-- match_craft.lua -- Find and automatically move inventory items to the crafting grid -- according to the recipe. --[[ Retrieve items from inventory lists and calculate their total count. Return a table of "item name" - "total count" pairs. Arguments: inv: minetest inventory reference lists: names of inventory lists to use Example usage: -- Count items in "main" and "craft" lists of player inventory unified_inventory.count_items(player_inv_ref, {"main", "craft"}) Example output: { ["default:pine_wood"] = 2, ["default:acacia_wood"] = 4, ["default:chest"] = 3, ["default:axe_diamond"] = 2, -- unstackable item are counted too ["wool:white"] = 6 } ]]-- function unified_inventory.count_items(inv, lists) local counts = {} for i = 1, #lists do local name = lists[i] local size = inv:get_size(name) local list = inv:get_list(name) for j = 1, size do local stack = list[j] if not stack:is_empty() then local item = stack:get_name() local count = stack:get_count() counts[item] = (counts[item] or 0) + count end end end return counts end --[[ Retrieve craft recipe items and their positions in the crafting grid. Return a table of "craft item name" - "set of positions" pairs. Note that if craft width is not 3 then positions are recalculated as if items were placed on a 3x3 grid. Also note that craft can contain groups of items with "group:" prefix. Arguments: craft: minetest craft recipe Example output: -- Bed recipe { ["wool:white"] = {[1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true} ["group:wood"] = {[4] = true, [5] = true, [6] = true} } --]] function unified_inventory.count_craft_positions(craft) local positions = {} local items = craft.items local width = craft.width local i = 0 if width == 0 then width = 3 end for y = 1, 3 do for x = 1, width do i = i + 1 local item = items[i] if item ~= nil then local pos = 3 * (y - 1) + x local set = positions[item] if set ~= nil then set[pos] = true else positions[item] = {[pos] = true} end end end end return positions end --[[ For every craft item find all matching inventory items. - If craft item is a group then find all inventory items that matches this group. - If craft item is not a group (regular item) then find only this item. If inventory doesn't contain needed item then found set is empty for this item. Return a table of "craft item name" - "set of matching inventory items" pairs. Arguments: inv_items: table with items names as keys craft_items: table with items names or groups as keys Example output: { ["group:wood"] = { ["default:pine_wood"] = true, ["default:acacia_wood"] = true }, ["wool:white"] = { ["wool:white"] = true } } --]] function unified_inventory.find_usable_items(inv_items, craft_items) local get_group = minetest.get_item_group local result = {} for craft_item in pairs(craft_items) do local group = craft_item:match("^group:(.+)") local found = {} if group ~= nil then for inv_item in pairs(inv_items) do if get_group(inv_item, group) > 0 then found[inv_item] = true end end else if inv_items[craft_item] ~= nil then found[craft_item] = true end end result[craft_item] = found end return result end --[[ Match inventory items with craft grid positions. For every position select the matching inventory item with maximum (total_count / (times_matched + 1)) value. If for some position matching item cannot be found or match count is 0 then return nil. Return a table of "matched item name" - "set of craft positions" pairs and overall match count. Arguments: inv_counts: table of inventory items counts from "count_items" craft_positions: table of craft positions from "count_craft_positions" Example output: match_table = { ["wool:white"] = {[1] = true, [2] = true, [3] = true} ["default:acacia_wood"] = {[4] = true, [6] = true} ["default:pine_wood"] = {[5] = true} } match_count = 2 --]] function unified_inventory.match_items(inv_counts, craft_positions) local usable = unified_inventory.find_usable_items(inv_counts, craft_positions) local match_table = {} local match_count local matches = {} for craft_item, pos_set in pairs(craft_positions) do local use_set = usable[craft_item] for pos in pairs(pos_set) do local pos_item local pos_count for use_item in pairs(use_set) do local count = inv_counts[use_item] local times_matched = matches[use_item] or 0 local new_pos_count = math.floor(count / (times_matched + 1)) if pos_count == nil or pos_count < new_pos_count then pos_item = use_item pos_count = new_pos_count end end if pos_item == nil or pos_count == 0 then return nil end local set = match_table[pos_item] if set ~= nil then set[pos] = true else match_table[pos_item] = {[pos] = true} end matches[pos_item] = (matches[pos_item] or 0) + 1 end end for match_item, times_matched in pairs(matches) do local count = inv_counts[match_item] local item_count = math.floor(count / times_matched) if match_count == nil or item_count < match_count then match_count = item_count end end return match_table, match_count end --[[ Remove item from inventory lists. Return stack of actually removed items. This function replicates the inv:remove_item function but can accept multiple lists. Arguments: inv: minetest inventory reference lists: names of inventory lists stack: minetest item stack --]] function unified_inventory.remove_item(inv, lists, stack) local removed = ItemStack(nil) local leftover = ItemStack(stack) for i = 1, #lists do if leftover:is_empty() then break end local cur_removed = inv:remove_item(lists[i], leftover) removed:add_item(cur_removed) leftover:take_item(cur_removed:get_count()) end return removed end --[[ Add item to inventory lists. Return leftover stack. This function replicates the inv:add_item function but can accept multiple lists. Arguments: inv: minetest inventory reference lists: names of inventory lists stack: minetest item stack --]] function unified_inventory.add_item(inv, lists, stack) local leftover = ItemStack(stack) for i = 1, #lists do if leftover:is_empty() then break end leftover = inv:add_item(lists[i], leftover) end return leftover end --[[ Move matched items to the destination list. Note that function accepts multiple source lists and destination list can be one of the source lists. If destination list position is already occupied with some other item then function tries to move it to the source lists if possible. Arguments: inv: minetest inventory reference src_lists: names of source lists dst_list: name of destination list match_table: table of matched items amount: amount of items per every position --]] function unified_inventory.move_match(inv, src_lists, dst_list, match_table, amount) for item, pos_set in pairs(match_table) do local stack_max = ItemStack(item):get_stack_max() local bounded_amount = math.min(stack_max, amount) local pos_count = 0; for _ in pairs(pos_set) do pos_count = pos_count + 1 end local total = ItemStack{ name = item, count = bounded_amount * pos_count } local removed = unified_inventory.remove_item(inv, src_lists, total) local current = ItemStack(removed) current:set_count(bounded_amount) for pos in pairs(pos_set) do local occupied = inv:get_stack(dst_list, pos) inv:set_stack(dst_list, pos, current) if not occupied:is_empty() then local leftover = unified_inventory.add_item(inv, src_lists, occupied) if not leftover:is_empty() then inv:set_stack(dst_list, pos, leftover) break end end removed:take_item(bounded_amount) end unified_inventory.add_item(inv, src_lists, removed) end end --[[ Find craft match and move matched items to the destination list. If match cannot be found or match count is smaller than the desired amount then do nothing. If amount passed is -1 then amount is defined by match count itself. This is used to indicate "craft All" case. Note that function accepts multiple source lists. Arguments: inv: minetest inventory reference src_lists: names of source lists dst_list: name of destination list craft: minetest craft recipe amount: desired amount of output items --]] function unified_inventory.craftguide_match_craft(inv, src_lists, dst_list, craft, amount) local counts = unified_inventory.count_items(inv, src_lists) local positions = unified_inventory.count_craft_positions(craft) local match_table, match_count = unified_inventory.match_items(counts, positions) if match_table == nil or match_count < amount then return end if amount == -1 then amount = match_count end unified_inventory.move_match(inv, src_lists, dst_list, match_table, amount) end