non-uniform geometry or complex internal structure should show no radiation resistance. Fractional resistance values are permitted. --]] -- Function to register node-specific resistance function technic.register_rad_resistance(node_name, resistance) local node = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name] if node then if not node.groups then node.groups = {} end node.groups.rad_resistance = resistance end end local S = technic.getter local node_resistances = { ["default:brick"] = 13, ["default:bronzeblock"] = 45, ["default:clay"] = 15, ["default:coalblock"] = 9.6, ["default:cobble"] = 15, ["default:copperblock"] = 46, ["default:desert_cobble"] = 15, ["default:desert_sand"] = 10, ["default:desert_stone"] = 17, ["default:desert_stonebrick"] = 17, ["default:diamondblock"] = 24, ["default:dirt"] = 8.2, ["default:dirt_with_grass"] = 8.2, ["default:dirt_with_grass_footsteps"] = 8.2, ["default:dirt_with_snow"] = 8.2, ["default:glass"] = 17, ["default:goldblock"] = 170, ["default:gravel"] = 10, ["default:ice"] = 5.6, ["default:lava_flowing"] = 8.5, ["default:lava_source"] = 17, ["default:mese"] = 21, ["default:mossycobble"] = 15, ["default:tinblock"] = 37, ["pbj_pup:pbj_pup"] = 10000, ["pbj_pup:pbj_pup_candies"] = 10000, ["gloopblocks:rainbow_block_diagonal"] = 5000, ["gloopblocks:rainbow_block_horizontal"] = 10000, ["default:nyancat"] = 10000, ["default:nyancat_rainbow"] = 10000, ["nyancat:nyancat"] = 10000, ["nyancat:nyancat_rainbow"] = 10000, ["default:obsidian"] = 18, ["default:obsidian_glass"] = 18, ["default:sand"] = 10, ["default:sandstone"] = 15, ["default:sandstonebrick"] = 15, ["default:snowblock"] = 1.7, ["default:steelblock"] = 40, ["default:stone"] = 17, ["default:stone_with_coal"] = 16, ["default:stone_with_copper"] = 20, ["default:stone_with_diamond"] = 18, ["default:stone_with_gold"] = 34, ["default:stone_with_iron"] = 20, ["default:stone_with_mese"] = 17, ["default:stone_with_tin"] = 19, ["default:stonebrick"] = 17, ["default:water_flowing"] = 2.8, ["default:water_source"] = 5.6, ["farming:desert_sand_soil"] = 10, ["farming:desert_sand_soil_wet"] = 10, ["farming:soil"] = 8.2, ["farming:soil_wet"] = 8.2, ["glooptest:akalin_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:akalinblock"] = 40, ["glooptest:alatro_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:alatroblock"] = 40, ["glooptest:amethystblock"] = 18, ["glooptest:arol_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:emeraldblock"] = 19, ["glooptest:heavy_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:mineral_akalin"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_alatro"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_amethyst"] = 17, ["glooptest:mineral_arol"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_desert_coal"] = 16, ["glooptest:mineral_desert_iron"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_emerald"] = 17, ["glooptest:mineral_kalite"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_ruby"] = 18, ["glooptest:mineral_sapphire"] = 18, ["glooptest:mineral_talinite"] = 20, ["glooptest:mineral_topaz"] = 18, ["glooptest:reinforced_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:rubyblock"] = 27, ["glooptest:sapphireblock"] = 27, ["glooptest:talinite_crystal_glass"] = 21, ["glooptest:taliniteblock"] = 40, ["glooptest:topazblock"] = 24, ["mesecons_extrawires:mese_powered"] = 21, ["moreblocks:cactus_brick"] = 13, ["moreblocks:cactus_checker"] = 8.5, ["moreblocks:circle_stone_bricks"] = 17, ["moreblocks:clean_glass"] = 17, ["moreblocks:coal_checker"] = 9.0, ["moreblocks:coal_glass"] = 17, ["moreblocks:coal_stone"] = 17, ["moreblocks:coal_stone_bricks"] = 17, ["moreblocks:glow_glass"] = 17, ["moreblocks:grey_bricks"] = 15, ["moreblocks:iron_checker"] = 11, ["moreblocks:iron_glass"] = 17, ["moreblocks:iron_stone"] = 17, ["moreblocks:iron_stone_bricks"] = 17, ["moreblocks:plankstone"] = 9.3, ["moreblocks:split_stone_tile"] = 15, ["moreblocks:split_stone_tile_alt"] = 15, ["moreblocks:stone_tile"] = 15, ["moreblocks:super_glow_glass"] = 17, ["moreblocks:tar"] = 7.0, ["moreblocks:wood_tile"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_center"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_down"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_flipped"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_full"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_left"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_right"] = 1.7, ["moreblocks:wood_tile_up"] = 1.7, ["moreores:mineral_mithril"] = 18, ["moreores:mineral_silver"] = 21, ["moreores:mithril_block"] = 26, ["moreores:silver_block"] = 53, ["snow:snow_brick"] = 2.8, ["basic_materials:brass_block"] = 43, ["technic:carbon_steel_block"] = 40, ["technic:cast_iron_block"] = 40, ["technic:chernobylite_block"] = 40, ["technic:chromium_block"] = 37, ["technic:corium_flowing"] = 40, ["technic:corium_source"] = 80, ["technic:granite"] = 18, ["technic:marble"] = 18, ["technic:marble_bricks"] = 18, ["technic:mineral_chromium"] = 19, ["technic:mineral_uranium"] = 71, ["technic:mineral_zinc"] = 19, ["technic:stainless_steel_block"] = 