# Throwing ## Developped by the Mynetest team This mod is a new rewrite of the original throwing mod by PilzAdam. Compatible replacement for it. ## Configuration The settings are the following (they all default to true): ``` throwing.enable_arrow = true throwing.enable_golden_arrow = true throwing.enable_fire_arrow = true throwing.enable_teleport_arrow = true throwing.enable_dig_arrow = true throwing.enable_dig_arrow_admin = true throwing.enable_build_arrow = true ``` ## API There are two available functions in the mod API: ```lua function throwing.register_bow(name, itemcraft, description, texture[, groups]) --[[ Name: Bow name (in second part of the itemstring). Itemcraft: item used to craft the bow (nil if uncraftable). Description: Description of the bow. Texture: Texture of the bow, shown in inventory. Groups: optional groups. ]] -- Example: throwing.register_bow("bow_stone", "default:cobble", "Stone Bow", "throwing_bow_stone.png") function throwing.register_arrow(name, itemcraft, craft_quantity, description, tiles, on_hit_sound, on_hit[, groups]) --[[ Name: Arrow name (in second part of the itemstring). Itemcraft: item used to craft the arrow (nil if uncraftable). Craft_quantity: quantity of arrows in the craft output. Tiles: tiles of the arrow. On_hit_sound: sound played when the arrow hits a node or an object (nil if no sound). On_hit: callback function: on_hit(pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter) where: * Pos: the position of the hitted node or object * Last_pos: the last air node where the arrow was (used by the build_arrow, for example) * Node and object: hitted node or object. Either node or object is nil, depending whether the arrow hitted a node or an object (you should always check for that). An object can be a player or a luaentity. * Hitter: the ObjectRef of the player who throwed the arrow. ]] -- Examples: throwing.register_arrow("arrow_gold", "default:gold_ingot", 16, "Golden Arrow", {"throwing_arrow_gold.png", "throwing_arrow_gold.png", "throwing_arrow_gold_back.png", "throwing_arrow_gold_front.png", "throwing_arrow_gold_2.png", "throwing_arrow_gold.png"}, "throwing_arrow", function(pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter) if not object then return end object:punch(minetest.get_player_by_name(hitter), 1, { full_punch_interval = 1, damage_groups = {fleshy = 5} }) end) throwing.register_arrow("arrow_build", "default:obsidian_glass", 1, "Build Arrow", {"throwing_arrow_build.png", "throwing_arrow_build.png", "throwing_arrow_build_back.png", "throwing_arrow_build_front.png", "throwing_arrow_build_2.png", "throwing_arrow_build.png"}, "throwing_build_arrow", function(pos, last_pos, node, object, hitter) if not node then return end minetest.set_node(last_pos, {name="default:obsidian_glass"}) end) ```