throwing = {} throwing.arrows = {} throwing.target_object = 1 throwing.target_node = 2 throwing.target_both = 3 throwing.modname = minetest.get_current_modname() --------- Arrows functions --------- function throwing.is_arrow(itemstack) return throwing.arrows[ItemStack(itemstack):get_name()] end function throwing.spawn_arrow_entity(pos, arrow, player) if throwing.is_arrow(arrow) then return minetest.add_entity(pos, arrow.."_entity") elseif minetest.registered_items[arrow].throwing_entity then if type(minetest.registered_items[arrow].throwing_entity) == "string" then return minetest.add_entity(pos, minetest.registered_items[arrow].throwing_entity) else -- Type is a function return minetest.registered_items[arrow].throwing_entity(pos, player) end else obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "__builtin:item", arrow) end end local function shoot_arrow(itemstack, player, index, throw_itself, new_stack) local inventory = player:get_inventory() if not throw_itself then if index >= player:get_inventory():get_size("main") then return false end index = index + 1 end local arrow_stack = inventory:get_stack("main", index) local arrow = arrow_stack:get_name() local playerpos = player:getpos() local pos = {x=playerpos.x,y=playerpos.y+1.5,z=playerpos.z} local obj = (minetest.registered_items[itemstack:get_name()].spawn_arrow_entity or throwing.spawn_arrow_entity)(pos, arrow, player) local luaentity = obj:get_luaentity() luaentity.player = player:get_player_name() if not luaentity.item then luaentity.item = arrow end if luaentity.on_throw then if luaentity:on_throw(pos, player, arrow_stack, index, == false then obj:remove() return false end end local dir = player:get_look_dir() local velocity_factor = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("throwing.velocity_factor")) or 19 local horizontal_acceleration_factor = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("throwing.horizontal_acceleration_factor")) or -3 local vertical_acceleration = tonumber(minetest.settings:get("throwing.vertical_acceleration")) or -10 obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x*velocity_factor, y=dir.y*velocity_factor, z=dir.z*velocity_factor}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x*horizontal_acceleration_factor, y=vertical_acceleration, z=dir.z*horizontal_acceleration_factor}) obj:setyaw(player:get_look_horizontal()-math.pi/2) if luaentity.on_throw_sound ~= "" then minetest.sound_play(luaentity.on_throw_sound or "throwing_sound", {pos=playerpos, gain = 0.5}) end if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then if new_stack then inventory:set_stack("main", index, new_stack) else local stack = inventory:get_stack("main", index) stack:take_item() inventory:set_stack("main", index, stack) end end return true end local function arrow_step(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime local pos = self.object:getpos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) local logging = function(message, level) minetest.log(level or "action", "[throwing] Arrow "..(self.item or" throwed by player "..self.player.." "..tostring(self.timer).."s ago "..message) end local hit = function(pos, node, obj) if obj then if obj:is_player() then if obj:get_player_name() == self.player then -- Avoid hitting the hitter return false end end end local player = minetest.get_player_by_name(self.player) if not player then -- Possible if the player disconnected return end local function hit_failed() if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") and self.item then player:get_inventory():add_item("main", self.item) end if self.on_hit_fails then self:on_hit_fails(pos, player, end end if not self.last_pos then logging("hitted a node during its first call to the step function") hit_failed() return end if node and minetest.is_protected(pos, self.player) and not self.allow_protected then -- Forbid hitting nodes in protected areas minetest.record_protection_violation(pos, self.player) logging("hitted a node into a protected area") return end if self.on_hit then local ret, reason = self:on_hit(pos, self.last_pos, node, obj, player, if ret == false then if reason then logging(": on_hit function failed for reason: "..reason) else logging(": on_hit function failed") end hit_failed() return end end if self.on_hit_sound then minetest.sound_play(self.on_hit_sound, {pos = pos, gain = 0.8}) end if node then logging("collided with node "" at ("..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z..")") elseif obj then if obj:get_luaentity() then logging("collided with luaentity "..obj:get_luaentity().name.." at ("..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z..")") elseif obj:is_player() then logging("collided with player "..obj:get_player_name().." at ("..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z..")") else logging("collided with object at ("..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z..")") end end end -- Collision with a node if == "ignore" then self.object:remove() logging("reached ignore. Removing.") return elseif (minetest.registered_items[] or {}).drawtype ~= "airlike" then if ~= throwing.target_object then -- throwing.target_both, nil, throwing.target_node, or any invalid value if hit(pos, node, nil) ~= false then self.object:remove() end else self.object:remove() end return end -- Collision with an object local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1) for k, obj in pairs(objs) do if obj:get_luaentity() then if obj:get_luaentity().name ~= and obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "__builtin:item" then if ~= throwing.target_node then -- throwing.target_both, nil, throwing.target_object, or any invalid value if hit(pos, nil, obj) ~= false then self.object:remove() end else self.object:remove() end end else if ~= throwing.target_node then -- throwing.target_both, nil, throwing.target_object, or any invalid value if hit(pos, nil, obj) ~= false then self.object:remove() end