40, ["technic:zinc_block"] = 36, ["tnt:tnt"] = 11, ["tnt:tnt_burning"] = 11, } -- Register all node resistances at once for node_name, resistance in pairs(node_resistances) do technic.register_rad_resistance(node_name, resistance) end -- Function to register group-specific resistance function technic.register_group_resistance(group_name, resistance) for node_name, node_def in pairs(minetest.registered_nodes) do if node_def.groups[group_name] then if not node_def.groups.rad_resistance then node_def.groups.rad_resistance = resistance end end end end technic.register_group_resistance("concrete", 16) technic.register_group_resistance("tree", 3.4) technic.register_group_resistance("uranium_block", 500) technic.register_group_resistance("wood", 1.7) -- Function to calculate radiation resistance local function node_radiation_resistance(node_name) local def = minetest.registered_nodes[node_name] if not def then return 0 end local resistance = 0 -- Add rad_resistance group value if it exists if def.groups.rad_resistance then resistance = resistance + def.groups.rad_resistance end return math.sqrt(resistance) end --[[ Radioactive nodes cause damage to nearby players. The damage effect depends on the intrinsic strength of the radiation source, the distance between the source and the player, and the shielding effect of the intervening material. These determine a rate of damage; total damage caused is the integral of this over time. In the absence of effective shielding, for a specific source the damage rate varies realistically in inverse proportion to the square of the distance. (Distance is measured to the player's abdomen, not to the nominal player position which corresponds to the foot.) However, if the player is inside a non-walkable (liquid or gaseous) radioactive node, the nominal distance could go to zero, yielding infinite damage. In that case, the player's body is displacing the radioactive material, so the effective distance should remain non-zero. We therefore apply a lower distance bound of sqrt(0.75), which is the maximum distance one can get from the node center within the node. A radioactive node is identified by being in the "radioactive" group, and the group value signifies the strength of the radiation source. The group value is the distance from a node at which an unshielded player will be damaged by 1 HP/s. Or, equivalently, it is the square root of the damage rate in HP/s that an unshielded player one node away will take. Shielding is assessed by adding the shielding values of all nodes between the source node and the player, ignoring the source node itself. As in reality, shielding causes exponential attenuation of radiation. However, the effect is scaled down relative to real life. A node with radiation resistance value R yields attenuation of sqrt(R) * 0.1 nepers. (In real life it would be about R * 0.69 nepers, by the definition of the radiation resistance values.) The sqrt part of this formula scales down the differences between shielding types, reflecting the game's simplification of making expensive materials such as gold readily available in cubes. The multiplicative factor in the formula scales down the difference between shielded and unshielded safe distances, avoiding the latter becoming impractically large. Damage is processed at rates down to 0.2 HP/s, which in the absence of shielding is attained at the distance specified by the "radioactive" group value. Computed damage rates below 0.2 HP/s result in no damage at all to the player. This gives the player an opportunity to be safe, and limits the range at which source/player interactions need to be considered. --]] local abdomen_offset = 1 local rad_dmg_cutoff = 0.2 local radiated_players = {} local armor_enabled = technic.config:get_bool("enable_radiation_protection") local entity_damage = technic.config:get_bool("enable_entity_radiation_damage") local longterm_damage = technic.config:get_bool("enable_longterm_radiation_damage") local function apply_fractional_damage(o, dmg) local dmg_int = math.floor(dmg) -- The closer you are to getting one more damage point, -- the more likely it will be added. if math.random() < dmg - dmg_int then dmg_int = dmg_int + 1 end if dmg_int > 0 then local new_hp = math.max(o:get_hp() - dmg_int, 0) o:set_hp(new_hp) return new_hp == 0 end return false end local function calculate_base_damage(node_pos, object_pos, strength) local shielding = 0 local dist = vector.distance(node_pos, object_pos) for ray_pos in technic.trace_node_ray(node_pos, vector.direction(node_pos, object_pos), dist) do local shield_name = minetest.get_node(ray_pos).name shielding = shielding + node_radiation_resistance(shield_name) * 0.025 end local dmg = (strength * strength) / (math.max(0.75, dist * dist) * math.exp(shielding)) if dmg < rad_dmg_cutoff then return end return dmg end local function calculate_damage_multiplier(object) local ag = object.get_armor_groups and object:get_armor_groups() if not ag then return 0 end if ag.immortal then return 0 end if ag.radiation then return 0.01 * ag.radiation elseif armor_enabled then return 0 end if ag.fleshy then return