-- Configuration local vacuum_max_charge = 10000 -- 10000 - Maximum charge of the vacuum cleaner local vacuum_charge_per_object = 100 -- 100 - Capable of picking up 50 objects local vacuum_range = 8 -- 8 - Area in which to pick up objects local S = technic.getter technic.register_power_tool("technic:vacuum", vacuum_max_charge) minetest.register_tool("technic:vacuum", { description = S("Vacuum Cleaner"), inventory_image = "technic_vacuum.png", stack_max = 1, wear_represents = "technic_RE_charge", on_refill = technic.refill_RE_charge, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local meta = technic.get_stack_meta_compat(itemstack) local charge = meta:get_int("charge") if charge < vacuum_charge_per_object then return end minetest.sound_play("vacuumcleaner", { to_player = user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.4, }) local pos = user:get_pos() local inv = user:get_inventory() for _, object in ipairs(minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, vacuum_range)) do local luaentity = object:get_luaentity() if not object:is_player() and luaentity and luaentity.name == "__builtin:item" and luaentity.itemstring ~= "" then if inv and inv:room_for_item("main", ItemStack(luaentity.itemstring)) then charge = charge - vacuum_charge_per_object if charge < vacuum_charge_per_object then return end inv:add_item("main", ItemStack(luaentity.itemstring)) minetest.sound_play("item_drop_pickup", { to_player = user:get_player_name(), gain = 0.4, }) luaentity.itemstring = "" object:remove() end end end meta:set_int("charge", charge) technic.set_RE_wear(itemstack, charge, vacuum_max_charge) return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'technic:vacuum', recipe = { {'pipeworks:tube_1', 'pipeworks:filter', 'technic:battery'}, {'pipeworks:tube_1', 'basic_materials:motor', 'technic:battery'}, {'technic:stainless_steel_ingot', '', ''}, } })