else self.object:remove() end end end self.last_pos = pos -- Used by the build arrow end function throwing.make_arrow_def(def) def.timer = 0 def.player = "" def.on_step = arrow_step = {} return def end --[[ on_hit(pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter) Either node or object is nil, depending whether the arrow collided with an object (luaentity or player) or with a node. No log message is needed in this function (a generic log message is automatically emitted), except on error or warning. Should return false or false, reason on failure. on_throw(pos, hitter) Unlike on_hit, it is optional. ]] function throwing.register_arrow(name, def) throwing.arrows[name] = true local registration_name = name if name:sub(1,9) == "throwing:" then registration_name = ":" end if not def.groups then def.groups = {} end if not def.groups.dig_immediate then def.groups.dig_immediate = 3 end def.inventory_image = def.tiles[1] def.on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if minetest.settings:get_bool("throwing.allow_arrow_placing") and pointed_thing.above then local playername = placer:get_player_name() if not minetest.is_protected(pointed_thing.above, playername) then minetest.log("action", "Player "..playername.." placed arrow "" at ("..pointed_thing.above.x..","..pointed_thing.above.y..","..pointed_thing.above.z..")") minetest.set_node(pointed_thing.above, {name = name}) itemstack:take_item() return itemstack else minetest.log("warning", "Player "..playername.." tried to place arrow "" into a protected area at ("..pointed_thing.above.x..","..pointed_thing.above.y..","..pointed_thing.above.z..")") minetest.record_protection_violation(pointed_thing.above, playername) return itemstack end else return itemstack end end def.drawtype = "nodebox" def.paramtype = "light" def.node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -- Shaft {-6.5/17, -1.5/17, -1.5/17, 6.5/17, 1.5/17, 1.5/17}, -- Spitze {-4.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17, -3.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {-8.5/17, 0.5/17, 0.5/17, -6.5/17, -0.5/17, -0.5/17}, -- Federn {6.5/17, 1.5/17, 1.5/17, 7.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17}, {7.5/17, -2.5/17, 2.5/17, 6.5/17, -1.5/17, 1.5/17}, {7.5/17, 2.5/17, -2.5/17, 6.5/17, 1.5/17, -1.5/17}, {6.5/17, -1.5/17, -1.5/17, 7.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {7.5/17, 2.5/17, 2.5/17, 8.5/17, 3.5/17, 3.5/17}, {8.5/17, -3.5/17, 3.5/17, 7.5/17, -2.5/17, 2.5/17}, {8.5/17, 3.5/17, -3.5/17, 7.5/17, 2.5/17, -2.5/17}, {7.5/17, -2.5/17, -2.5/17, 8.5/17, -3.5/17, -3.5/17}, } } minetest.register_node(registration_name, def) minetest.register_entity(registration_name.."_entity", throwing.make_arrow_def{ physical = false, visual = "wielditem", visual_size = {x = 0.125, y = 0.125}, textures = {name}, collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, on_hit = def.on_hit, on_hit_sound = def.on_hit_sound, on_throw_sound = def.on_throw_sound, on_throw = def.on_throw, allow_protected = def.allow_protected, target =, on_hit_fails = def.on_hit_fails, item = name, }) if def.itemcraft then minetest.register_craft({ output = name.." "..tostring(def.craft_quantity or 1), recipe = { {def.itemcraft, "default:stick", "default:stick"} } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = name.." "..tostring(def.craft_quantity or 1), recipe = { { "default:stick", "default:stick", def.itemcraft} } }) end end ---------- Bows ----------- function throwing.register_bow(name, def) if not def.allow_shot then def.allow_shot = function(player, itemstack, index) if index >= player:get_inventory():get_size("main") and not def.throw_itself then return false end return throwing.is_arrow(itemstack) end end if not def.inventory_image then def.inventory_image = def.texture end def.on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) -- Cooldown local meta = itemstack:get_meta() local cooldown = def.cooldown or tonumber(minetest.settings:get("throwing.bow_cooldown")) or 0.2 if cooldown > 0 and meta:get_int("cooldown") > os.time() or meta:get_int("delay") > os.time() then return end local bow_index = user:get_wield_index() local arrow_index = (def.throw_itself and bow_index) or bow_index+1 local res, new_stack = def.allow_shot(user, user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", arrow_index), arrow_index, false) if not res then return (def.throw_itself and new_stack) or itemstack end -- Sound if def.sound then minetest.sound_play(def.sound, {to_player=user:get_player_name()}) end meta:set_int("delay", os.time() + (def.delay or 0)) minetest.after(def.delay or 0, function() -- Re-check that the arrow can be thrown. Overwrite the new_stack local old_new_stack = new_stack res, new_stack = def.allow_shot(user, user:get_inventory():get_stack("main", arrow_index), arrow_index, true) if not new_stack then new_stack = old_new_stack end if not res then return end -- Shoot arrow if shoot_arrow(itemstack, user, bow_index, def.throw_itself, new_stack) then if not minetest.settings:get_bool("creative_mode") then itemstack:add_wear(65535 / (def.uses or 50)) end end if def.throw_itself then -- This is a bug. If we return ItemStack(nil), the player punches the entity, -- and if the entity if a __builtin:item, it gets back to his inventory. minetest.after(0.1, function() user:get_inventory():remove_item("main", itemstack) end) elseif cooldown > 0 then meta:set_int("cooldown", os.time() + cooldown) end user:get_inventory():set_stack("main", bow_index, itemstack) end) return itemstack end minetest.register_tool(name, def) if def.itemcraft then -- Check for an override name -- because an ``output = ":name"'' can't exist in a recipe local output_name = name if name:sub(1,1) == ":" then output_name = name:sub(2) end minetest.register_craft({ output = output_name, recipe = { {"farming:cotton", def.itemcraft, ""}, {"farming:cotton", "", def.itemcraft}, {"farming:cotton", def.itemcraft, ""}, } }) end end