math.sqrt(0.01 * ag.fleshy) end return 0 end local function calculate_object_center(object) if object:is_player() then return {x=0, y=abdomen_offset, z=0} end return {x=0, y=0, z=0} end local function dmg_object(pos, object, strength) local obj_pos = vector.add(object:get_pos(), calculate_object_center(object)) local mul if armor_enabled or entity_damage then -- we need to check may the object be damaged even if armor is disabled mul = calculate_damage_multiplier(object) if mul == 0 then return end end local dmg = calculate_base_damage(pos, obj_pos, strength) if not dmg then return end if armor_enabled then dmg = dmg * mul end apply_fractional_damage(object, dmg) if longterm_damage and object:is_player() then local pn = object:get_player_name() radiated_players[pn] = (radiated_players[pn] or 0) + dmg end end local rad_dmg_mult_sqrt = math.sqrt(1 / rad_dmg_cutoff) local function dmg_abm(pos, node) local strength = minetest.get_item_group(node.name, "radioactive") local max_dist = strength * rad_dmg_mult_sqrt for _, o in pairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, max_dist + abdomen_offset)) do if (entity_damage or o:is_player()) and o:get_hp() > 0 then dmg_object(pos, o, strength) end end end if minetest.settings:get_bool("enable_damage") then minetest.register_abm({ label = "Radiation damage", nodenames = {"group:radioactive"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = dmg_abm, }) if longterm_damage then minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) for pn, dmg in pairs(radiated_players) do dmg = dmg - (dtime / 8) local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(pn) local killed if player and dmg > rad_dmg_cutoff then killed = apply_fractional_damage(player, (dmg * dtime) / 8) else dmg = nil end -- on_dieplayer will have already set this if the player died if not killed then radiated_players[pn] = dmg end end end) minetest.register_on_dieplayer(function(player) radiated_players[player:get_player_name()] = nil end) end end -- Radioactive materials that can result from destroying a reactor local griefing = technic.config:get_bool("enable_corium_griefing") for _, state in pairs({"flowing", "source"}) do minetest.register_node("technic:corium_"..state, { description = S(state == "source" and "Corium Source" or "Flowing Corium"), drawtype = (state == "source" and "liquid" or "flowingliquid"), tiles = {{ name = "technic_corium_"..state.."_animated.png", animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.0, }, }}, special_tiles = { { name = "technic_corium_"..state.."_animated.png", backface_culling = false, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.0, }, }, { name = "technic_corium_"..state.."_animated.png", backface_culling = true, animation = { type = "vertical_frames", aspect_w = 16, aspect_h = 16, length = 3.0, }, }, }, paramtype = "light", paramtype2 = (state == "flowing" and "flowingliquid" or nil), light_source = (state == "source" and 8 or 5), walkable = false, pointable = false, diggable = false, buildable_to = true, drop = "", drowning = 1, liquidtype = state, liquid_alternative_flowing = "technic:corium_flowing", liquid_alternative_source = "technic:corium_source", liquid_viscosity = 7, -- like lava liquid_renewable = false, damage_per_second = 6, post_effect_color = {a=192, r=80, g=160, b=80}, groups = { liquid = 2, hot = 3, igniter = (griefing and 1 or 0), radioactive = (state == "source" and 12 or 6), not_in_creative_inventory = (state == "flowing" and 1 or nil), }, }) end if rawget(_G, "bucket") and bucket.register_liquid then bucket.register_liquid( "technic:corium_source", "technic:corium_flowing", "technic:bucket_corium", "technic_bucket_corium.png", "Corium Bucket" ) end minetest.register_node("technic:chernobylite_block", { description = S("Chernobylite Block"), tiles = {"technic_chernobylite_block.png"}, is_ground_content = true, groups = {cracky=1, radioactive=4, level=2}, sounds = default.node_sound_stone_defaults(), light_source = 2, }) minetest.register_abm({ label = "Corium: boil-off water (sources)", nodenames = {"group:water"}, neighbors = {"technic:corium_source"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) minetest.remove_node(pos) end, }) minetest.register_abm({ label = "Corium: boil-off water (flowing)", nodenames = {"technic:corium_flowing"}, neighbors = {"group:water"}, interval = 1, chance = 1, action = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name="technic:chernobylite_block"}) end, }) minetest.register_abm({ label = "Corium: become chernobylite", nodenames = {"technic:corium_flowing"}, interval = 5, chance = (griefing and 10 or 1), action = function(pos, node) minetest.set_node(pos, {name="technic:chernobylite_block"}) end, }) if griefing then minetest.register_abm({ label = "Corium: griefing", nodenames = {"technic:corium_source", "technic:corium_flowing"}, interval = 4, chance = 4, action = function(pos, node) for _, offset in ipairs({ vector.new(1,0,0), vector.new(-1,0,0), vector.new(0,0,1), vector.new(0,0,-1), vector.new(0,-1,0), }) do if math.random(8) == 1 then minetest.dig_node(vector.add(pos, offset)) end end end, }) end