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local constant_digit_count = technic.config:get("constant_digit_count")
-- converts a number to a readable string with SI prefix, e.g. 10000 → "10 k",
-- 15 → "15 ", 0.1501 → "150.1 m"
-- a non-breaking space (U+a0) instead of a usual one is put after number
-- The precision is 4 digits
local prefixes = {[-8] = "y", [-7] = "z", [-6] = "a", [-5] = "f", [-4] = "p",
[-3] = "n", [-2] = "µ", [-1] = "m", [0] = "", [1] = "k", [2] = "M",
[3] = "G", [4] = "T", [5] = "P", [6] = "E", [7] = "Z", [8] = "Y"}
function technic.pretty_num(num)
-- the small number added is due to floating point inaccuracy
local b = math.floor(math.log10(math.abs(num)) +0.000001)
local pref_i
if b ~= 0 then
-- b is decremented by 1 to avoid a single digit with many decimals,
-- e.g. instead of 1.021 MEU, 1021 kEU is shown
pref_i = math.floor((b - 1) / 3)
-- as special case, avoid showing e.g. 1100 mEU instead of 1.1 EU
pref_i = 0
if not prefixes[pref_i] then
-- This happens for 0, nan, inf, very big values, etc.
if num == 0 then
-- handle 0 explicilty to avoid showing "-0"
if not constant_digit_count then
return "0 "
-- gives 0.000
return string.format("%.3f ", 0)
return string.format("%.4g ", num)
num = num * 10 ^ (-3 * pref_i)
if constant_digit_count then
local comma_digits_cnt = 3 - (b - 3 * pref_i)
return string.format("%." .. comma_digits_cnt .. "f %s",
num, prefixes[pref_i])
return string.format("%.4g %s", num, prefixes[pref_i])
-- some unittests
assert(technic.pretty_num(-0) == "0 ")
assert(technic.pretty_num(0) == "0 ")
assert(technic.pretty_num(1234) == "1234 ")
assert(technic.pretty_num(123456789) == "123.5 M")
-- used to display power values
function technic.EU_string(num)
return technic.pretty_num(num) .. "EU"
--- Same as minetest.swap_node, but only changes name
-- and doesn't re-set if already set.
function technic.swap_node(pos, name)
local node = minetest.get_node(pos)
if ~= name then = name
minetest.swap_node(pos, node)
--- Returns the meta of an item
-- Gets overridden when legacy.lua is loaded
function technic.get_stack_meta(itemstack)
return itemstack:get_meta()
--- Same as technic.get_stack_meta for cans
function technic.get_stack_meta_cans(itemstack)
return itemstack:get_meta()
--- Fully charge RE chargeable item.
-- Must be defined early to reference in item definitions.
function technic.refill_RE_charge(stack)
local max_charge = technic.power_tools[stack:get_name()]
if not max_charge then return stack end
local meta = technic.get_stack_meta(stack)
meta:set_int("technic:charge", max_charge)
technic.set_RE_wear(stack, max_charge, max_charge)
return stack
-- If the node is loaded, returns it. If it isn't loaded, load it and return nil.
function technic.get_or_load_node(pos)
local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(pos)
if node then return node end
local vm = VoxelManip()
local _, _ = vm:read_from_map(pos, pos)
return nil
technic.tube_inject_item = pipeworks.tube_inject_item or function(pos, start_pos, velocity, item)
local tubed = pipeworks.tube_item(, item)
tubed:get_luaentity().start_pos =
tubed:set_acceleration(, 0, 0))
--- Iterates over the node positions along the specified ray.
-- The returned positions will not include the starting position.
function technic.trace_node_ray(pos, dir, range)
local x_step = dir.x > 0 and 1 or -1
local y_step = dir.y > 0 and 1 or -1
local z_step = dir.z > 0 and 1 or -1
local i = 1
return function(p)
-- Approximation of where we should be if we weren't rounding
-- to nodes. This moves forward a bit faster then we do.
-- A correction is done below.
local real_x = pos.x + (dir.x * i)
local real_y = pos.y + (dir.y * i)
local real_z = pos.z + (dir.z * i)
-- How far off we've gotten from where we should be.
local dx = math.abs(real_x - p.x)
local dy = math.abs(real_y - p.y)
local dz = math.abs(real_z - p.z)
-- If the real position moves ahead too fast, stop it so we
-- can catch up. If it gets too far ahead it will smooth
-- out our movement too much and we won't turn fast enough.
if dx + dy + dz < 2 then
i = i + 1
-- Step in whichever direction we're most off course in.
if dx > dy then
if dx > dz then
p.x = p.x + x_step
p.z = p.z + z_step
elseif dy > dz then
p.y = p.y + y_step
p.z = p.z + z_step
if vector.distance(pos, p) > range then
return nil
return p
end, vector.round(pos)
--- Like trace_node_ray, but includes extra positions close to the ray.
function technic.trace_node_ray_fat(pos, dir, range)
local x_step = dir.x > 0 and 1 or -1
local y_step = dir.y > 0 and 1 or -1
local z_step = dir.z > 0 and 1 or -1
local next_poses = {}
local i = 1
return function(p)
local ni, np = next(next_poses)
if np then
next_poses[ni] = nil
return np
-- Approximation of where we should be if we weren't rounding
-- to nodes. This moves forward a bit faster then we do.
-- A correction is done below.
local real_x = pos.x + (dir.x * i)
local real_y = pos.y + (dir.y * i)
local real_z = pos.z + (dir.z * i)
-- How far off we've gotten from where we should be.
local dx = math.abs(real_x - p.x)
local dy = math.abs(real_y - p.y)
local dz = math.abs(real_z - p.z)
-- If the real position moves ahead too fast, stop it so we
-- can catch up. If it gets too far ahead it will smooth
-- out our movement too much and we won't turn fast enough.
if dx + dy + dz < 2 then
i = i + 1
-- Step in whichever direction we're most off course in.
local sx, sy, sz -- Whether we've already stepped along each axis
if dx > dy then
if dx > dz then
sx = true
p.x = p.x + x_step
sz = true
p.z = p.z + z_step
elseif dy > dz then
sy = true
p.y = p.y + y_step
sz = true
p.z = p.z + z_step
if vector.distance(pos, p) > range then
return nil
-- Add other positions that we're significantly off on.
-- We can just use fixed integer keys here because the
-- table will be completely cleared before we reach this
-- code block again.
local dlen = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz)
-- Normalized axis deltas
local dxn, dyn, dzn = dx / dlen, dy / dlen, dz / dlen
if not sx and dxn > 0.5 then
next_poses[1] = + x_step, p.y, p.z)
if not sy and dyn > 0.5 then
next_poses[2] =, p.y + y_step, p.z)
if not sz and dzn > 0.5 then
next_poses[3] =, p.y, p.z + z_step)
return p
end, vector.round(pos)